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Everything posted by hotdesk

  1. So I have found these sources for our food so far: coffee: Jewel Express (Jewel-Osco's gas station). I don't know if this is regular or not. I was able to talk to the Store Director because I work there. bread: Panera Bread milk: Dean's Milk and gift cards (smaller amounts) from Jewel-Osco and Wisted's. A few people mentioned that restraunts may donate things. What restraunts would be willing to donate?
  2. SequoiaWDL what did you mean when you said "Even Wal-Mart if you dare"?
  3. As a 20 year old adult leader I agree with Beavah. Ask the Senior Patrol Leader what he thinks should happen. He'll probably give you the answer that you're looking for. I would support removing him from the position of Senior Patrol Leader because this type of thing will have an impact on his creditablity. Also the way our Discipline Plan is setup the committee would be the group to discuss this type of thing. Not because the scout is the Senior Patrol Leader, but because the scout is a scout.
  4. My question for highcountry is where did you find the food distributors numbers and who did you talk to? For eolesen what problems did you have with charging for unsold unreturned tickets? This was brought up by our Troop Committee and was left to my decision (as the Dinner Chairman). Other additional comments: 1. We already have a certified foodservice person to coordinate the kitchen. He will be securing the Health Food Permit. 2. anarchist each family is being asked to donate baking goods for the dinner. we will go ahead and bake the deserts the night before. We don't w
  5. The comment meant that any tickets that go unsold (by the due date) must be returned to the troop. If they are not returned then the scout must pay for the ticket. We are not asking for a cash donation. The letters for both the silent auction and for food donation requests items or gift certificate donations only.
  6. So I am chairing a Spaghetti Dinner for my troop. I have recruited coordinators for; Ticket Sales, Silent Auction, and Promotion/Advertising. The dinner is December 14. I went to our local grogcery stores to secure donations for food items. I work for one and they were only willing to donate $20. Another donated $10. Super Wal-Mart won't discuss it until at least today (but should I expect much more?). Bread will be donated by Panera Bread. Scouts were issued 10 tickets at the last meeting. The price is $5 for adults, $2 for kids under 10, and $12 for families (size of 3-5). The sco
  7. The forms that must be filed for rank advancement with Boy Scouts requires signatures of a few committee members verifing that the Scout past his Board of Review. What did your past Scoutmaster do in this regard?
  8. The requirement is activities not outings. In our troop some troop fundraiser (Fair Parking, dinners/breakfasts, water sales, etc), patrol/troop service projects, campouts, day trips (hikes, biking, muesum vists) all count. Anything that the troop or patrol participates in outside of a meeting.
  9. My point is that advancement is a part of scouting, not the prime focus. The program is here to develop overall knowledge, skills, and abilities in leadership, citizenship, and stewardship. Don't get me wrong, when a scout wants to advance we should consider it important, at least for them. In a publication from the Blackhawk Area Council titled "The Scoutmaster II" who was written by a Scoutmaster of 20 years and a member of our Council Executive Board it states that one of the top three reasons 15 year olds left scout was that they were not challenged. Some scouts will find
  10. There are a few things that being in Scouts can teach a young man: 1.Working toward a common goal When a patrol meets they are working toward some common goal. In the work place everyone has a common goal that they share. Being in a patrol will help a young man learn how to identify his and others strengths and weaknesses. It will then teach them how to use this strengths and weaknesses. 2.Making Presentations In the work place people are expected to share their results and make presentations. In scouting scouts make presentations. The Senior Patrol Leader presents
  11. Barry: this discussion was not meant to explain the importance of Eagles, simply the importance of the program. The answer to my first question is explained at the end of the post: The most important thing is to get scouts into the program. After that it is about making it fun for each individual scouts and having them reach their personal goals. Each scout will be impacted by the program regardless of their end rank. I guess another question to answer is: Do you have a better experience when you reach your personal goals or when you fail to reach them? My b
  12. GernBlansten there is a role for people who work with Advancement. There is diffently a need for an Advancement Coordinator, Life to Eagle Coordinator, and others. I'm sure that in your position you don't get to work with every single scout who has, at one time, registered with your unit. Do you get upset or overly concerened about this? Hopefully not. You're there to help those that are approaching the top of the summit. There to encourage those you just need an extra boost. I'm sure that you know that and therefore aren't upset at the scouts that don't make it to Life or Eagle.
