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LA Police and Fire depts. to end Explorer programs


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In trying to keep things straight, in my own mind of course, BadenP orginally said


"Say what you will Leroy but I and everyone in this forum view you as nothing more than an invasive nuisance that obviously has an axe to grind against scouting."


So, indeed, surely BadenP did not say he speaks for anyone, he just, however, knows how everyone in the forum views Merlyn. But I thought LisaBob acknowledged that when she said "Baden, you do not know what "all of us" think."


So, while we know BadenP , definately, does not speak for any of us, he does profess to know how we all view Merlyn and some objected to this claim.


Back on 10/1/2009 at 9:59:53 PM, BadenP posted this in the Roman Polanski thread:


"So Merlyn for the first time I have to say I agree with you, especially about Benedict and the abuses that the hierarchy of the RC church has yet to be held accountable."


I have a hard time understanding why you would label someone on an Internet forum as a troll when within the same month of declaring that person a troll, they posted they agree with the one who they label a troll.


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Lisa, so you couldn't resist huh? ;)

No one speaks for me but me, either.


Edited: OGE, he may not have spoken those exact words but in the statement, "Say what you will Leroy but I and everyone in this forum view you as nothing more than an invasive nuisance that obviously has an axe to grind against scouting."


he not only implied that he knew what everyone thinks, he went on to communicate what those thoughts are. That, to me, is speaking for others. If he had taken a poll or actually KNEW what everyone else thought, he could make that claim but he didn't and he doesn't. But he made the claim anyway. He was wrong and so far, he is refusing to admit it and take responsibility.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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Ed, both the LA police and fire departments have stated they will create their own programs; they just won't be done through the BSA's Explorer program. As someone (packsaddle?) pointed out in an earlier thread, even as an Explorer program, it's LA police & fire personnel operating the program.

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Ed, both the LA police and fire departments have stated they will create their own programs; they just won't be done through the BSA's Explorer program. As someone (packsaddle?) pointed out in an earlier thread, even as an Explorer program, it's LA police & fire personnel operating the program.

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One more time for you twinkies who like to twist words, what I meant by that statement was that just about everyone in this forum has formed their own opinions as to what they think about Merlyn and his motives in this forum. It amazes me that people who volunteer in scouting defends this guy who is just waiting for the time the BSA goes under. To directly quote old Leroy, "The BSA is basically a dishonest organization."which he posted in this thread. So Lisa and others by this implication he is saying you all are basically dishonest because of your association with the BSA, is that the guy you want to defend than be my guest but all you are doing is taking his bait to validate and push his own agenda against the BSA.


OGE because someone agrees on one point with a person they detest doesn't mean they support the rest of his dribble, you should know better than that.

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BadenP writes:

One more time for you twinkies who like to twist words, what I meant by that statement was that just about everyone in this forum has formed their own opinions as to what they think about Merlyn and his motives in this forum.


As someone who reads words, you not only said that just about everyone has formed their opinion, but you also stated what everyone's supposedly was.


And yes, I consider the BSA to be basically dishonest. No honest organization would charter discriminatory BSA units to public schools and expect these schools to break the law and practice religious discrimination. But that's precisely what the BSA did for decades.

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And yes, I consider the BSA to be basically dishonest. No honest organization would charter discriminatory BSA units to public schools and expect these schools to break the law and practice religious discrimination. But that's precisely what the BSA did for decades.


Yeah the schools had nothing to do with it! It's all the BSA's fault! The school didn't read the charter agreement but that's the BSA's fault! Blah blah! Blame the BSA for global warming! The public schools are just as much to blame as the BSA, Merlyn. You know that but you refuse to present it that way because that lessens your hate for the BSA! You, sir, by presenting it this way, are just as dishonest as you accuse the BSA of being!

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Ed, thanks for admitting that the BSA is a dishonest organization. Whether public school officials acted dishonestly, or merely out of ignorance doesn't alter the BSA's dishonestly in this matter. An honest organization wouldn't even offer such charters to public schools in the first place.

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For sure, no one here knows what I'm thinking. Heck, I don't know what I'm thinking most of the time.


I admit I do feel conflicted over the BSA's stances on the three Gs. But just as being a member of a political party does not mean I agree with every plank of that party's platform, being a member of the BSA does not mean I agree with every rule in the rulebook.


I rationalize that I can do more good inside the tent than outside.


And BadenP - what did you mean by the use of the word "twinkies"?

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Ed, thanks for admitting that the BSA is a dishonest organization. Whether public school officials acted dishonestly, or merely out of ignorance doesn't alter the BSA's dishonestly in this matter. An honest organization wouldn't even offer such charters to public schools in the first place.


And to spin it a different way


An honest organization would never accept a discriminatory charter. Whether the BSA acted dishonestly or out of ignorance doesn't alter the public schools dishonesty in accepting such charters in the first place.


Slamming one party when there is a possibility both parties share the blame is dishonest.


And I never admitted the BSA was dishonest nor do I believe they are.

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