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Everything posted by hotdesk

  1. A couple of more ideas that have not been mentioned: 1) collect used cartridges, old cellphones, etc. for recycling. recycling these items can earn you up to $4.00 per item. See www.cartridgesforkids.com and www.empties4cash.com Also if you get other organizations to sign up you can earn a 10% thank you bonus. So if anyone wants to do this please im me so you can help my group earn an extra 10% 2) selling bottled water during a local parade. we have one in June of each year and have earned about $300 each year.
  2. A couple of more ideas that have not been mentioned: 1) collect used cartridges, old cellphones, etc. for recycling. recycling these items can earn you up to $4.00 per item. See www.cartridgesforkids.com and www.empties4cash.com Also if you get other organizations to sign up you can earn a 10% thank you bonus. So if anyone wants to do this please im me so you can help my group earn an extra 10% 2) selling bottled water during a local parade. we have one in June of each year and have earned about $300 each year.
  3. In the thread that I spinned this off of there was much talk about how paid executives were rated/judged using membership and dollar numbers. Okay, so this does happen. It needs to. Their main job/duty is to promote scouting to both perspective members and to donors. They spend most of there time crunching numbers (budgets), working on program, and doing Friends of Scouting. Just look at where the pros are, Program Executive, Financial Executive, and Scouting Executive. If they aren't judged on what they do, what should we judge them on? Then someone mentioned how they aren't
  4. A few years ago we did a project for the Woodstock PD. It involved picking up rocks from an open field so that they could grow grass and make the field look better. The PD gave us some minimum money for doing this project. However, the Scoutmaster, Advancment Chair, and Treasurer decided that the boys would receive service hours for their work and that the money received would be considered as a donation to the troop and it would go to general funds.
  5. We were lucky to receive a $500 donation last month from a former scout in California that works with the Clorex company. It was really appreciated and the adults were quite happy.
  6. As addressed above these are addressed by other things already 1. Each troop should have a O/A Troop Rep that encourages the scouts to participate in service projects and to do ongoing ones 2. Concerning Pubic Relations the District has a committee that touches out to the public. Also each troop should have a Membership Coordinator that can also touch and reach out to little kids.
  7. I was just reading a 2004 Scouting Magazine and they said that the starting salary for a DE is $35,000.
  8. To keep in touch with our troop members we use a varity of ways which include: A. We have a Communcations Director which does the following: keep a website hosted by www.orgsites.com which does have an email list (we just don't use it) provide a monthly newsletter and mail out to the scouts and leaders the seldom make it to the meetings send emails from a troop address, on hotmail, explaining things in the newsletter and website B. have the PL's contact the scouts in their patrols
  9. As a newbie ASM (just 18) I have noticed a couple of things: 1. Scouts, at the camps that I have gone to, wear their swimming suits if they feel the need to when showering. 2. the troop requires, by constant nagging of uniformed adults and boy leaders, to take showers at least Wednesday night and Friday night. 3. After an older scout, two years ago, went through Wednesday w/o showering then did his Ordeal for O/A and still didn't shower the scouts noticed it and showering hasn't been a problem since.
  10. I am trying to create a useful packet for our scouts/parents. It will be a promotional/informative packet. I was wondering what you all would put in one. This is what I have: Cover-Pictures of Scouts @ Camp 1- Camp Director Intro 2- High Adventure Program/Camp Highlights 3- Merit Badges 4- MBs 5- First Class Express/Family Night 6- Camp Policies/Rules 7- Troop Departure, Cost, Leaders 8- Campership
  11. My troop is going to Camp Lowden located in Orgon, IL in the Blackhawk Area Council. The troop has switched between here and Canyon Camp the past 4 years and went to Camp Lowden every year before that. For the older scouts we will feature a hiking at Shawnee National Forest (about 50 miles in 3 days) in October. Some talks are also going on for doing a trip to Quetico/Boundary Waters with some of the older scouts/adults.
  12. Thanks for bringing my attention to this award. It seems that several parts of the Boy Scout program can easily earn you the award (but I just printed out the info so I am not sure). Sounds like planning a High Adventure activity, leading an Eagle Project, and servining as a leader in your unit all accomplish something here too. I will let my scouts know about this award and encourage them to do it.
