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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Here's one source. Others more digging is required. http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/443_boy_scouts_and_girl_scouts_membership.html 1970 to 1980, we had almost a 50% drop. No change in membership policy .
  2. Program changes such as The Improved Scouting Program and youth protection issues (perversion files, etc,) negatively impacted membership far more than changes in membership policy.
  3. How does Council plan to do EBOR's?
  4. Most of those posters were probably not there either.
  5. Less personal please. Let's take it down a notch.
  6. I think mostly we here are praising our scouts' more respectful response to the President's visit, a vast improvement over 2010. Whether his speech was good, bad, ugly is on the President not us. As for Reagan not attending the 1981 Jamboree, he and his administration were working the illegal nationwide air traffic controller's strike. Some 13,000 air traffic controller went on strike which did a number on air travel. 6500 Jambo scouts with flights home were stranded. Reagan fired some 11,000 air traffic controllers. As I recall, many scouts got military flights home. My $0.02
  7. Hard to say, President Obama sent a short 94 second, pre-recorded edited video. President Trump appeared in person and spoke for much longer in his usual style. A fairly edited 94 second excerpt of that would be a better comparison. I did wonder if President Obama had taken the long view and appeared in person at the 2010 Jamboree following his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who did not attend) days before, would Hillary Clinton now be President.
  8. If he did, he would be the first current US President to attend a World Scout Jamboree. The only other World Jamboree held in US (Idaho 1967), was attended by then Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Also for the 2019 World Jamboree , the BSA is co-hosting with Canada and Mexico, so yes it will be interesting to see who are invited.
  9. From the Summit Blog's Detail on the Presidential Visit, regarding respect. http://www.summitbsa.org/details-presidential-visit-monday As a unit leader or staff member, you can help make the president’s visit a success by ensuring that any reactions to the president’s address are, as we state in our Scout Law, friendly, courteous, and kind. This includes understanding that chants of certain phrases heard during the campaign (e.g. “build the wall,†“lock her upâ€) are considered divisive by many members of our audience, and may cause unnecessary friction between individuals and
  10. If I cut and pasted correctly, here is full transcript of President Trump's Jamboree speech from Time.com. TRUMP: Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. I am thrilled to be here. Thrilled. (APPLAUSE) And if you think that was an easy trip, you're wrong. But I am thrilled. (LAUGHTER) 19th Boy Scout Jamboree, wow, and to address such a tremendous group. Boy, you have a lot of people here. The press will say it's about 200 people. (LAUGHTER) It looks like about 45,000 people. You set a record today. (APPLAUSE) You set a record. That's a great honor, believe me. Tonight we put aside all
  11. Jiminy Cricket, must have wished on the right star. Looks like all present had a good time.
  12. Could be a hoot if he brought his 11yr old son Barron along to "run the Boy Scouts",
  13. Another prediction, "Did you know that I have hired more Eagle Scouts than ..." "Eagle Scouts really great people Really great."
  14. It seemed, programs which required kits bought thru the camp trading post were in better shape than programs which used bulk supplies on site, e.g., modeling clay in Handicraft. Or stated another way, apparently the business manager ordered for his trading post and not for program areas which was different from past years. @@Eagle94-A1 hope your are enjoying your new wicker chair.
  15. Does your summer camp give a heads-up if their program areas are short on supplies? Does your camp have a "wish list" published? Some means to inform scouters and parents who could hopefully rectify the problem, Once again, our camp did NOT which limited and even canceled hands-on activities in handicraft and shooting. No fear, merit badges were signed-off regardless! Indian Lore was chiefly a week of Sit-n-Bull! I had thought Council and Camp had learned from the 22 ammo shortage from a few years back, Just ask and ye shall receive. Maybe we need to kit supplies ourselves for ca
  16. I reread President Truman's address to the 1950 Jamboree. Though the context then was Communist nations, one paragraph seemed sadly applicable to ourselves today, Maybe there is a SM minute in this. We must not return hate for the hate which these young people are being taught to feel toward us. We must realize that they are the victims of a cynical group of leaders. We must make it clear to them that we believe in the fellowship of human beings, in the possibility of cooperative human action, and in peace based on mutual understanding. We must show them, over and over again, that fellowsh
  17. Topic moved to I&P, next stop .... If you and your unit were there, what would you would say, if anything, to your SPL or scouts ahead of such a meeting?
  18. Okay, I'm confused. US Army base Fort A.P. Hill, Commander-in-Chief arrives and the BSA is entirely at fault?
  19. A little Courtesy and Kindness could go a long way. The President's visit is a opportunity for us, the Boy Scouts, to lead the country back to some civility. My $0.02
  20. Thanks for the info. Both are always on the initial PLC year planning list but never make the final cut. We almost did OKPIK, but got nervous due to another very mild winter this year.
  21. Wouldn't it be cool if scouts lashed a tall Trump tower, oh wait a minute there's a 6 ft. height limit.
  22. I hope our Scouts are courteous and kind this time. IMO, it was a good idea for SecState Tillerson to appear ahead of President. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mbg-oxrAWQ
  23. http://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/20170721/secretary-of-state-tillerson-stops-in-wv-for-boy-scout-jamboree U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson along with his wife Brenda visited the Jamboree on Friday as part of a ceremony detailing the planned Rex W. Tillerson Leadership Center and unveiling a bronze statue of him at the site ..Tillerson spoke about the leadership center and the importance of instilling values-based leadership in America’s youth. “When we acquired the site for the Jamboree, we realized we had an opportunity to do so much more than that,†said Tillerson, who
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