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Everything posted by TAHAWK

  1. In 1972, the Improved Scouting Program was introduced. Wikipedia article History of the Boy Scouts of America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Boy_Scouts_of_America#The_1970s:_the_Improved_Scouting_Program "The BSA commissioned a series of studies and developed an updated program to modernize Scouting in a manner similar to the changes of the British Boy Scout Association in 1967. September 1972 saw the launch of the Improved Scouting Program. The Cub Scout Promise was changed from "to be square" to "to help other people", as the term square went from meaning honest
  2. ONE OF OUR COUNCIL CAMP EXPERIENCES was at a PA council camp (now gone) near Moraine State Park (of flooded Jambo memory). Bicycles were promoted. Property was hilly with well-graveled, winding camp roads. The week included two ambulance runs and one Life Flight run to Pittsburgh for a ruptured kidney. These resulted from one biker losing it on a curve and two pedestrians run down when it turned out brakes did not stop well on thick, loose gravel. There were other serious safety issues at the waterfront and axe yard (like unwedged axe heads flying and chronic Buddy Board failures due to
  3. Lucky you, to be in driving range of Philmont. 😃
  4. I note the assumption of guilt. Almost everyone in prison is "innocent," according to them Typically the accused is guilty, but not always. There have been accusations of sexual abuse of children against people who turned out to clearly innocent. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2925577 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_allegation_of_child_sexual_abuse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial
  5. "How often do you all get outside?” primary-care physician Ryan Buchholz asks. It’s a Thursday afternoon in October, a warm one for Washington, D.C., where Buchholz practices. His patient, a young boy named Ariel, doesn’t answer. Maybe his mind is on the flu vaccine he just heard administered to a child in the room next door. Maybe he doesn’t understand the question—he’s only two years old, after all. Ariel clutches a blue teddy bear as his father, Fernando, answers. 'No a menudo.' Not often. In exam room three of the Upper Cardozo Health Center, Buchholz is performing a routine wellness
  6. They returned to the "How did you get this number?" culture. They do not, as an institution, see mere volunteers as authoritative thinkers on anything much, regardless of relative experience, study, or learning. "Work with" has been eclipsed by "work for." And a "good volunteer," while always somewhat off-putting coming from an employee with much less service, now has a single meaning.
  7. Orange County Council cites no source for its claim to date from 1920. "Headline History, Orange County 1910 to 1929" sets 1921 as the date for formation of the Council. occording to newspaper clippings in my old troop's "log book," the Council office closed for financial reasons on occasion until reopening for good in 1926, necessitating ordering literature and award patches from new York City. The Council then ceased to exist in 1943 and two new councils were formed in 1944: Northern Orange County Council and Orange Empire Council. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_defunct_councils
  8. Same slide shown on PicClick UK, but no information accompanies picture. Same slide for sale on eBay from Canada, but no information accompanies picture.
  9. I tried meritbadge.org and got: Error 522 Ray ID: 532279b82945e0e6 • 2019-11-07 21:42:09 UTC Connection timed out
  10. Why a problem ? We have a Patrol Method, not a Troop method. Scout on.
  11. i was asked about "competition" if there is only a patrol. Compete with, camp with, hike with, other patrols whoever their charter organization. Scouting started out as a movement. B-P hoped for brotherhood even across national borders. Bill Hillcourt was "Scoutmaster to the World." Another CO is no great barrier
  12. For almost sixty years, BSA chartered patrols. They should do so again, I think. Become a "troop' when you have enough youth for two or more patrols.
  13. My troop as a Scout was founded in 1908 in Santa Ana, California. BSA showed up after the troop had been in operation eighteen years and had, at least on paper, 61 members. They "figured" they were the forty-third Peace Scout troop in California when formed in 1908 from two preexisting patrols. I Scouted twenty-five years with a Cleveland-area troop formed in 1908. There were ninety-nine troops in the area when BSA appeared in 1912 (five claiming to be the first), not counting independent patrols, that could register as such for the next fifty years. We owe BSA for many thing
  14. "Since its inception, the BSA has relied heavily on an outdoor program to achieve its objectives. This program meets more of the purposes of Scouting than any other single feature." BSA website. 10/31/2019 Good words. Sadly ignored.
  15. BSA at least tolerates the practice of many councils of handing out awards with no attention to whether the Scout has actually passed the "requirements." The only reform in decades, has been the (expressly discouraged) option the unit leader now has to refuse to award the badge if it "could not" have been earned (Personal Management from scratch in five, fifty-minute sessions at Camp Frontier.; Pioneering in four, fifty-minute sessions despite the inability to tie even one of the required knots or lashings at Camp Mountaineer; Merit Badges with no involvement by actual, registered Merit Badge
  16. The Dump, if unofficial, is great resource for Canadian Boy Scouting. There are, however, contradictions with reality. E.G.., the Dump has B-P write : "To be a Scout you should join a Scout Patrol or a Scout Troop in your neighborhood, with the written permission of your parents." B-P write http://www.thedump.scoutscan.com/yarn03.pdf That language always seemed odd for something written starting in 1907 and completed in early 1908 at the very dawn of Scouting (When there were no ranks. The Boy Scouts Association was only formed in 1910. Official tests for ranks came in 1914.
  17. "Scouting is Outing" Norman Rockwell, 1968
  18. It was not required, because it WAS, largely THE program. "Scouting is Outing" was the motto. Boy Scouting was camping and hiking. Requiring camping is a valid effort to try and get adults to do what they should be doing voluntarily. That effort peaked, then crashed in 2017. Scouts are growing less as people because we reach so few of them The "bait' as B-P out it was the outdoor program in the patrol context - so different from school and all the other adult-run activities. They can get to computers anywhere. "Sales" are WAY down over the previous "models," but the advocat
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