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Everything posted by Rick_in_CA

  1. This is a straw man argument, but one that is often made. There is this idea that if the BSA allows gay leaders, that the next day we are going to see ASMs showing up wearing feather boas and announcing to the troop how great it is to be gay. That isn't the issue. It's not about leaders wanting to promote being gay! The issue is that the BSA is not allowing COs the freedom to apply their own values when picking their leaders for a unit they own. That in the past, we have seen units have leaders they wanted forced out by councils and national over the objections of those COs and units. That we
  2. Which is why the BSA has to go to some form of local control, it's the only way. Either that, or the BSA admits that "completely nonsectarian" is bunk and become another Trail Life. As for the atheist issue, the BSA has to dump that too even if it's just for the reason they don't appear to understand what the word means.
  3. My experience with parent volunteers is not that they don't care (though that does describe a few of them), but that they are very strapped for time now days. Everyone is working longer hours (at jobs they feel less secure in), they are driving their kids everywhere (school, robotics club, boy scouts, girl scouts, sports, etc.). Everyone, not just the kids, are over scheduled. I have had to cut back a bit on my scouting as work and family commitments have increased. Does that mean I don't care as much? No, I just have less time. So the whole "people won't step up because they are lazy or
  4. Our pack has no pack meetings over the summer, but we have usually two activities each month (bbq, pack hikes, kite day, family camp, etc.)
  5. This rule has been discussed on this forum before, yes it isn't new. But I think it's a great example of the failure of national to explain the "why" behind it's rules. Just look at the discussions on the blog post, and it's clear people don't really know the "why". Here CalicoPenn gives us a clear and concise explanation of the rule. But what did we get from national on the blog post? Not, "here is the reason", but "I once got told a reason I like"? Huh? Why can't national be clear about any of this???
  6. Actually with Maya you can download a free 30 day trial, or they offer a 3 year free license to students and teachers. Lots of other animation software publishers do something similar.
  7. Hey, I never claimed to be completely consistent! But to be clear, my first paragraph was not complaining about the culture war (that would be another post), but about having the BSA dragged into them (which hurt it all round).
  8. Lots of great advice here, but I would add my own two cents: joining a troop is not a marriage. If things don't work out, it isn't that big of a deal to move to another troop that fits better.
  9. Brewing is very STEM. I think this is a great idea! But you are right, there are lots of people that would have kittens over this if national actually proposed such a merit badge. But the fireworks would probably be fun to watch!
  10. So you are saying any recognition of an adult in front of the boys proves that those adults don't care about the boys? Really? Painting with a wide brush aren't we?
  11. @@Eamonn It sounds like you have a son to be proud of, and you should be proud of how you have raised him. I agree with you, it would be nice if the BSA never got in the middle of the culture wars in the first place. Then we could focus on what matters, helping scouts grow into men of character. It's should be about service to others, personal character, and the golden rule. Not about vilifying others or telling then their religious faith is wrong or doesn't cut it to be "one of us". As for the loss of innocence, I also agree with you. While I'm not sure as children we were ever that
  12. This is probably because of this: ISIL activity drives up Pentagon threat level.
  13. "Gender identity disorder" is one of the things I just don't get. But just because I don't get something doesn't mean there isn't something there to get (don't get me started on a lot of modern art! Wrapping a building in plastic is art? I don't get it.). One of my old coworkers was a transitioned female, and she was kind and fun to talk to. Her transition has helped to make her happy, so who am I to judge? Just because I don't understand it, doesn't make her wrong.
  14. @@Twocubdad Thank you for your service and good luck! It sounds like you are doing the right thing.
  15. But is that really the BSA's fault? Yes, the program is switching away from the outdoors, and adding ridiculous rules about not using little red wagons, increasing the amount of adult supervision at all levels, and removing a lot of the adventure from scouting. But the BSA doesn't exist in a vacuum. It exists in a society that is increasingly driven by fear and hysteria. NJ is considering whether it is automatically considered child neglect to leave a kid alone in a car for a few minutes. Kids are not allowed to play outside by themselves. Carrying a pocket knife (or even having one in your ca
  16. While you are correct about the number of live births, the number of children in the age range for scouts has grown about %60 since the 1950s. So, I'm not sure about your conclusions.
  17. There are things that I believe with all my heart. Can I prove them? No. Are they facts? No. They are things I take on faith. Can I be wrong? Yes, for I am human and being fallible is part of what it means to be human. But do I believe those things anyway? Yes. That is why it is called "faith". I know the difference between knowing and believing. Do I know God exists? No. Do I believe he exists? Yes. Does that mean I doubt he exists? No. I just know I am believing in something without evidence, that I am taking it on "faith". Does that make me a fool? Maybe, but I don't believe so. Are the
  18. So lots of good discussion on what is and isn't boy led, and the lack of good BSA training on it. So what are good resources on how to create boy led units? If I wanted to direct a new adult leader on how to learn more about this, where do I point him? The current Patrol Leader's Handbook? The Scoutmaster Handbook? If the current editions are no good, are older editions better? The book A Scout Leader's Guide to Youth Leadership: Working the Patrol Method has already been mentioned, are there any others that people can recommend?
  19. Good question. I think one of the reasons for the dislike of the neckerchief is that it is treated like a dress tie. It's supposed to be neatly rolled and tucked under the collar. That and the official neckerchief slides constantly fall off. Result is that scouts are constantly loosing their neckerchiefs when they are active. Then some adult comes by and chides the scout for having a "messy" neckerchief, or for not wearing it because they can’t find the slide that flew off into the bushes who knows where. It’s all part of where the uniform seems to be made for sitting in meetings and not p
  20. Great photos skip, thanks for sharing them.
  21. I find I can edit a post if I catch things quickly. I read in another thread that you only have 15 minutes to edit a post. After that things are not editable.
  22. I really like this idea! You would probably get arrested if you tried it (youth being directed to travel by foot without adult supervision! Oh My!), but it's a great idea. I agree that scouting is a mystery to many people, and doing things like this in public helps with that. Last summer my district ran cub camp in a city park in full view of the public. Unfortunatly, being in a city park meant no bb guns, archery or slingshots (weapons! Oh My!).
  23. Some chapters find it difficult to "go local". The local culture of my area are the Ohlone people. Unfortunately the Spanish Mission system did a real number on them, and not much of their culture survives. I understand the local OA dance teams don't do Ohlone dances as the few that are known are part of religious ceremonies, so they are off limits (dance teams don't do ceremonies, just social dances). So the local OA do Sioux dances and regalia. I'm told the lack of social dances surviving is a problem with many west coast native cultures, which is why most OA dance team out here do Siou
  24. So, are you saying that the Governor didn't say he issued the order in response to the questions of the people of Bastrop? Or are you saying that pandering to their fear is "doing his job"? Well the Governor just said he did it in response to the nuts. At least multiple news sources are reporting that he did. I can't find a link to a video of the actual press conference (my Google Foo is failing again).
  25. The official press release (linked to by NJCubScouter) doesn't say anything about "...since a portion of the exercises are taking place on private land", nor that "This was done at the request of the land owners". Where is your "proof" of that? So the question still remains, did the Governor issue this order in response to the concerns of the nutters? How about we let the Governor say: From the Statesman So the order was in response to the crazies at the Bastrop meeting. So this isn't "fictitious garbage" after all?
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