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Everything posted by BS-87

  1. You're assuming that I fear the kids will be turned gay. That's not the case. I realize people are born a certain way and cannot help that. People do have a choice in how they act though, and learning/teaching behaviors that are associated with homosexual culture is not acceptable for the Youth and Leaders in the Scouting movement. To your promiscuous ASM example, I think you point out a good reason many young people without families yet are not usually effective Scout Leaders. They are not mature enough yet to be an effective role model in many cases. I wouldn't disqualify a young ASM, b
  2. "Uhmm... can you explain what the homosexual methods of courtship, relationship progression and showing affection are? Do you mean like asking someone on a date? Going on more frequent dates, going on trips together, getting to know one's family, spending the night together? Holding hands, hugging, kissing?" Alright, I probably owe you an answer. Gay courtship is more casual, and usually more "open" with folks assuming more partners. This is even reflected in their tendency to show less jealousy in instances of infidelity. http://www.drmillslmu.com/sexdiffs/spr00/panel2.htm
  3. It seems Beavah's closest to the point on this subject, as even I drifted away from the main point earlier in the argument. The main point to realize is that we need to be respectful of the moralities of everyone. All too often, those with traditional moral views that condemn homosexuality feel as though acceptance of homosexuality is being forced on them. Why is that? It's because that's the truth and the pro-gay rights crowd is aggressively and cruelly disrupting the rights of these traditional folk to set guidelines for their children as to what is morally acceptable. While I'd h
  4. At most, I think the fair compromise that will come from National is allowing CO's to make their own determinations for their own Units. However, that may scare off a lot of CO's who don't want that responsibility or are afraid of backlash and demonstrators/protests and other theatrics surrounding them.
  5. Etiquette is a behavior, and your examples can and should be something other leaders correct the crude leader on. A smoker can just not smoke on campouts or near kids. A gay leader doesn't stop being gay just because he's around kids.
  6. What kind of goofballs are on your District Committee? It sounds like you're in bizzarro-land.
  7. Kids model their role models. Boys will try to make themselves more authoritative if they are fond of their Scoutmaster for how strict and well managed his group is. Boys will learn how to use more detail in storytelling if there is a leader they love hearing talk around the campfire. Boys also model their behavior in relationships after what they notice from their adult role models. They are always watching, learning, and adapting. An openly gay leader creates a role model who may be the great authoritarian and boys model that part of him more than anything else, but they'll also no
  8. They don't like that you're combative about program. They're kind of stupid. If I were on your District's Committee, the first thing I'd do upon hearing your ideas and grievances for Cub Scout programs is ask you to run the next event. This is in part to make sure you have a greater appreciation for the restrictions of the rules and why they're in place, but it's also highly likely that you'd run a much better program than the district has had in the past because you have a passion to make it enjoyable. I believe that's what we did in one case last year in our district. A cubma
  9. "I mentioned no FOS presentation this year." Were you disappointed that nobody came, or were you threatening to not allow a presentation to your unit? If you were threatening, you probably don't realize how little they care and have only become more successful in alienating yourself from the District leadership. My wife is the same way and gets uppity about people oppressing her, but doesn't realize it's because she comes off as mean and unpleasant sometimes. Have to remind her often that you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar...
  10. Should probably drop the Catholics I hear that people say they eat babies. Also, we probably shouldn't charter through LDS churches, some evangelicals think they're a cult.
