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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Eamonn; While I understand your comment about believing we failed certain kids, we do not know for sure what impact even a short span of involvement has on these boys. Many adults with whom I have spoken when in a public place in uniform, such as a scouting display, or selling popcorn, have spoken fondly of their "short" time in the program, and how that experience had an effect on their later life. Surely, we lose far too many early, but every one we win, even if we do not know, is worth the efforts. Personally, I have had 2 young men come up to me as young adults and thank me for
  2. This is from the National Site some time back. There is also another on-line source I have seen, but have to track it down again. July 31 *The Scout Oath . . . On my honor I will do my best; To do my duty to God and my country; and To obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. This date celebrates the founding of Americas first "Negro Boy Scout" troop in 1911. Initially started in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, opposition was encountered immediately, but troops continued to meet in increasing numbe
  3. And really, why are any of these new requirements such an issue anyway. It is not like they are anything new particularly. A 2nd class must earn some money and save half is about the most difficult, and that is not overwhelming either. Explaining how you live up to 4 of the laws is really nothing more than having to be aware of what they are to start with. And teaching a skill using EDGE is pretty basic too. If a boy cannot cope with these, then we are doing something wrong. JMHO
  4. Difficult subject, as there are many valid points on both sides of the discussion. While I have grown to feel having girls allowed is not only logical in many ways in today's society, I still feel there would need to be separation in the lower parts of the program, especially in the pubescent age group. The girls could still be part of the program, but simply do it in their own groups. Cubbing, as pointed out already, would likely be fine with either girl, boy, or coed dens, meeting separately except for pack activities. But I do not see 11-14 year old boys and girls mixing successfully fo
  5. Kahuna; Just acquired an addition to my Scouting Magazine assortment from June, 1930. The event is featured in this issue, including detailed info on trips and what to take. If you have access to that year, you should read it.
  6. The Scouts as a "fix my kid" group is often an idea some parents have, especially a lot of lower income, single moms who are already severely stressed by adolescent boys. Lem, in "Follow Me Boys" sort of perpetuates that idea; but if you look closer, he too struggles, just as some of us have done. You are not always successful; but the ones you win are often rich in returns, both to the unit and yourself. I long ago determined I had to be as honest as possible with the mom, or occasional dad, who specifically came to me with the idea that somehow Scouts would solve their problems, but h
  7. So, I finally remembered the cliche' I wanted when is said "So, if this is to be taken as it seems, another "storm in a bucket"." I really intended to give away my age with the old saw "tempest in a teapot". Oh well. Back to fun and games. Have to prepare for a scout/webloes outing tomorrow. With luck I will have most of them actually show up.
  8. Thanks for the kind words. Here is another view from the Union side. http://www.seiu.org/2009/11/of-course-seiu-supports-the-boy-scouts.php So, if this is to be taken as it seems, another "storm in a bucket".
  9. Found myself getting really annoyed at our council office today. I went to pick up awards, including cards. We have currently a very small group, but have always been fairly small. When I looked for the cards, they were only available in sheets of 6. Now, merit badges will take care of themselves pretty easily, so sheets are not a poor option necessarily, as you will like use them fairly soon. But to make you buy 6 rank cards is simply annoying, though I realize the cost is fairly minimal, and hopefully you will eventually use them. On the other hand, for small groups such as ours, espec
  10. Well, now they made it to Fox and Hannity; guess the Union will really get verbally abused now. As always, way too much hype for something probably simply misunderstood. Oh well; as long as the scout is not held up on completion of his Eagle.
  11. Ahh yes. The first place we went after 9/11 was Afghanistan. As pointed out by quite a few, this is where we should have put the emphasis period. If we had concentrated the force we wasted, and are wasting still, in Iraq in Afghanistan to start with, we likely not only would have dealt Al Qaida a fatal blow, but very well may have actually caught Bin Laden. And we also likely would have already finished the real job, and be far better off internationally and internally.
  12. Perhaps you can answer the question I sent to him through his website, but which has yet to receive a response. Is this a new book, or an update of the original he wrote with another author in 1992? I have the original in my collection. Thanks.
  13. The truly sad thing is that now that the trail is built, it will likely become overgrown and useless left to the maintenance of whichever government entity might be responsible. I cannot count how many Eagle projects have gone to pot, or even been dismantled because no one bothered to maintain them once they were done. Also have seen stupidity reign where approvals were gotten from one branch of government and then someone else, from an indirectly related agency said it was illegal or not to certain specs. Then they razed it, or threatened to fine someone. Reality is that many things we ch
  14. While the 50th anniversary was great, the first one was the best. But none of ours hold a candle to some of the ones issued by other countries.