  13. In the thread that this was spun off of there was a lot of talk about advancement. There was discussion about whose goal should it be, the adults or the scouts? There was discussion about pushing it to hard and causing scouts to loose interest. My question is can you learn and change by simply being in Boy Scouts or do you have to reach Eagle? Something to help us think and answer this question is a simple composition: Out Of 100 Scouts... Of any one hundred boys who become scouts, it must be confessed that thirty will drop out in their first year. Perhaps this may be regar
  14. Scouts, as students and memembers of other organizations, already have tons of fundraisers where they are expected to sell!!! We as adults overuse fundraisers that sell something, because they are easier for us to coordinate. Scouts use popcorns, elementary school PTOs use wrapping paper, Student Council sells multiple things. We need to think of other things that we can do. Our troop has 2 fundraisers that go into the general troop account. These are 1. cartridge recycling and 2. canopy rentals. The adults seem to organize these two and therefore we are okay with 100% of the proceeds g
  15. Whose really requiring the Scoutmaster to push advancement? The requirements for both the Scoutmaster's Key and the Scoutmaster's Award of Merit include rank advancement. They also include earning the Quality Unit Award, which includes rank advancement. We are setting up the leaders to consider advancement. The other place that we push advancement is during recruitment of Webelos. A den is visting two different troops that meet in the same town and during the same time. However, Troop 1: the scouts are all under First Class. It is clear that they are having fun and are bond
  16. It is true that the more you improve the program you offer the more your attendance will increase. We have diffently improved our program and outings during the past 10 years that I have been in my troop and I have certainly saw an increase in recruitment and attendance percentage. our troop does not require 100% attendance. We do track attendance to all activities. However, if a scout is going to miss an activity, meeting or other troop function it is expected that they call their Patrol Leader, and, if they cannot get ahold of the PL, then the Senior Patrol Leader. When they call they
  17. I turned 18 2 years ago. I lead my troop in popcorn sales every year that we participated. I earned "Scout Dollars". The only prize that our troop offered (we didn't work with Trail Ends regarding their incentives, instead kept more of the money) was the Council Prize. The Council prize was based on dollar amounts and at $1300 gave you a choice between a $200 Savings Bond or a free week at camp. From my personal experiences the following holds true 1.Scouts are not motivated to sell popcorn. 2.Most of the sales come from parents when the sell to coworkers 3.Another large part of
  18. There is a difference between a district volunteer and a unit volunteer and even more so when something is printed and distrubted to multiple units. That difference is that district volunteers work under the direction of a paid executive who is constantly trained about the policies and guidelines of Boy Scouts. Unit volunteers work under the direction of a unit committee and, possibly (although for most it seems not likely), the direction of a chartered organization head. I doubt that there are very many who understand all of the laws that govern the IRS, tax collection, and the
  19. The quoted section states that "The funds can also be used for the payment of Scouting related purchases that need to be made for the fulfillment of a Scouting activity. This can be for uniforming, needed equipment, provisions for a trip, and other items. All these expenses must be directly related to the Scouting program." Stated is that it may be used for needed equipment that is needed for the fulfillment of a Scouting activity. A backpack for a hiking trip would be needed equipment to fulfill a scouting activity. A canoe paddle for a canoe trip would be necessary. I know
  20. In our unit scouts are given opitions inregards to remaining scout account money: 1)If they transfer---in the next thirty days the Troop Treasurer must have received a letter asking that the monies be transfered to the new unit. Any money in their Scout Account is transferred. 2)If they age out---the money can be transfered from their account into the account of a younger brother. 3) If neither of the above two happen the money is allotted back to the troop''s general account. In regards to the use of Scout Account money for personal equipment and uniforming most Distric
  21. SPL: "Mr. Scoutmaster Jon hasn''t showed up to a couple of meetings. He''s the Scribe, so Dillon, the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, did the attendance." In the other scenario''s presented there is only 1 opition. Call the Scribe and find out why he isn''t coming to meetings. When you find out that he''s having difficulty with homework and has had to miss meetings to get some extra tutoring you say okay and invite him back when he has some free time. Meanwhile, your Assistant Senior Patrol Leader continues to track attendance and perhaps even take the offical notes during the Patr
  22. " That means when you run into the problems of scouts not performing as you would expect, you either have to learn a different way of counseling and guiding, or you have to lower your expectations. " Why would you lower the expectations? This does not make sense to me. Each position has several responsiblities. My concern is not about getting each responsiblity to meet your expectations, but to get each responsiblity performed. If each responsiblity is not being performed then the position is not being fullfilled. Guidance and direction can only do so much. There comes a time where
  23. Okay, so the overhelming opinion is that the evaluation is not something that should be supported. How, then, do you get all the scouts you put into positions to actively fullfill their position. Is it something along the lines of if the scouts don''t at first fullfill their position they are not put into a new one until the promise to do better? I hardly believe that everyone else''s troop gets all their scouts to perform their jobs.
  24. As I informed everyone in my pervious post I am an Assistant Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster of our troop gives that Scoutmaster Report that is detailed in the Troop Committee Guidebook: pg. 33 "Reports Scoutmaster (troop progress, actions of patrol leader''s council, disciplinary problems, attendance, monthly outing plans, other troop needs)" According to the Troop Committee Guidebook the "committee interacts with the patrol leader''s council through the Scoutmaster." It does not mention anything about the Senior Patrol Leader. The evaluations are done by the Ass
  25. I don''t know if there is anything scouting related for this requirement online, but I think I might come up with something for our scouts to complete.
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