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Proud Eagle

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Everything posted by Proud Eagle

  1. If NO ONE is elected on the first vote, a second vote MAY be held. If no one is elected on the second vote, then no one from that unit is elected for the year. If one person is elected on the first vote, then the first vote stands. This is an issue that can best be solved by better preparation. Any OA members in the unit need to make certain that the election process is taken seriously by the other members. They should do this both by approaching the election with the correct attitude the night of the election, and by taking the opportunity to highlight the importance of OA
  2. Let us start by taking a look at the purpose of the OA. "Purpose of the Order To recognize those campers-Scouts and Scouters-who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and by such recognition cause other campers to conduct themselves in such manner as to warrant recognition. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit. To promote Scout camping, which reaches it greatest effectiveness as a part of the unit's camping program, both year-round and in the summer camp, as directed by the camping committee of the council. To crystallize the Scout
  3. This seems like a good idea to me. I know the Catholic Church offers two different adult awards. (Only one qualifies for the knot, the other doesn't) I think that one of them is more "earn-able" though not entirely so. The other, the one that is recognized for the knot, is very rare even among Catholic Scouters serving in Catholic chartered units. It is done through some sort of nomination and selection process. Perhaps two types of religious emblems would be appropriate. One could be more or less "earn-able" while the other could be given to selected individuals as an honor. Perha
  4. I would certainly like to see the coarse offered in a one week format from time to time. I know that I can certainly do a week in the summer more easily than I can get off two days during the fall or spring terms. Pluss, I don't really like to make two trips for what could be done in one. That being said, for many people a week simply is impossible.
  5. I have never had tea outside the US, except in Canada. In that case I made the mistake of asking for iced tea and got some chalky, cloudy stuff made from a powder. That was bad. Most American tea is pretty simple, basic stuff. Not real great, but palitable when you are thirsty. (Unlike that crud I had in Canada.) Most of it is probably really best if made into iced tea and served with lemon and sugar. For hot tea (I don't like coffee, but I do like tea) I discovered several rather good varieties a number of years ago. There are some good fruity herbal teas. Then I discove
  6. I too would rather talk about making Scouting a better place for the Scouts. However, the unfortunate truth is that we must from time to time have an airing of grievances to better things. After all, while we may need to do a better job for our own Scouts, what about the Scouts in paper units? or Scouts in a "lets start a new unit to meet the quality district" troop? They also deserve a chance to receive the benefits of Scouting. Until something is changed an it is recognized that more charters being issued does not make the program better and that more membership cards being sent
  7. Does he want to learn more about himself and his ability to serve others? Does he want to work with others in providing service? Does he want to learn about and promote camping traditions? Does he want to have a chance to get together with some of the best Scouts and Scouters in your entire council? Does he want a chance to make new friends and have some fun doing new things? Does he want to learn about and practice leadership outside the troop? Does he want to learn how to make himself a better Scout? If the answer to any of those question is yes, then he ha
  8. I would suggest looking at the online Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense trainings. Also check out the Guide to Safe Scouting and the booklet on Tours and Expeditions. These have additional information. I think that for the 6th point of the safety afloat program the online training was suggesting some rather specific things. It said that for any trip on running water all participants must either pass a basic handling test for the type of boat to be used, or they must have a certain number of hours of supervised practice (3 seems to come to mind, but that may not be right) before v
  9. I feel certain I posted a message about almost the exact same thing sometime last year. In any case, I got this question on my Eagle BOR. This makes a good thread, and a good BOR question. I suggested thoughtful, as in a Scout thinks before he acts or speaks. Through the discussion that followed, we determined that really wasn't much of a help. After all, if a Scout is using the Oath and Law as a test for his actions, by the time he came to #13, thoughtful, he would have already done the required thinking. I think the vast majority of additions will wind up being cove
  10. Someone can correct me if I am wrong but... I thought Boxwell was the name of the Reservation and that there were several distinct camps within the reservation. The place seemed pretty nice when I was there for an OA conclave. I really can't say anything one way or the other about summer program quality. One note, the showers and bathrooms at this place are so nice it is obscene. Individual little rooms in a big block building. Give me a break. I mean really, what is wrong with the ye ole privy? The Mid-Ten people sure do know how to raise money. Everything at that cam
  11. Attempts at non-sectarian prayers are bound to not be meaningful to a significant number of people. There are those who believe that to be valid prayer must come in certain forms, or be made in certain ways, or be made to a certain specific higher power. Some only believe in silent prayer. Others think you need to shot to the heavens to make certain God hears you. Others will only pray on their knees. Some think they must stand while praying. Others think only certain particular prayers are valid. Then there is the simple fact that most people are really no good at coming up with a
  12. This isn't surprising. I know of people who were paid to provide names and personal information on people that were of the appropriate ages to be listed as youth on charters. This was years ago and the DE behind it has long since moved on, but it was a matter that they could create a fake unit, pay someone to find people to be paper members, and pay all the fees out of pocket, and still come out ahead because it would ensure his continued employment and probably a raise. When you tie a persons continued employment to something like membership it leads to people taking the past of le
