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Everything posted by NeilLup

  1. Hello Vince, The problem you describe is a way of life for us in our council. In addition to the factors you mention, in our schools, we face: 1)Unionized teachers who desire compensation for additional duties like distributing flyers 2)Very strong pressure to do nothing non-academic in schools due to state testing of students 3)A very substantial community sentiment in favor of gay rights Very rarely are we now allowed to make presentations in classrooms. In some schools, we are allowed to distribute flyers. In some others, we are completely unwelcome. Our units
  2. Good stuff! Congratulations to the Scout and to his First Aid instructors. When I was a Scoutmaster and we had First Aid month, I used to tell my Scouts that, considering the size of the Troop, it was almost a certainty that, at some point during their lives, one or more of the boys sitting there would have the opportunity to safe a life. And only two things were almost certain: 1) It would happen suddenly. There would be no warning. 2) There would be no opportunity then to read the book. They would need to have their skills ready at the time. Three years later, we p
  3. Hello, "Burning" represents the oxidation of a material rapidly to produce a hot plasma. Snow (frozen water) is already fully oxidized and so cannot be oxidized further in an oxygen atmosphere. It will not burn. Water will react in a fluorine atmosphere or, I believe, in an atmosphere of oxygen difluoride. Whether "snow" would "burn" in that atmosphere, I don't know and, quite frankly, I would rather not conduct the experiment to find out. Once upon a time, I was a chemist.
  4. Having my own version of "She who must be obeyed", I understand perfectly. I purchased these from UltraThin Ribbons and Medals Box 7161 Moore OK 73153 Phone 800-758-7265 or 405-794-7892 FAX 800-962-1451 or 405-799-0499 www.ultrathin.com e-mail: info@ultrathin.com I sent them the square knots together with a photo of how I wanted them positioned. They did a great job and it has held up extremely well. I believe that if you have metal devices or pins to go onto the square knots, you can send them too and they will either pin or glue them on.
  5. I am lazy and I try to be thrifty. I hate sewing and I don't do it well. As Eamonn mentioned, square knots used to be discouraged for Wood Badge staff (I understand that changes this year but only 3 rows of knots are allowed.) So to have one set of WB staff uniforms and another set of other uniforms with knots would be expensive and would involve a lot of sewing. I learned of a company that primarily makes magnetic military ribbon bars but also will make square knot sets for Scouters. So for less than the cost of a second set of square knots, I have a magnetic square knot set for m
  6. Membership Chairman Finance Chairman Commissioner District Chairman Or at least they are the ones that it is hardest to recruit people to do.(This message has been edited by NeilLup)
  7. Hello PNW, You are in a very uncomfortable position. I am not a lawyer, but I suspect that when you ask how your liability is removed, it can only be by declining to administer the meds. I would think that you can ask to have the original prescription bottle provided by pharmacy together with a written note signed by both parents directing that the Scout receive the prescription outlined on the original bottle and then your situation would be better. But if one or both parents decline to do this, you are in the same situation as you are if you insist that a parent go on the ca
  8. Hello, The original question was "Has anyone else had to deal with this?" It's a lot more fun, I guess, to talk about BSA policies and agreement or disagreement with them. But to the original question, as Council Commissioner and as Council VP, the answer for me was "Yes, far more than I expected or than I would like." The sponsors who wanted to terminate sponsorship were, by and large, schools and other governmental organizations and "welcoming" churches. The reason was that, rightly or wrongly, sponsoring a BSA unit was perceived as created and/or continuing an affiliation
  9. To counteract, somewhat, the words of BW, you might be interested that my beads have been presented several times in the 35 years since I first got them (scary thought). When National supply didn't come through and a presentation was scheduled, we came up with beads, neckerchief and woggle. There is no National approval of Wood Badge completion. The approval is at the local council.
  10. Hello Trail Pounder, Why is an appeal needed? The boy has not, as you have described matters, been rejected for Eagle Scout. Did the boy's Scoutmaster refuse to give him a Scoutmaster Conference? He needs to meet with the Board of Review. The Board may decide to do an unusual thing and go into recess to obtain more information, particularly about the project. But the Board has the authority to decide that the project was completed in spite of what this one woman has to say. However, as Fuzzy Bear said, there are two sides to every story. Maybe this woman just has a bone
  11. Don't forget that you have completed all the requirements for Wood Badge. That training will help you not only with your Den but also with aspects of your "civilian" life. It's a great experience and I hope you will consider it.
  12. The first thing to do is to look in the mirror and say: "I have not failed. It is not MY Eagle. It is his Eagle. If this boy decides not to get his Eagle, I HAVE NOT FAILED." The second thing to do is to look at the Scout from a distance and say: "He has not failed. He is a Life Scout. He has earned many merit badges, been a leader and have great experiences. He has benefitted from Scouting. HE HAS NOT FAILED." Then if you want to have a gentle conversation with the boy, communicate how much the Troop has enjoyed having him as a member. Say that he has been a g
  13. With respect, your quote is simply wrong and if I heard it at a public gathering, I would take objection to it. It is not as poetic, but The purpose of Cub Scouting is to build citizenship, character and fitness in boys age 6 through 10 The purpose of Boy Scouting is to build citizenship, character and fitness in boys 10 through 17 If a boy has a good experience in Cub Scouting but doesn't go on to Boy Scouting, that is not an incomplete experience. Cub Scouting is a stand alone program which does very good things for boys at the age level for which it is targeted. Pl
  14. Hello Trail Pounder, Congratulations and thanks on completing your ticket. Not to be serious, but, if my memory is correct, the Sea Scout uniform is the one uniform on which Wood Badge beads are not worn. The reason is that it is deemed unsafe to have a leather lanyard tight around one's neck when working on a ship. Sea Scouters are, of course, totally welcome to do Wood Badge. There was once a suggestion of a Wood Badge square knot for Sea Scouters, but that was never approved. I would imagine that might not apply for a passenger on a ship, but I thought the informat
  15. I believe that there is a complete roster of all Vigil Honor members maintained by the National office. I suggest you contact the Boy Scout Division in Irving Texas.
