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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/23 in Posts

  1. I also find the merger of scouting honor society and Native American historical society to be a poor fit. I can see why it worked in the past but imo it just doesn’t any more. were I in charge with a magic wand, I’d rework the ceremonies and such around historic scouters (BP, seton, Goodman, green bar bill, etc). We’ve been around long enough to have our own history without having to borrow from someone else.
    2 points
  2. I don't think Little League is even a thing anymore. It's all Elite BB around here now. Start em off young with the intention of a long term commitment. And that's a parent decision. Despite what the kid wants.
    1 point
  3. Parent of a potential scout who is still getting to know the adults and doesn;t trust us yet with their child's first camp out?
    1 point
  4. Mostly true; some awards are obscure, I have one that seems to be very rare and my registrar does not know how to enter it into my record; the registrar acknowledges that I have it, that my physical paperwork is correct; however, the registrar has no idea how to enter it into the system now that scoutnet is gone.
    1 point
  5. Speaking of universal values, all of Baden Powell’s published versions of the scout oath opened: On my honour I promise that I will do my duty to God …. In the context of his time, and with the role he played in the British empire, he chose a term that would not refer to the named deity of any particular religion. He might have also been familiar with “non-theistic” as a category that had begun to be first used in literature the previous century. The term “God” (yes, with a capital G) is not Christian. (Anyone who doubts that should invite their neihborhood Jehovah’s witness over f
    1 point
  6. The OA seems to operate on a lot of nostalgia and adults who cite the way things used to be. My sons, who both completed their Ordeal, both said it seemed like a clique, and both opted not to do brotherhood - preferring to focus their time with their friends in the Troop. With the limited funding and volunteers the BSA has, it needs to simplify itself and focus on its core priority - the Scouts in the Troops. As the survey questions listed there are many areas in the OA that need to be reviewed to ensure respect and honor. A significant revamp is needed, or starting new.
    1 point
  7. I do not mean this as an insult, but there is nothing in my own personal experience with Scouting (I joined in 1975) that leads me to believe that BSA is the right organization to handle a sensitive issue like this successfully. I mean that from National to local. I don't doubt that some professionals and volunteers could navigate this minefield successfully, but, again, my own personal experience leads me to disbelieve that such success would be across the board. I know National can't do it, and inconsistent results across councils or districts, or among different MBCs, will just cause BSA
    1 point
  8. Neither the BSA nor the OA has a purpose or mission as a Native American Heritage Society. I love what the OA is at heart, and it has nothing to do with any real Native American lore. I say ditch it, and walk away. Structure it around the colonial period and a call to service for freedom. I can think my way through that set up easily.
    1 point
  9. I personally am ok with either path, even if I preference for one of them. A lot of the current approaches seems to very ad hoc instead of routinized. That might work for past times, but now one council or lodge being inappropriate can show up on YouTube and give the whole organization a black eye (micosay looking at you)
    1 point
  10. Ours has a council fee it’s equal to what the National fees are paid at once but presented to families that it’s only $XX per month kinda like the NPR campaigns of old (only this much a day)
    1 point
  11. @Momleader I concur with @RichardB. I would work with council to create a smaller twilight camp in your area. There is a lot of liability involved, and you do not want that on you, that is what councils are for. In my neck of the woods, the districts are so large now, that each district has multiple day camps/twilight camps that correspond to the old district boundaries. We only have 3 packs remaining in the area.
    1 point
  12. @Momleader it's not within your charter to partner with other units for a day camp. That is a function of the council. Suggest you partner with your council to facilitate the experience.
    1 point
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