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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/19 in all areas

  1. We had one very eager to rank up. He was looking for a BOR and I asked about troop activities. He said he went on the raft trip, went climbing with the troop, did the five mile hike, and took a hike to an outpost, and had been to summer camp. I had to explain him that as all the list of activities; raft trip, climbing, five mile hike, and hike to an outpost; took place while at summer camp, that was only one troop activity...summer camp. Each thing he did while at summer camp was not in fact a separate activity. We discussed that the intent of the requirement was to have scouts be involv
    3 points
  2. Putting a little spin on this thread. My daughter arrived at the PTC today to start her summer job at the Craft Center. She thought she had everything she needed before arriving, but NO!! She's been there 12 hrs and I have a 'please send me list'. Namely she needs a folding step stool - she and her tentmate are too short to reach the light switch on the light in their tent. Go figure 5'6" is too short to reach the switch. To everyone going to Philmont this summer, either the Training Center or Trekking, know that your staff has/is arriving and working hard to make your trip one to remembe
    2 points
  3. I just know y'all want to catch a plane heading to sunny Foz do Iguacu, Brazil for the week of January 4 - 10, 2020. That's when JamCam --- a combination Jamboree and Camporee --- will gather scouts from across the Americas. Here's the info: https://www.scouting.org/international/events/jamcam-2020/
    1 point
  4. Sketchy places come up fast. Even with an appropriately trained adult, one can easily miss cues. I didn't learn about online water gauges until I was in my 40s! God rest her and comfort her family.
    1 point
  5. Three and a half weeks till I arrive. Spending one night at PTC before heading to Rayado Ridge for two weeks. I'll try to stop in to craft center and say hi.
    1 point
  6. Why I am an advocate of beginning the transition to Boy Scouts as soon as they become Webelos, just as the program was intended. Start giving them more independence, lewt them camp a few times with a troop, LET THEM HAVE MORE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES AND LET THE PARENTS SIT BACK (emphasis). I have seen the difference between packs that begin the process early compared to late. IT IS HUGE! Ebery single Scout in my oldest son's den from 5 that was in his old troop is still involved in Scouting save one. And he moved and I have not been able to keep up. Compared to the other pack t
    1 point
  7. An interesting web site is "Art of Manliness". They have some excellent discussions and ideas for boys to investigate on their paths to manhood. One of my favorite articles there is 23 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do" https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/23-dangerous-things-let-kids/ (None of 'em are really dangerous at all...) BTW: I would add to the list of skills that boys should be allowed to forage for food.
    1 point
  8. We dont allow the scouts to have phones in camp, they stay in the car. Before we go to camp the SPl talks about the no phone policy and always mentions one of the reason why is because we don't want first years calling home. So even if the older scouts sneak a phone they know not to share it. I am really good at getting first year scouts to rat out scouits with phones, it only works the first year though
    1 point
  9. Here is the ceremony from our chapter. Since the ceremony is performed in public, I see no need to post in the safeguarded area. I hope this helps: Broken Arrow Ceremony Introduction: This ceremony is a final tribute to a deceased Arrowman who served others cheerfully and embodied the Scout Oath and Scout Law in his daily life. At the request, or with the consent, of the deceased’s family, it is performed at the wake or funeral home. The Lodge and/or Chapter Advisor, Chief, and acting Allowat Sakima and Meteu should offer appropriate condole
    1 point
  10. Looks like the stove will need to wait. Mrs. Eagle94-A1 was NOT happy in the least. this would be my 4th backpacking stove (6th if you include the homemade ones i do NOT use on Scout trips) and she does not see a need for yet another stove. The only way I could get it was to use a gift card I had. WELL the local place I have a card does not carry stoves anymore, just the canisters. Oh well.
    0 points
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