  16. BW is certainly correct. There is another path. More difficult for you, but one that unquestionably will be upheld by the BSA. The one person who can always defer the advancement of a Scout is the Scout himself. Let's say that you had a Scoutmaster's Conference with questions like "What does it mean to you to be an Eagle Scout? How should an Eagle Scout act and behave? Who are some Scouts that you respect? Why?" Then you might move to "Let's say that you heard that someone who, with the past few months, had done the following things." and list some of his undesirable ac
  17. Hello, Having been a young SM (24), I can emphasize with your situation. Also, I was an AF 1st Lt. and the CC was a Chief Master Sergeant which added another challenge. I would suggest that you attempt to recruit (if you don't hve them already) a couple of respected parents as active committee members and supporters. It is no criticism of you, but there is simply no way that, not having been a parent, you can have total credibility with some of the parents in the Troop. They will do their best and you will do your best, but sometimes, another parent needs to take someone a
  18. Hello Trevorum, In terms of alternative and less mainstream religions, the Chaplain's Aide on our last Wood Badge course is Wiccan. The Scouts Own he wrote and put on was very meaningful. He is totally welcome in Scouting. And to head off any inappropriate comments, yesterday, he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal with Bronze "V" for Valor for bravery in action in Iraq. He is in the National Guard and left for Iraq right after the course. His tour of duty is about 3/4 over.
  19. Oh my, Eamonn, bite your tongue. I would regard a Blue and Gold banquet as arguably the most formal Cub Scout occasion in the life of a Pack. And, if I were invited, I certainly would consider formal Scouting wear. I'll bet that the Cub Scouts consider it formal and it is, after all, done for them. And I'll bet that they are turned on by seeing the medals that adults have earned which they, someday, might earn. cub Scouts like uniforms and Cub Scouts like medals.
  20. Hello KsScoutMom, It is great that your son is having such a good time in Scouting. Good for you and good for him. Is what happened this summer a fluke? I believe so. Is there some risk in adventure activities? Yes there is. Should you make sure that your son's Troop is using reasonable safety precautions? Yes you can and arguably, you should. Should you sign on as the Health and Safety Chairman for your son's Troop? Your call, but if someone does that job, everything is safer. And for that, you don't need to go mountain climbing. Is there some risk in Scouti
  21. A suggestion for a couple of the Troop situations mentioned. Have you involved your Unit Commissioner if you have one? Addressing situations like this is one of the things that the UC is supposed to be trained to do. Of course, addressing the "His Majesty" type Scoutmaster is something that no one, not a Commissioner, DE or any other person can do well. As far as the boy turned down for 2nd class, most unfortunate. As other leaders have suggested, contact the District Advancement Chairman or else your Commissioner. The one good thing is that there is no tenure requirement for
  22. Actually, I can give some information here as I was on the Task Force which developed the 11th edition. 1) One of our most important concerns was the binding. We looked at a large number of potential bindings to come up with one which would lay flat, be durable and not cost an insane sum. The one we have was the best alternative available, but if someone can suggest a better binding which can survive 2 years of 11 year old boy wear, I am sure the BSA would happy to learn about it, if the cost is reasonable. BTW, we estimated that if the current BSA handbook were priced at retail f
  23. Greying Beaver is, I believe, mostly right on the mark. There are a few places where my understanding is a bit different but, as I am not a member of the LDS church, I will leave it to someone who is to give that completely accurate information. But as far as PLs and the SPLs, LDS units do not, I understand, have elections like other units. Rather, the Boy Scout unit is an official part of the youth program of the church and leaders are selected as all LDS leaders are -- they are "chosen by God" and sustained by the people they will lead. God, in this case, I suspect, acts throu
  24. Hello Seattle, Your District Commissioner's meeting is one key answer. As Council Commissioner, we had a meeting every month to review Commissioner activities and the first item was always recruiting and membership. We held trainings on how to recruit Commissioners and a yearly Commissioner's Conference. Adjoining councils held Colleges of Commissioner Science and encouraged attendance there. I was always on the lookout for potential Commissioners and considered it to be part of my job to recommend potential Commissioners to the District Commissioners. My professional co
  25. Boy run Troop is not an excuse for Liberty Hall. An analogy that I sometimes use in training is that a boy run Troop can be somewhat like a railroad. The boys get to run the trains, decide how fast the trains will run and when the trains will stop. But the rails are already laid out, so the path that the trains will take is decided. Early in a Troop or else when the senior boys have left and there is a new, younger crop of youth leaders, it may be that the boys only get to blow the whistle on the train. As they learn more about Scouting and its challenges, they get to take mo
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