  11. It seems you're going on the basic assumption that we need to save everyone Beavah. Trying to save everyone is a futile battle that cannot be won. So long as our communities, families, and congregations are happy and functioning, what business is the world outside of that to anyone? It's depressing to feel so out of control as we all do when looking at the national picture. However, for the part of the world we can change, like our neighborhood or city, it's actually motivating and rewarding to make changes. There's a reason I'll encourage my son to plan an Eagle project like
  12. Eamonn - There's a left versus right paradigm here your mind seems to be stuck in when trying to figure out where I stand on things. I'm 100% for investment in education. Turns out in Wisconsin school districts are saving hundreds of thousands and in many cases millions of dollars each in their annual budgets by having teachers pay into their packages and by going with non-union-affiliated insurance companies. That is money that is lowering property taxes and freeing revenue for investment in education instead of being tied up in compensation. When tax increases that benefit local education co
  13. Where is the anti-war crowd that drummed against Bush? Why aren't they drumming against the perpetuity of these wars when the current POTUS promised to get us out of them? The answer is plainly that we're all too apt to overlook the shortcomings of someone we agree with 90% because they're much better than someone we don't agree with hardly at all. Also, Beavah, when did I suggest default? I suggested cutting back on all spending except for interest on loans, the only default-able spending. If you suggest that Social Security wouldn't get paid, then that suggests that there is no such th
  14. What's irresponsible is the level of debt our government is willing to take on for investment. It's gotten to the point now that in order to invest tax dollars back into our country, we need to take out more debt. This is simply because of the mass of debt and the growing size of our mandatory interest payments. This is not sustainable. Debt is the greatest threat to our nation, and all of us need to sacrifice and cut back now in order to make tomorrow better. Saddling future generations with mandatory spending is horribly irresponsible. It's unfortunate that since the 1930's i
  15. Eamonn... It seems you're placing a little more blame with the Tea Party than is due. How exactly are they responsible for increased costs in universities, increased costs of healthcare, and making people dip into retirement savings? They're standing against more spending to avoid further indebtedness. If we continue bailing everyone out we'll end up not even making enough in a year to pay interest on our loans, let alone actually help people with our income. Through serious debt reduction and balanced budgets, we'll actually cut down the interest we need to pay annually so that som
  16. Felonious Entrepreneurship - Scouts learn the Chemistry, Recruiting, Marketing, Sales, Book-keeping, Coercing, and Management skills required to run an under-the-radar or otherwise unsavory business. Scouts will learn the intricacies of managing protection services, black market arms dealing, human-trafficking, and drug dens.
  17. I've already provided more substantial evidence to the effect of OWS being Anti-Semitic than anyone can pull together to the effect of the Tea Party being racist. The point is not that OWS is anti-semitic, it's just that if the Tea Party deserves a racist label the OWS deserves the anti-semitic label and it would be wrong for the left-wing media to not report on instances such as these and ones played today on conservative talk radio. OWS is just another well-organized tool of the shadow hands to further divide the plebes, just like the post-Koch Tea Party. I think it's disturbing
  18. There's more evidence to support the statement of OWS being Anti-Semitic than there is to support the accusation of the Tea Party being racist... Take a look, add that to the numerous signs claiming Jewish control of the Banks, Media, and World in general. Consider that many of these protestors are also pro-Palestine and you have a perfect storm of populist anti-semitism. The evidence may not be extremely compelling, but there's definitely more proof of the Occupy protests being anti-semitic than Tea Party rallies being racist.
  19. Occupy Wall Street is an anti-semitic, union paid, and transparently liberal government/far-left response to the Tea Party. Looks like "the rich" are winning now that they've succeeding in pitting Americans against each other.
  20. It sounds like at best she doesn't want to show you out of embarrassment and at worst doesn't want to show you because of embezzlement... Have the COR require her to disclose information to the Committee immediately at risk of losing her position. If that's not motivation enough then there's also the possibility for the CO to press charges... Whatever the case, something's wrong and the Committee needs to see the budget, books, and possibly receipts of all transactions/deposits for the length of her tenure as Treasurer.
  21. Sure, why not alienate rural scouters even more! That sounds like a terrific idea! /sarcasm
  22. BadenP - What do they say about folks who live in glass houses? CalicoPenn - I tend to disagree. "I think that's short-sighted idiocy. Instead of lowering our standards, we should be levying high tarrifs on countries that don't meet our standards. We shouldn't be thinking what's good for business is good for people. That's backwards. We need to be thinking what's good for people is what's good for business. It's a privilege to do business in a country as wealthy as ours. If business can't live with the attendant regulations, then let them go elsewhere, and tax them at high rates to i
  23. CalicoPenn - 10% Unemployment is not the real problem, it's indicative of the greater problem. The REAL hurt is when you include Part-Time workers wanting Full-Time work. http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article27039.html This makes the real employment problem effect 20% of the the working population. This means if you have 10 families with two parents living together, only 13 of the 20 will be considered in the working population, and 3 of those 13 will be unemployed or underemployed. This prospect should be terrifying. There's a marked difference between this Pres
  24. "If you don't think the Democrats are thinking about primarying, not 'marrying' PRImarying, Hillary against Obama, you're fooling yourself." -Rush Limbaugh I think Hillary would make a better candidate than Obama. Obama has capitulated time and again since he's lost the midterms. I think the Democrats are in need of some galvanizing if they have any delusions of winning.
  25. Gary Johnson's a pretty neat guy. He's the past New Mexico governor. He's quite libertarian. Earned the nickname "Governor NO" (kind of like Ron Paul earned Dr. No) He should really be running for NM senator...
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