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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. the ASPL really just does what daddy tells him to ... but his dad is also advancement chair, and ha a lot of voice at committee meetings ... It's a bad day when an ASM or JASM is worrying about the Byzantine machinations of the committee. You do know that some troops give their SPL a seat at the committee? More than anything, this is so the boys get an idea of what the committee will or will not push for. At the least, you should have access to the committee meeting minutes so that you can know that those folks are focusing on how to support you in playing the game, not how to make change
  2. both-and is possible. For example, our CO's troop, pack, and crew have the same unit #. All of the boys in your troop can simultaneously be registered in any number of crews. So your troop doesn't have to disappear overnight. The same committee can verve both troop and crew, although separate committees for each is more common. Anyway, this does give you options -- of you have the leadership to support it.
  3. Do you have sisters, girlfriends, and buddies (non-scouts) who want to be part of the program? Are your 18-20 y.o. ASM's comfortable with being "youth" again? Do you have several female adult leaders (moms or 21+ older sisters) willing to support you? (That not-enough-adults-for-an-outing can still occur if you don't.) In other words: is there a need? And, are your boys and their families up to meeting it?
  4. The boys have a lifeboat problem! Ask them what they think is the best way to solve it. If all 5 of them have put $100 (or whatever your monthly payment would be) down, let the boys know that drawing straws is okay. But, it's their call. If they want to sit in a room and talk it out, that's fine. Unless your troop has some deep pockets, I would strongly encourage you to remind each boy that money is non-refundable unless they find their replacement and he is willing to negotiate deal for that open slot. If any boy does not have any money in the game, yet. He's out. Let
  5. There's no merging with AHG any more than there is with GS. If this happens, I think there are two pathways: 1. BSA becoming co-ed. That's a long way off given the American's strong cultural bent toward unisex programs. The only way I see this really happening is through a concerted effort of chartered organizations. 2. The BSA National Youth Cabinet fielding a petition (to whom? not sure) to allow earning First Class via Venturing. There would be no tenderfoot or second class rank: one advisor's conference, one board of review. All of the requirements would need to be translated
  6. You are on the right track wanting to interact more with the other leaders in the pack. This sounds obvious, but it actually is quite hard for us to do: communicate, communicate, communicate. I think that's where you felt the impact of "poor teamwork." Scouting for Food is a huge challenge, and folks don't always appreciate how daunting it can be to a new parent -- even if their kids love it. Sometimes we have to adjust goals, sometimes request more manpower, sometimes give people a vision of how important this is. A go-see-it to a food distribution center or a visit from a represent
  7. The man is trying to help new crossovers for the first time! 'Fish, your troop may do it differently, or you may have confused SMC for BOR. Either way, it's not the problem that these folks are trying to make it out to be. The boys will have a fine scouting career with caring adults like yourself. Also, back to knots, the taught line can end with the last hitch going around the the standing in in the same direction as the first two, or in the opposite direction. It will hold under tension regardless.
  8. Get to know the crew officers and help them arrange a dinner in which the recognize their advisors. The recognition itself can be as simple as a toast or a song. No plaques, please.
  9. I'm no expert, but it sounds like incredible fun if you can get the right gear for the right people who are at the right stage in their training to use it!
  10. Great question. Keep in mind that even though it's messy, your fellow scouts our learning the importance of electing good, not merely popular, leaders. If your SPLs had 6th month terms, then maybe you could ride this one out. otherwise admit that this is going to be a tough 8 more months. Secondly, do you have good PL's in place? If so they can muddle through quite well without a strong SPL. Help them by providing Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops course. Encourage individual patrol activities. Mabye have individual patrols rotate who opens and who closes meetings by signing
  11. Oh, and twocub: I suppose the biggest problem I noticed first-hand was with co-ed patrols going around jamboree, but at it's core was a boy-girl couple holding hands. That's gotta mess with your patrol dynamics, huh? Just make the boys hold hands more often! But seriously it can affect crew dynamics, so each crew can set their own guidelines on public displays of affection. It's interesting to see how that plays out within a crew over time.
