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After the 1st weekend of WB training is it customery to wear the Troop 1 neckerchief and self-hand made woggle slide to troop meetings / round tables / and other scouting uniformed events not directly associated with the WB training program?


And then after completing the ticket and the presentation is it customery to wear the awarded beads, leather slide, and neckerchief to regular uniformed scouting events?


OR is this being a show off of all the hard work that you should be proud of doing and accompishing?


I am doing the 1st weekend WB the weekend after Labor day and will ask this at the course but would like to know others thoughts.

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rhol, You are now a member of Troop 1, Gilwell. You are a member of the Troop until you finish your ticket, or your 18 months expire. But you can wear the necker if you want. I was told that as a Staff member I am still part of Troop 1 until the Troop has all finished their Tickets.


As for wearing the Taupe Scarf, and leather woogle, you can wear it, but I tend to only wear it at ceremonies, like CoH, and WB Beadings. I've only worn mine three or four times I think since I got beaded early this year. first time was my beading ceremony, second was a troop CoH, third was an Eagle BOR. third was during course, last day I think it was.


I tend to wear my unit's necker, and I still use my WB turk's head. or I wear just the beads alone. Depends. I know on my course there were several former course directors on staff as advisors and they didn't wear their 4 beads. only the CD/SM wore those on course.


I think you earned them and should be proud of it. Don't shy away from wearing them, but you know you earned them so It's no big deal to wear them or not..


Congrates on your finishing your ticket.

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I interact with another Troop whose leaders all where their WB kerchiefs and slides to all there Troop functions with pride including on camp-outs. They are a rather bling heavy group of adults. I have found it a useful barometer in that group of the rather more inflated egos.


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Tampa....if the shoe fits.


What I have seen and experienced. Participants wear their course necker every where, that is fine and ok. Some of the bead wearing group are idiots, just like every other group of people. It may be the culture of that particular troop.


If you like it wear it, you might find the Good old boys club may welcome you.

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I've seen troops of Man Scouts who also show up with a few boys, and all the men are wearing their taupe & woggle with campaign hats...


Me? Depends on the event. I'm not into bling, especially because most of the adults in our unit are too busy working with the boys to be signing up for WB...


Standard issue for me is beads and a bolo with the FDL on it.


For events I'm at as a unit scouter, it's beads with the troop necker.


The woggle and taupe only come out for a CoH, or a beading if I know in advance.


Before I got my beads.... the Troop 1 necker came out when I was working on my ticket, be it at a district or unit level.


Otherwise, see above...(This message has been edited by eolesen)

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I haven't been beaded yet, but hopefully I'll finish my ticket and get my beads. But, I do wear the troop1 necker and woggle in place of my troop necker. when I look down at it or see it, it reminds me that I have a way to go on my ticket.


I'm proud to have gone this far, I've been told that I've brought much improvement into my troop, I'm also proud of that. The "in training" necker has also induced some conversations with others that have gone through woodbadge, great conversations that might have otherwise not occurred.


I'm not sure if I'll wear my troop necker or my woodbadge necker after I get beaded or my 18 months is up. I do think I'll wear it for CoH's and other events, right along with my beads. And I know I'll be proud of those beads when I earn them :-)


Mike B

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Generally I'd say not customary to wear full WB regalia as a unit scouter. Far more common for folks to wear da neckers of their unit. Beads and woggles yeh see a bit more often, though most of da 3-beaders or 4- beaders will limit 'em to courses.


Remember, understated is cool and stylish ;)



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When I finished the course portion of WB, I wore my necker and woggle for the first month or so after coming home.. A lot of it was still being on the Wood Badge "high", but it also reminded me about what I needed to continue to do. I finished the course part in late August, so it seemed natural to wear it for recruiting purposes for the pack and troop. It certainly made for talking points from our CM and SM at the time to new families about our units.

I eventually stopped wearing the necker all the time, except for COH, B/G and the obligatory Wood Badge dinner. After receiving my beads a year ago, I tend to wear the necker and beads only for COH,B/G, and special events. My beads hang on my mirror in my car, so I know where they are always, but also to remind me that the work I put in was for the boys I serve. The only Wood Badge regalia I wear is my course name tag.


I did have to break out the full look, including our course Resistol Straw, this week for Join Scouting Night. Had to make a good first impression with new parents and boys. It does look good together, I must admit!


Wear it, Don't wear it, it's your choice. It's not about the beads, it's about the boys!

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Personally, I think that much of the purpose of having that stuff is to encourage people to wear it and be walking Wood Badge advertisements. That strategy seems to work very well.


Personally, I think Wood Badge tends to be over advertised and over promoted. Too often I go to council events in particular where most people have already taken Wood Badge and get ten more minutes or more of Wood Badge promotion.


Too much, and wrong venue.

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You know what would be nice, to have a WoodBadge SquareKnot for our uniforms. That way those of us that are proud to have gone through and completed our tickets can were a simple knot as a nice subdued way to show our accomplishment.


Of course, I'd recommend wearing everything for ECoH, and other special "full dress" events. Kinda like the military, you don't see a well decorated general wearing all his awards every day... just for those occasions that require it.


Mike B

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WB knots will not happen. Sea Scouts have been trying for years now to get WB knots for uniform wear since Sea Scout leaders cannot wear their beads in uniform. National has stated that the beads are the recognition, and that a knot is not needed.

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Please, no more knots for things that already have an identity. The basic beads fulfill that purpose, wearing them with whatever necker or sometimes just the beads. A similar thing is the pocket dangle of OA, which can be put on any uniform shirt to represent OA membership.


Do not understand wearing WB stuff for troop functions, other than beads, if you are a member of the troop. Now, if you are not, then it certainly is appropriate.

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I appear to be like most Scouters...


Neckers depend on if the Troop is wearing them during travel, or it's a casual Troop event or I'm on Council time. I usually always have my beads.


I like to wear my Wood Badge beads with my Troop Necker.. I've got several slides (several hand made, some old BSA, and the Wood Badge Leather woggle - my favorite is a black paracord woggle with a small Buffalo pin I found). I wear my Wood Badge Service necker with leather woggle and 3 Beads during Wood badge staff week 1. We go to the Taupe necker, 3 Beads and leather woggle during staff week 2.


I generally follow: when I serve the Troop, it's the Troop that defines the uniform. When I serve Council & Wood Badge staff, the CD defines the uniform. When I serve Council (Training, chairing events, Unit Comm. it's which ever I have clean, and can find + beads).


(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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