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LA Police and Fire depts. to end Explorer programs


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I agree with Lisa. And as soon as we lowly volunteers get a vote, I'll cast one.


Involve yourself. Do so at District and at Council levels. Someday, you may get a chance to be involved at Regional and National levels.


I know the President of my faith community's Scouter organization. He sits the National religious relationships committee. His vote makes policy, and I have a chance to directly share my concerns with him, as do others in our organization (that would be you, Ken).


I also know a Regional Associate Adviser to OA. I can ask about policy with him as well.


So, I don't buy this fully.

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BadenP writes:

Merlyn this whole topic further proves to me you are nothing but a glorified TROLL


Wrong, but for you that's par.


skeptic writes:

You are now doing what you so often accuse others of doing. Find anything that can prove that I ever made such a statement or comment about schools and atheists.


Here's a thread again talking about public schools chartering BSA units that exclude atheists:


Or, maybe the people in the school simply hoped the PC stuff would not be an issue, and the 99% positive element of the program could happen. They, perhaps weighed the positives and negative(s, then felt the positives "far" out weighed the negatives; and a large group of parents wanted it. Oh, I am sorry, we need to ignore that group, as they just want what they see as "best" for "their" kids.


Right there, you advocated that public schools ought to be able to run "no atheists" private clubs.


While I may think the move does more harm than good, it is the legal ruling and therefore applicable. It was not applicable when some schools, with the backing of your favorite organization, were not given equal access to the use; and that too was brought to a legal ruling that must be met, even though some think it unfair for some reason.


What are you talking about?? There is no "equal access" issue here. EVERY program that a public school conducts must be open to students regardless of the student's religious views; a public school chartering a pack or a troop is NOT open to all students regardless of the student's religious views, so the school can't do that.


But, as has been noted numerous times; you have no desire to EVER admit an error,


What errors are you talking about?


or to accept that sometimes things take time to come to conclusions acceptable to all,


I'll certainly admit to that; however, I will not wait for civil rights violations to, maybe, be cleared up someday by an organization that discriminates against atheists. I will force the issue, and end it as soon as possible.


even the "terribly majority".


I have no fewer rights that the majority.

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Here's a thread again talking about public schools chartering BSA units that exclude atheists:



Or, maybe the people in the school simply hoped the PC stuff would not be an issue, and the 99% positive element of the program could happen. They, perhaps weighed the positives and negative(s, then felt the positives "far" out weighed the negatives; and a large group of parents wanted it. Oh, I am sorry, we need to ignore that group, as they just want what they see as "best" for "their" kids.




Right there, you advocated that public schools ought to be able to run "no atheists" private clubs. "


Actually Merlyn, I was simply making a comment. No where did I say the decision to have the unit was right, based on the current law; rather I said that the people who tried it simply took into account the "large majority" who felt it was a good fit, somehow not realizing that they were injuring someone egregiously by doing something good for their kids. Taking things out of context does not prove anything. Again, you trumpet your selfish, egocentric self. Your right, but a truly sad individual, from my perspective.


Your response is of course exactly what I expected. Continue with your diatribe. I will tune into something less strident.

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Actually Merlyn, I was simply making a comment. No where did I say the decision to have the unit was right, based on the current law;


And I haven't claimed you've said that.


rather I said that the people who tried it simply took into account the "large majority" who felt it was a good fit, somehow not realizing that they were injuring someone egregiously by doing something good for their kids.


With the implication that these groups of people ought to be able to do so, if 99% of them want to and the only issues would be that "PC stuff."

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Say what you will Leroy but I and everyone in this forum view you as nothing more than an invasive nuisance that obviously has an axe to grind against scouting. I am sure if we could investigate you we would find a plethora of faults with you, but since we can not you continue to fan the flames which makes you like a parasite and in this forum an outlandish TROLL. So attack if you will but that doesn't change the fact you are indeed a pitiful little troll.

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Say what you will Leroy but I and everyone in this forum


You speak for everyone in this forum? Since when? And wouldn't that set include me?


view you as nothing more than an invasive nuisance that obviously has an axe to grind against scouting.


Well, I do have an axe to grind against scouting; it's a dishonest organization that discriminates against and denigrates atheists.


And you STILL don't know what "troll" means.

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A Scout is Friendly.

A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.

A Scout is Courteous.

A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

A Scout is Kind.

A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing.


That's "what's wrong with that," in addition to legal perspectives on civil rights.



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Boomerscout writes:

Well, what's wrong with that?


See the subject line?


BadenP writes:

Leroy, I never said I spoke for anyone else


Yes, you did. You said "I and everyone in this forum view you as nothing more than an invasive nuisance that obviously has an axe to grind against scouting"

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Baden does not speak for me.

Leroy brings up the contradictions in what some of the posters dont understand. If the BSA discriminates against gay and atheists for whatever reason; the government cant give any kind of sponsorship because it is against the law. The BSA can be a discriminatory organization, thats their right, but to cry about it when we loose some government support is not standing and taking what we deserve.


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