  13. The election team and SM should know the results. It is up to the SM if the results are to be kept secret until call-out or other notification is given. If the SM wishes it, the candidates can be informed of their election that very night be the election team. This is at the discretion of the SM if he want the results announced or kept under wraps. However, while the SM has the option of announcing the results, I don't know about sharing them with the OA rep. There is no rule against it, but there is no provision for it either (unless the OA rep is helping the election team, which he
  14. You are correct that we don't want that. However, it is what we had been doing for several years. Since the call out was between the two ordeals available, we had to notify the candidates in writing before the first ordeal. This wasn't exactly great, so we have changed our ordeal schedule to have them both be after the summer camp call-outs. The solution is found in the proper planning of the annual calendar, not in a kink in the rules. Perhaps to get through the current years the Lodge Executive Committee should vote to allow everyone to go through up to a year after notifica
  15. Just to limit this list to those programs that are in some way official, there is quite a list of training sessions and activities a youth can participate in: Introduction to Leadership (conducted after taking a new position in the troop) Scoutmaster's Junior Leader Training (also called Troop JLT) council National Youth Leader Training (formerlly JLTC) NYLT Instructor Camp at Philmont Training Center National Leadership Seminar (OA) National Order of the Arrow Conference Section Conclave (OA) Lodge Leadership Developement Coarse (OA) Den Chief training Then there are ot
  16. There is no doubt that God created the world. That is quote I have heard many people say. Why do they say it? Because the have no doubts about that issue. Due to a combination of evidence, reason, and faith they have come to a very definitive conclusion. Now, when the President makes a statement in a similar way, I take it to mean he has no doubts. If you assume it means no one in the government has doubts, or no one any where has doubts, then you are an idiot. After all, you can find someone somewhere that believes anything. Chances are, the same applies to the government.
  17. As far as I know, the admonition is not found in the handbook. I could be wrong, but I have never seen it in the handbook.
  18. Some other interesting thoughts. The various weapons reports that have come out since the invasion have provided some useful information. They have indicated that no significant WMD finds have taken place. They have indicated that further searching is not likely to turn up any significant finds. The going theory is that is because there are no giant stockpiles left in Iraq. As to weather or not that means Saddam didn't have as much as we thought, or he destroyed most of it, or sent most of it to other countries we don't really know. Is is possible he never had WMD? Well, no, we have
  19. Providing a complete and accurate medical record is the responsibility of every participant in a BSA activity. If you don't want to provide the information, then there is no need for your participation. This year I am finally getting my OA lodge on board with medical forms. I feel certain I will probably have to send someone home because they didn't provide us a medical form. Tough. Medical forms are necessary to protect myself, the other participants and leaders, and the council. Not to mention it is needed to protect you. Also, I would say retaining medical forms would be
  20. Again, I must agree with blade. He is spot on with the Guide for Officers and Advisers. Also, to prohibit a member of the unit from voting would violate one of the original tenets of the Order, that being that members be elected by the members of their troop, both members (of the OA) and non-members (of the OA) alike. Now, I suppose someone could suggest that new members may not be well enough informed and therefore should not vote, but it must be the choice of the individual Scout. In the end there should be no such interference with the election process. Everyone should
  21. I must, in the strongest possible terms, reinforce what Blade has just stated. It is a clear and direct violation of national policy to either explecitly exclude members of the unit from voting in an election, or to hold multiple elections in one year. A troop may only hold one election per year. (A year being a 12 month period of time. There is a tiny bit of flexibility, as you could consider this either a calendar or program year.) Please check the unit elections procedures found on the latest OA Guide for Officers and Advisers.
  22. A very good story. I would even say it is publishable. You know, when I was in high school (not that long ago) there were many groups that were the object of scorn, ridicule, etc. Just about any group that wore a uniform was made fun of by someone (band, JROTC, cheerleaders, dance team, athletes). I don't know what reaction I would have gotten in my Scout uniform as I never wore it to school. A younger friend and Eagle in my troop tried to get a group of us to do it one year for a day during Scout week. He was the only one who was actually willing to go through with it. I woul
  23. In America, it has traditionally been held that all of the rights and privileges we enjoy come from a higher power. It has also been a traditional belief that religion does in fact play a role in shaping a person's character and that since character is a component of citizenship, a persons religious beliefs, or lack of them, is related to their quality as a citizen. There are several informative quotes from George Washington and others concerning the value of religion, morality, and faith both to the individual citizen and to the nation. Now, the BSA is not just the same as any other Sc
  24. I have recently heard some new information based on the 2005 BSA resident camp standards. Apperently, BSA resident camps may not host Venturing Crews at the same time they are hosting Boy Scout Troops. This means that Venturers would either need to be dual registered and come with a troop (not an option for female youth), or they would need to find a camp that has a special Venturing week. The same camps can host Venturers and Boy Scouts on different weeks. Also, if a council opperates multiple seperate camps on one property or reservation, one could be hosting Boy Scouts while the
  25. This is a case of the people planning and running the event doing a really poor job. If it was really intended as just an introduction, then I don't really see the point in the event, and I don't think most Scouts or leaders would either. That is what makes me think that is just a bad excuse. What should have happened is that these blue cards and other materials should have either been given to the Scouts that day, or they should have been given to a unit leader, also that same day. It doesn't make sense to have blue cards and other documentation if you are not going to let t
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