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In Westchester PA, EVERYONE has a "Holiday" Tree

Guest OldGreyEagle

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Guest OldGreyEagle



See, a townsquare where even Merlyn and Ed could be happy together


not sure why the link isnt working, copy it to your web browser and click on the "Tree of Knowledge" link. Seems like a good compromise(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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hmmmm...dipping into the tar bucket, hehehehe.. :)


Some of us agnostics (me and a few others), and atheists(several of my friends) are working Toy for Tots with our Christian buddies ....often followed with a rondy at the pub for a round of adult beverages...


nothing like a pack of godless liberals enjoying life, and bringing a bit of joy to less fortunate wee ones during the Christmas season, hey... ;)


btw....a great Christmas season to one and all



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Without trying to recount the history of the holiday of Christmas and its many celebratory rituals (visits to Kmart?), I'd like to point out that many 'Christian' religions regard such celebrating as 'vain displays', and unworthy of the faith. Mennonites, Quakers, Hutterites, Jehovahs Witnesses, Amish and others certainly recognize and remember Jesus' birth, but note that no one day should be considered "holier" than another. All are God's creation and therefore everyday must be worthy of note in our actions and worship if we are to be loyal to His teachings and example.


But the tree smells nice in the house and it is better to look at than the TV set it replaces in the corner of the living room. All things in moderation. And the Sabbath was created for man.

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Gold Winger writes:

Just goes to show that atheists are spoilers. Like little children they cry out, "I don't want to play your game but I'll ruin it for you anyway."


Just goes to show that atheists exercising their first amendment rights are considered to be ruining it for Gold Winger. Too damn bad for you, eh?




In a statement, Carol Aichele, chairman of the county commissioners, said, "The commissioners set the policy for winter holiday displays, giving all community groups an opportunity to erect a winter holiday display - as long as it doesn't cause anyone viewing the display to believe that the county endorses one particular religion.


"The request from the Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia is for a 'Tree of Knowledge' - a 20-foot tree that will display book covers. This organization applied for permission in the same way that other organizations did, and met all the design, safety and insurance requirements. It will be displayed along with the Christmas Tree, the Creche and the Menorah."


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""Some Christians Shun Christmas and Its Trappings"

by Jacqueline L. Salmon, Staff writer




For some Christians, Christmas is just another day.

"It's not in the Bible", said Arnold Hampton, 58, minister of the United Church of God Columbia, who hasn't celebrated the holiday since 1966. "Jesus never mentioned it".


# # # #


Gives one pause....


In the mean time, y'all have a happy Jesus birthday...


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In the "Things You Didn't Learn in School (because no one dared to teach it to you)" category:


After the Revolutionary War, Christmas was not celebrated much in the United States because it was considered a British Holiday. It really didn't come back in favor again until the 1820's.


Harriet Beecher Stowe included a character in her 1850 book "The First Christmas in New England" that complains that the true meaning of Christmas was lost in a shopping spree.


Happy Holidays everyone.



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Ed lies:

Nah! Merlyn would try to stop the singing of any song that has God in it!




Got that?




Gold Winger, atheists tend to win lawsuits on church & state issues. I don't think that makes atheists look like idiots or babies. In fact, I think the idiots are the ones who don't understand the first amendment.

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Well, as long as we're posting things that we know will be deleted, (oh c'mon, yes this is what I get for taking the Holiday off, BTW, I will leave GW's post, not because I agree with it, but in memory of NJCubDad, who had an interesting take on leaving posts. OGE P>(This message has been edited by Merlyn_LeRoy) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)

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