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Proper Campsite Attire


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We took the 50 gal water container that was filled with water for firebuckets and would sometimes dunk into it to clean off, hence the "bathtub" reference.


Somewhere I got a pic of me in my swim trunks and aquasocks taking a "shower" on the outskirts of my campsite b/c the showerhouse was in the youth only time period, and I REALLY needed a shower coming off the COPE course before gloing to dinner.

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I would not take this to the PLC. Absent some compelling argument that none of us imagines (I suspect the first part of CalicoPenn's post is the most likely explanation), this is a dumb idea that should be killed in committee where it originated.


If whether the scouts are wearing a shirt at 11PM in the campsite at summer camp is your biggest problem, you have no problems.

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Does he have a special request for swimming attire too?


I agree with Calico and would keep an eye on this ASM just in case.


As another suggested, maybe he should move to a Comm position so he doesn't have to go on camping trips anymore.

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Ok - before we get too far, I want to clarify. Yes, it's possible (though remote) that it's the complainer that may be tempted, but it's more likely that the complainer has trust issues, doesn't know the other adults well enough or is just hyper-aware and is worried about someone else being tempted.


Just want to make sure all bases are covered.


That and it's even more likely that it's a moral/religious difference.

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OK, just to clarify something, and perhaps it's my fault for the way I have explained things. This is really not that big of a deal in the Troop. It was brought up once at camp last year and now in one committee meeting. The truth of the matter is that everyone likes the ASM in question and doesn't want to hurt his feelings or upset him. In that vain, I am leaving now to meet our SM. We are going over to the ASM's house to speak to him to see if we can understand where he is coming from. Hopefully we can come to some kind of reasonable resolution. By resolution, I mean something that will satisfy him. No one else is really that worried about the situation.


Thanks again for all your comments.



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I'm back from our chat with the ASM. It seems that his concern comes from something that he was told earlier in the week last year at camp. He said that one of the younger Scouts mentioned to him having heard another younger scout make a comment about the muscles of one of the older Scouts. He took it that it was meant in a "sexual" way, but when I asked if he knew that it was intended that way he said no. I explained that many of the younger Scouts look up to the older Scouts as role models and that the comment could have been a totally innocent with a meaning like, "wow, I want to be strong just like Johnny".


We also explained that there are rules in place that Scouts are not to be parading around camp shirtless, but that our campsite is our home for the week. Occasionally seeing a boy walk around our campsite shirtless is going to happen and we did not think it was a problem. We further explained that even if we stopped all public displays of bare chests in our campsite, that the boys will still see each other at the showers and at open swim times without shirts on.


After three cups of coffee on a chilly night on their patio, we all agreed that it probably wasn't much of a concern. We did say that we would keep our ears open and make sure that there are no rude, crude, or otherwise inappropriate comments concerning anyone's anatomy. However, it will be handled by the SM, and ASMs (if the SPL and PLs need help). We called the Committee Chair from his patio and let her know that there would need to be no action by the committee. She was relieved and said that they would bring it up at the next meeting only to say that it was handled by mutual agreement of the SM and ASMs.


Thanks for all your comments. I really needed the conversation for a reality check. Oops, I just stepped on the mouse turd, guess I can put the pole away; no more pole-vaulting over mouse turds! :-)



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Yah, I had da same reaction as Calico. Seems like the fellow is goin' way out of his way to imagine something "sexual" in a completely innocent context. Folks who do that to my mind merit an extra level of scrutiny and supervision when around young people. Most of da rest of us would never think that way about a kid, eh? So it makes me wonder when somebody does.


Glad things were resolved OK Albert_H. Still, hope yeh consider my first paragraph thoughtfully.




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I am glad it all worked out in the end.


However, one thing still concerns me a bit.


>>"It seems that his concern comes from something that he was told earlier in the week last year at camp. He said that one of the younger Scouts mentioned to him having heard another younger scout make a comment about the muscles of one of the older Scouts. He took it that it was meant in a "sexual" way"

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