  12. That Venturing Silver Award is a rare bird, even after factoring in the fewer numbers in Venturing. I would encourage any young woman to strive for that award and not fret over the ineligiblity for Eagle. I am Adivising a young lady who is working on a bronze award, and the level do effort seems to roughly compare to that of our star scouts. If the equivelancy carries forward (life : gold, eagle : silver), I don't see the status quo changing anytime soon. The demand from girls for access to Eagle Scout rank just is not all that great.
  13. If an organization can't write its own application without help, that's a really sad little organization. Just because: BOY SCOUTS LOVE PAPERWORK Doesn't mean everybody has to. Membership Applications are not scholarly publications.
  14. I usually have that question asked of me by non-eagles/non-scouts. I find answering in the affirmative difficult because sometimes they are trying to fit me into some imaginary pecking order. Most of the time, it's just smalltalk. I ended an argument about another scouter by pointing out that he was, in fact, an eagle. I'm sure if he were in the room, he would have resented it. But, I needed to put an end to a strained conversation about who I allowed to lead a contingent of ours. Pointing out that he'd hiked overwhelmingly more miles than I did wasn't cutting it. Technically, th
  15. Do we really want to be suggesting that the SM be "removed immediately" based on this flimsy report of a report of a report on one-sentence sound bite, devoid of any context or history? Who is suggesting that? What we want, is to understand how our slips may bother the guys and make them feel unwelcome in their positions of responsibility. It is possible to "over coach" an SPL or a crew president. I do it all the time, and manage to apologize for it most of the time.
  16. I think there's a distinction between substance and form. In both instances, the parents were bring up discussions on content (rather than dickering about the meaning of the word "report").
  17. Depends on the Jew. But I haven't met many who want religion (be it mine or theirs) swept under a rug. Likewise, the Moslems I know have voiced a higher respect for Christians who are public (and even a little dogmatic) about their faith. Meanwhile, I've known parents who've avoided BSA because of its broad stance on religion. But maybe that's just me.
  18. While traditional scouting skills are important and our bread and butter......the modern boy needs more. I was just on this topic last night with a Venturing Advisor. Youth have access to tremendous communications tools. They need to be taught how to use them. This involves increasing one's level of: 1. Discernment 2. Time management 3. Courtesy And, maybe, a little accountability.
  19. Also, have a parent meeting and let them know your boys are on the hunt for camping locations. There might just be a family farm that would welcome the troop for a weekend.
  20. The thinking is that you're going to be stumbling over these patches anyway. Might as well assemble them in a way that reminds the scout of his career, but keeps his room in order. Personally, I think a scrapbook is the best way to go. Include pictures of his friends at the activity with the patch. It's a really great gift to be able to loan out those pages for a friend's court of honor or high school graduation.
  21. Local hikes are still an option. Historical sites are always worth walking to. But there might be an interesting business that might want to host the boys. County seats and other places of governance are good at this age, especially of the boys get a chance to meet the mayor!
  22. We want you all to learn this stuff so you can hand down on the great traditions of scouting to the next generation. Needing it for Eagle is secondary. So I kind of understand what the SM was driving at. I wouldn't keep an SPL from phrasing it in his own words.
  23. Shout-outs to the camp staff are always good (and quick)! "Everyone, on three, good morning ranger __. One, two, three .." Baseball and Hockey scores are nice. Or, if there's a cricket or soccer tournament in some obscure place in the world that you can follow for the weekend ... Knock Knock joke of the day ... Hopefully, that will get your gears rolling. Like everyone above says, short and sweet wins.
  24. Ya BP, I think we are in a Post-Modern society, so your Modernist black-and-white exclusion of certain narratives won't be tolerated. The BSA's declaration of religious principle gets them in a lot of doors. But that doesn't mean that we don't work with groups whose aims are more narrow. I can see a fundamentalist CO sponsoring both AHG and BSA units and everyone walking in lock-step for a large part of the program. (Until they join a forum like this and someone throws stones.)
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