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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. In our council, you have a goal that is set at what you sold last year, then incentives based on how much over the goal you sell. I can't imagine them setting a strict quota, maybe its a goal and someone is using the wrong wording. So what happens if it is a quota and you don't meet it? Do you get fined? maybe chastized? or maybe they have a ceremony and rip off your SM patch?????
  2. 20 million is probably right if you consider what they have done over the years. They have installed thier own water lines and sewer lines to campsites. Poured many many concrete pads for temp showers and tent sites, had gravel roads laid, electric and miles of phone and computer lines. Cleared and improved the Arena site. I am sure lots more too. All the Army did was give them the use of a piece of ground and what ever existing facilities that were thier. So 20 Million is probably about right and when you think about it, the army is getting a bargin as they get to use the areas an
  3. While it may seem moving would be easy like they used to. We naw live in a totally different day and age. Have you ever looked at the rules a scout camp must comply with from the states they operate in. Health inspections, water inspections, food, sanitation, the list goes on and on. Since we would be staying for over a few days you would in almost every state fall under those same rules. In NY we keep district and council events under 72 hrs so we don't have to deal with these rules except at long term camps.
  4. I doubt that short of another military base you will find a place to beable to accomidate this in todays world. BSA has spent Millions in infastructure that would have to be duplicated. The health department rules would be a nightmare trying to meet. At AP Hill or another Base they have access to Warehousing, billets, Electrical service, hospital, security, fire protection. The list goes on and on. No state park could take this many people, no scout camp cout either. If they do in the end Lose the use of AP HILL they will have to rethink the whole Jambo idea. The cost of attendin
  5. Liability insurance according to our council is provided by national to the councils as part of our registration. It is a national policy for first 500K TO 1M, After that the BSA is self insuring. So why are the councils charging all these insurance fee's. Before our merger a few years ago our present council had a policy of adding $1.00 to every attendee at every event, training event, trip for medical insursance. It was a big ripoff for active troops and packs. The worse thing was they covered everyone anyway. We raised so much noise that the new CE changed it to a once a year $1.00 pa
  6. Accidents like this is why the Army has a safety rule that says no metal poles or antenna can not be closer that twice it length from power lines. I suspect the tent was not in the layout for that area.
  7. Everyone keeps refering to Insurance fee. What insurance fee is that. We pay once a year $1.00 per person on our charter. How do others pay and what for? Liability insurance comes from National at no additional charge to councils, and Medical is a once a year fee. And what book is this 2 troop rule in because no one here has heard of it.
  8. Eagle, Yep, I meant APL. I would agree in your example that he shoould count, but there are some that want a blanket policy on APL counting. We ran into that on an Eagle application a while back.
  9. The liability insurance is the same regardless of which program you are in. The is very few things that Troops cannot do that Venturers can, they can do just about everything. The only time the PFD exception for Sea Scouts comes into effect is when they are on a 20ft or longer cruising vessel. Less than 20ft and G2SS prevails. RK, Just because a trop sponsors an activity that involves more than 1 troop does not mean its a district activity. My troop sponsors a Weekend Canoe trip each year and has for 8 yrs. No district or council involvement. Last year we had 18 troops and Cre
  10. The SM can approve leadership project for Star and Life. Not create positions. No, ASPL does not and is not part of list.
  11. When we had two packs in town we did joint Schools nights. It worked well for us. It gives the parents a choice. Thats the way to go, rather than try and set some artificial boundry line.
  12. Wait till Jambo is done then look on Ebay. Someone will be selling them.
  13. It appears Chris is just an example as he would have been to young to earn the Explorer Award. I would also say he should wear the eagle and AOL Knot as he is over 18 and no longer a Boy Scout Youth. Which is the only ones to wear the eagle badge.
  14. The problem with having 1 adult in camp is if a scout returns by himself you now have a youth protection violation.
  15. It can be harder with your own son. Mine was with me when I was SM and was SPL also. Many a day I thought about investing in a TASER, but resisted the urge. But we both made it, he is now an Eagle and off to collage in the fall. And I tried very hard to not show favoritism.
  16. In our camp the Camp director would have done something about it right away, she would not hesitate. Your seems a little whimpy to me saying there is such a thing as freedom of expression and speech. Thats the wrong answer!
  17. Not onlty is it approved for you to coucil your own son, its in the advancement R&R as being ok
  18. I think this is another case of someone making up their own rules. "I asked the instructor if he had a copy of this policy or a publication number. He said it is in the "new" Driving Pamphlet." So new that no one else has seen it including the instructor? Can you say URBAN LEGAND"
  19. the7hiker The problem with your logic on a crew deciding is that if they choose to wear the Kelly Green shirt then they must comply with uniforming regulation, plain and simple. But then again if I was in the business of selling unauthorized patches to people, I suppose I wouls advise them your way also.
  20. I am also from CNY's council, and I can tell you the problem was advertising. When I took WB here 2 yrs ago, it was talked up all the time at every chance that leaders gathered. This time we heard nothing except when the first flyer came out.
  21. Another perfectly good discussion down the tubes.
  22. the7hiker I am not against recognizing Venturers for what they do in other groups, we do that all the time. I am opposed to wearing other groups awards on the venturing uniform. This is a Venturing uniform, not a GSUSA, Campfire G&B, Royal Rangers or sports group. Why would you want to wear other awards on your venturing uniform. Do GSUSA allow venturing awards to be worn on GS uniforms? NO they don't.
  23. PLEASE, people will steal anything. Camping gear is easily resold and most of the stuff isn't marked, so that makes it easier. Trailers as a rule are so easy to drive off with, and no body even thinks twice about a truck hooking up to one that they hardly look anymore. Lots of locks, Markings, and a secure place and you should be ok. Looking at the stories on stolen trailers its hard to beleive that people would leave a trailer($2500-$4000 cost) and all the Gear (est $2000-$5000) in an unsecure place. Its like an invitation to thieves.
  24. sorry, but I have to disagree. This does not belong on the venturing uniform. The rules clearly say what can be worn and this is not one of the authorized things I also don't beleive that the BSA will approve such a knot either. If they did, whats next? What about Royal rangers? Campfire girls & Boys, sports letters??? If you want to wear GSUSA awards, stay in Girl Scouts.
  25. This is exactly why we never leave out troop trailer in a parking lot, NEVER. Its so easy to take one even with a lock on the connector. Store it at a leaders house where its secure. Carry a long Chain and heavy padlock. When you have to leave it even for a short time lock it to a tree or other lage object. Leaving it in a church parking lot is just asking for trouble.
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