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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. For many many troops the change you lament has been here for decades. The loss of patrol method adventure was replaced with a trailer and plop camping for a long time in most troops. The new g2ss sadly codifies it as the new normal for everyone.
  2. I have tried it too. I found it more trouble than it was worth. Baking is much easier with a fire. Setting the same pot into hot ashes with the same foil ring (or a few stones) with no water allows for temps in excess of boiling and real baking. But if only a stove is avail then you are stuck with steam baking. I think the fuel consumption "outweighs" the benefit when LD backpacking though. ymmv. It is a cool trick, just not practical imo.
  3. "Thousand points of light..." and we are off!
  4. Cliff Jacobson is the real deal. He is a well known outdoorsman, focusing on paddling mostly in the BWCA. He is a published author as well. Regardless, if the BSA was to go this direction (I highly doubt they will), the person would not just be a name to endorse the brand. To be effective they would need to go all in making videos, etc... showcasing the scouting adventures with and alongside the personality. I would recommend they have multiple personalities. Get "famous" personalities from different regions and with different areas of expertise. Full out media blitz.
  5. Individual units have always had the freedom to restrict membership for both scouts and scouters.
  6. My troop growing up was chartered by " A group of citizens". Parents, etc... are community members. So a service project which benefits the greater community should suffice. For example, Is there a local park, or playground that tbe parents often use? Schedule a clean-up the park project.
  7. That is unfortunate. There is a ton that can be done backpacking which is lightweight and much cheaper. Way less trash too. I am personally not a fan of eating out of bags. Some don't mind, it just feels wrong to me. My home dehydrated meals get reconstituted in the pot, I eat right out of the pot.
  8. I still don't understand why the need for a DRP. We don't have a DCP (Declaration of Citizenship Principles) and the Oath also states Duty to Country. We don't have a DHP (Declaration of Helping Principle) and the oath states we are to help other people at all times coupled with "do a good turn daily" and "be prepared". Or we could just recognize that the DRP, DCP, DHP or any others are just redundant.
  9. as far as writers, directors etc... changing their minds about the storyline, have any of you heard of the JarJar = Sith theory? It has been surmised that the Jar Jar character was so detested, they had to make a major shift. If you havent heard of it, I would recommend SW fans to read about it.
  10. attack? or recognition of human fraility and self discovery of the complexities of the universal force including man's interaction within and surrounding it. Or is it just a story with no hidden or deeper meaning except that which we decide to infuse ourselves.
  11. I have not used a dutch oven on a camping trip in decades. All of my expeditions involve either backpacking or significant portages on canoe treks. That said, it IS possible to do dutch oven style recipes in a lighweight aluminum pot. It is much more difficult due to the fast heat transfer of Al. So I am happy to contribute to the contest if my "no dutch oven" will count.
  12. I am an Eagle Scout, and have been SM. My troop as a youth did not participate in OA, neither does the troop in which I am currently a volunteer. I am not "excited" about the addition of girls. I am neutral. I am happy about ending the exclusion of gays (youth and adult). I would have rather the BSA end the exclusion of atheists before admitting girls. It never made sense to me why other troops should have a say in the religious practices of my troop.
  13. One of the great things about art, regardless of the medium is the response of the audience. Meaning how the art speaks to the audience independently to other audience members. We see what we choose to see; it speaks to what we want to hear. Art is often a mirror to ourselves, both individually and as a group. Sometimes what we do not like in the art is a result of the art highlighting that which is disagreeable about ourselves that is difficult to admit. Sometimes it is just art.
  14. I agree with Fred, but would only change those books/pamphlets to Patrol instead of troop.
  15. In my opinion, IOLS (done right) is a great course for all scouters not just SM and ASM. I also would encourage all parents to take it. Basically the participants do all the T-FC outdoor skills including Totin Chip and FireMn Chit.
  16. Hesitantly, I will step into the fray but just for a moment to provide potential illumination to how those two concepts (murder, pedophilia) are part of a societal compromise. For the first, murder is often defined as "unlawful killing", or "unjustified killing", in either case the societal compromise are the details and circumstances which make the distinction between justified/unjustified. The codification of those distinctions are what make it legal or not. Thus the definition of exactly what constitutes "murder" as opposed to justifiable (or legal) taking of life. For the second,
  17. I did not think anyone would believe that purposely hurting others is something we should encourage. I agree with teaching victims resilience, fortitude, etc... I am not sure I agree that "anti-bullying measures" are the cause of boys lashing out. There are many factors that lead to those behaviors. Teaching boys and girls (girls are just as bad at bullying) other ways to interact appropriately instead of bullying or lashing out is part of parenting, youth development, and common culture. I would be remiss if I did not mention that there are more than 2 actors in bullying, harassment, abu
  18. Teaching resilience, yes. Bullying, harassment, and abuse will always be there, but that doesn't mean we just accept it as ok, or even a good thing. Teaching resilience in the face of hardship is good, and I support it wholeheartedly. We also teach ethical behavior and continuing to purposely be hurtful to others is not ethical behavior in my opinion.
  19. Like most things, the idea of "safe spaces" has gone to far. All people should be safe in all places from bullying, harassment, and abuse. The term "safe space" is/was/should be recognition that bullying, harassment, and abuse are not tolerated at any level. It is sad that many places allowed the continuum of what should be unacceptable behavior towards others to continue, and in the most egregious perpetuated. For sure the pendulum has swung very hard to the ridiculous, but I try not to lose sight of those who truly have been victimized, and ensure that I speak up when I witness bullying
  20. Interesting to me when I volunteer to instruct for IOLS, and the number of participants who have completed WB, but not IOLS. The most interesting thing was the WBers who had little skill or knowledge of the basics in IOLS, patrol method, etc... Some of my fellow IOLS instructors were surprised that I never did WB.
  21. For me it is all about the unit level. Always has been . It matters not to me what extra membership requirements some other unit uses to allow or disallow scouts or scouters from their rolls. If some other troop somewhere is a girl troop, it doesn't affect my troop. Just because the neighboring troop doesnt use the patrol method at all, and is basically an adult run activity center, it doesnr affect my troop. Just like we tell families and scouts, find the troop that you fit with. If it is no longer your current unit, find a different one.
  22. I am also a hiking mb counselor, and have similar experiences. Don't even get me started on Backpacking mb. A lot of scouts don't even have a backpack!!
  23. No. I said the problem here is the insistence that everyone needs to follow the same moral code vs the idea that each may have a different moral code.
  24. The problem here is the insistence that everyone needs to follow the same moral code vs the idea that each may have a different moral code.
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