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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. Last year, one newly crossed-over did not attend summer camp because "mommie" insisted he spend the week at the beach -- a family tradition...they always spend that week at the beach. This year, when mommie reminded the Scout that he "couldn't go to camp because that was their beach week," the scout promptly replied..."Mom, my camping experiences and merit badges come first and are more important than the beach, so you and Dad will have to go alone, 'cause I'm going to camp!" Mommie nearly fainted! I'm so proud of this scout and as a leader it makes me feel like I'm really making an im
  2. Going before the Brotherhood board this weekend along with my son and several others from the troop. Right now, this very moment, I am most proud of my arrow. Been working on it all week trying to remove 'all that is not an arrow.' I'm not very good at woodcarving and the arthritis in my ole joints makes it even worse, but I keep trying! Yes, I am proud and humbled to be an Arrowman and will strive to live up to the Obligation in my life and my scouting work.
  3. Eamonn...thanks for your quick reply. The footlocker suggested by Johnsned in above post looks pretty good, and affordable. And, you are right it would keep everything dry as opposed to duffel bag. I'll ask our SM at Jambo meeting on SUnday. We're riding the Gray mare up from S.C. so should be room. Eamonn, I always enjoy and LEARN so much from your posts. Everytime I have a question I can always get answers on this site! Thanks to everyone here who shares their experience and knowledge.
  4. Pardon if this is a dumb question, but what is the purpose of taking a footlocker AND a duffle bag? Help! Our SM has not recommended a footlocker. Is this recommendation for staff or participants? Or both? Appreciate a reply. Thanks
  5. I went through the WB course in 2002, SR-456, when I was a Cubmaster. (I think I was the only cub leader there, and one of four females.) Looking back, it probably would have been a better choice to wait a few years, at least until I was in a troop setting. Everything was new to me, and being the only female in my patrol, not wanting to 'embarrass' all the SMs, I was petrified on that first weekend! As it turned out, a good many of the scouters who took the course have become my best friends and invaluable resources. All in my patrol completed their ticket and we each went to the othe
  6. Bolo

    Ear Rings

    OK, someone take a headcount of all the Scouts at Jamboree this year who are wearing earrings....just curious.
  7. My son is going to Jamboree for the first time this year. I'm sure he'll get a list of recommended gear to take, but I'm curious if any of you "experienced" scouters would post a list of absolute essentials based on your past trips. It sure would help an anxious Mom out! Thanks. Bolo
  8. I once had an SM tell me his troop had Class A, B, C and D uniforms. He must have thought I was an oxymoron!
  10. I agree with EagleinKY and FScouter. It's open to interpretation. In our troop, "active" is defined as a scout who regularly attends weekly troop meetings, campouts, outings, service projs, etc. Keyword being 'regularly.' The Scoutmaster knows; so should the scout. We recently had a boy who held two positions in our troop. Not a good idea, but..... the boy's family had some family 'issues' and the boy stopped coming to scouts. Seven months later, after elections, the boy returned expecting to find himself still holding the positions and status, etc in the troop. Surprise, surprise
  11. I thought all summer camps had a first aid hut? Highly unlikely a scout would need a cellphone as an 'emergency preparedness' item.
  12. Cub Dens should meet once a week, maybe with the exception of the week of the Pack meeting. It saddens me to hear that some dens do not meet every week due to "other commitments, i.e., sports, etc." My questions is "Do ALL of the boys in your den play sports?" Highly unlikely. What about the boys who do not play sports???? Well, too bad, they just miss out. They don't get to meet that week because most of the boys have 'other commitments.' You give the program to the ones who attend and you should never cancel a meeting just because some of your boys have other things to do
  13. Hi, VAordeal!! Great to see a Jr Forum Member giving a comprehensive review of three summer camps. Thanks for your input.
  14. It's a disgrace that the ACLU and any other organization that wants to sue the government can use taxpayer money to pay their attorneys, according to federal statute: 42 USC 1988 (b) Attorneys fees In any action or proceeding to enforce a provision of sections 1981, 1981a, 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1986 of this title, title IX of Public Law 92318 [20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.], the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 [42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.], the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 [42 U.S.C. 2000cc et seq.], title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [42 U.S.C.
  15. Bob White wrote: The ones that come expect, and deserve, the best show in town. One of the wonderful things about Scouting is that it IS NOT competitive. And who says there's "no teamwork" in Scouting? Duh? Give the program to the boys who show up. Scouting competes with many other activities, but look at the small number who make it to Eagle. I'll bet you find they found the time to play sports, excell in academics, sing in the church choir, play in the band AND attend Scout functions.
  16. I tend to agree with all the comments above, specifically the cost/boy growth factor of the pants. Leaders not wearing the uniform is another issue which should be addressed and re-inforced at training. It could be addressed to the boys as a "scout spirit" issue with a prize (ribbon for their den flag)for the den who appears uniform in appearance even if it means dark jeans, or whatever pants the pack decides upon. Or, a pack uniform inspection held at a designated pack meeting might also work. Don't forget to inspect their fingernails ("A Scout is Clean"). Guarantee the scouts will hav
  17. My experience as past Wolf, Bear and Webelos leader is the boys accomplish much more at meetings if the parents are not there, providing there is no discipline problem. During my time as a Wolf leader, however, I did ask the parents not to come to the den meetings. Some were angry at first, but after all settled down the meetings ran much better. One risk in NOT having parents there, however, is the problem of "lack of communication" with the parents. It is essential that the parents know what is going on re meetings, outings, other events, advancement (we know many parents do not read the
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