  13. The first thing that I would say is that BSA does carry liabilty insurance incase any of its volunteers (council, district, and even unit level) are named in a lawsuit for an accident that happened during a BSA activity. The next thing is that the chartered organization only takes money and/or equipment when the unit folds. Even then if they want to keep the equipment they have to have the intentions of establishing a BSA unit in the future or the equipment goes to the council level (as it was funded with money earned in the name of scouting). I know that my unit did this several ye
  14. What positions do you utilize right now? A couple of things we have done are: A. used the Troop Guide position as a year round position B. Have a Troop Recruiter that establishes recruitment opportunities, helps scouts fill out applications, and helps those under First Class with the new First Class requirement C. Communications Leader who does a unit website and newsletter
  15. A couple of fundraisers that our troop does are... May: Car Wash (something easy enough for Cubs to do w/ parents) August: County Fair Parking October: Popcorn then ongoing fundraisers (canopy tent rentals and cartridge/cell phone recycling). Information for the recycling can be found at cartridgesforkids.com or empties4cash.com (we use three different companies for this fundraiser). If you need more information contact be at bsatroop159@hotmail.com
  16. With tonight being my unit's first meeting of the new year I was typing letters to all those scouts not yet First Class and their parents about the new requirement. Then I began thinking, BSA should is money hungry! That's right, I said money hungry. With the addition of this new requirement scouts need to have old books replaced and it provides a reason to buy the updated 2006 Requirement book instead of holding onto an older one. Not only have they done it with this addition but the have done it by overhauling the Merit Badge requirements (biggest part have new requirements). I'
  17. While the COR is attached to the Pack (communicating back and forth between the CO and the Pack on policy) they also represent the Chartered Organization on the District Committee. That is why our COR wears silver taps.
  18. In my troop it is always Mr/Mrs.________________ The only exception is for those scouts who age out and remain active as an Asst. Scoutmaster ( I have recently aged out myself). I went on a canoing trip to Boundary Waters two years ago and a couple of former scouts (from 70s and 80s) went as adult leaders. A couple of scouts called them by their first name and I couldn't bring myself to do that. Something told me that if they were willing to go canoing (for 10 days) and take off work for it that they should be shown some respect. On another note the PE teachers that we have at our
  19. The first thing is that at our Holiday/Christmas Party that we held on the 16th we called it a Christmas Party. However, because Boy Scout is non-demoniational, the phrase Holiday Party or Winter Celebration "should" be used. In way, a name is a name. No one should be so offended by a name that they are willing to pull their son out of the program. To me that's just over reacting.
  20. As an 18 year old adult leader I would recommend that troops allow its scouts some "down" time. After working on Merit Badges, attending open sessions, and doing Merit Badge "homework" the scouts are quite active at Summer Camp. Also, don't just look at what is pre-planned and carried out at Summer Camp for leadership. Consider also what the boys plan and come up together. Frisbee, Wiffleball, hikes,large boad games like Risk? do the boys do some of this? Leadership (things like planning, direction, etc.) are part of these "down" time activities. Adults need vacation, so do s
  21. troop251scout there is a similar thread on this forum from last year. Go up to the Menu and click "Search Forums" then when it ask you for information type in Junior Assistant Scoutmaster in the topic and expand the dates until you find the information
  22. Even though I said we have done this before, I am always interested in ideas, and would like to know what type of activities you would do for a join Webelows/Boy Scouts Klondike as wekk.
  23. To start off: Three years ago our District cancelled the Klondike Derby because of cold weather (it is under 0 degrees and we live in IL). Then they decided to do it in June. Therefore, our troop put together a small Klondike Derby with many of the same activities and had it done by patrols. This worked out great, the scouts and scouters had fun, and it got some advancement done. Somewhere around the same time a decision was made (either by our District, Council, or National) not to allow Webelows to participate at the Klondike Derby. Then last night we had a den visit our
  24. Service Projects during meetings shouldn't (in my opinion) occur unless A. the boys are the ones wanting to do it and B. it can't be done on another night. With that said our troop helps Christmas Clearinghouse package toys during a meeting in December. The meeting is usually either the one right before school gets out or just after school gets out for holiday break. The troop does it because the boys want to do it.
  25. The statement that if holds the title of a qualified leadership position for the required amount of time to meet the requirement, his leadership tenure cannot be questioned is found at http://www.cpcbsa.org/downloads/forms/pdf/advance_manual.pdf#search='Boy%20Scout%20Rank%20Advancement%20Policy' on page 37
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