  15. I sub primarily for lower grades, and they always want to know how old I am. So, I put my birth year, or birthday on the board and tell them to figure it out, but don't guess. Of course immediately some yell out guesses, then one will come up with 65. They all look at me strangely, then someone says that's older than my grandma or something like that. Just makes you feel so out of date. Still, they generally are still so curious and malible at that age; much more enjoyable most of the time.
  16. Gern: The governor still is supposed to adhere to the constituents, just through his particular body of representatives, who are supposed to represent the voters. So, not poppy-cock. Part of the problem is that we have had close to a hundred years of professional politicians who have let themselves be swayed more and more by lobbyists and other forms of money. It would not surprise me if less than 20% of our so called "representatives", state or federal, or even local, voted on the wants of their constituents.
  17. Pack; I believe you teach college or at least higher grades. Anyway, I remember seeing how much middle schoolers knew about the wars the U.S. has fought, such as names and when about, and I was shocked at how little they knew. What I did was simply put a list of all the wars names which I could remember, out of order, then asked them to put them in order. Even Vietnam was not understood to be fairly recent. Wonder how the older students might do with something like that. Hopefully better, but if the infamous "Jaywalking" is any measure, probably not.
  18. Well, this was a great experience yesterday afternoon at our council office in Camarillo, Ventura County. Not only was the presentation and intent of the tour interesting and a worthwhile afternoon, but we were fortunate to have the mural artist on site, as he lives in our council area. It is so much better in real life, and a great depiction of historical elements. The original will be presented to National in February, and will be a wonderful addition to the collections. These volunteers going across country like this are truly showing fine examples to the communities in which they visit
  19. Have to wonder how much of this is reflective of the "real" majorities in the country. We all know how few people exercise their right to vote. Most polls tend to not only have very small populations from which the data is drawn, but also tend to be either purposefully or indirectly skewed to a particular viewpoint. But the big question to me is what do the 60% or more who simply do not participate in the conversation feel or think? Do not know if there is even a way to measure that, but it still makes me wonder. In relation to BSA, this forum, or other such things. I think we woul
  20. Very good to hear; one more thing to buy though. Oh well, will go well with all the other ones.
  21. Boomerscout: At some point someone may decide to challenge the Y's name; but right now they are too busy worrying about forcing the BSA to change, rather than simply going their own way and finding another outlet. The Y usually only goes by Y now; but technically, it is still YMCA or YWCA. That "awful" Christian thing may get them yet.
  22. I am curious as to how many of the suits filed on the 3 G's were actually directly initiated by the supposedly "harmed" party? It would not surprise me if most were only brought after someone with an "agenda" found someone they could convince to stand in as the "injured" party. Certainly the defendants in the San Diego cases have already been shown to have had no actual injuries, as they never even tried to use the facilities. If most cases have been filed at the urging of outside parties, then that in itself is, or should be a factor in the cases it would seem. Can anyone shed some "truth
  23. Merlyn: Your attempts at comparing apples and oranges still does not work. Packsaddle: No, you are not likely to be on the list, if I were to actually have one. I basically have been told a few times that my ideas are out of date and too simplistic; occasionally hinted at on this board. And, from my point of view, I would only have an issue with an atheist in the group if they made it an issue. The incident you noted would be unacceptable; but I again may see it too much black and white, and view the atheism as something that can be worked around in most cases (especially wit
  24. Well, I finally got offered an assignment. Not what I had hoped, but I simply want to be there. Retail Food; Concessions-B. Not sure exactly what that entails, but imagine it is involved with the trading post areas. Guess I will find out more as we go forward. Now, I may soon be able to review options for getting there, and so on. Considering a grand tour, since a lot of parts of the country have never seen; but do not know if I will want to spend that much time driving, and also if I am up to it. Also have to consider troop needs here before I leave. Now will not feel guilty if
  25. Packsaddle: I understand where the current rulings come from, but I do not see how these people are truly harmed by this. If my tax dollars pay for the stupidity of someone doing harm to themselves, even though it is illegal, or ill conceived, or whatever, it does not hurt me, except to annoy me that they are used in such a manner. Something that benefits a majority and does good for the community as a whole is a far better recipient of my tax dollars, especially when there are similar outlets for these few who feel somehow harmed that do not disallow them. My question is when did inc
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