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Scouts say the darndest things


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OK, this thread kind of comes from the EBOR thread. But more than just Eagle candidates go through BORs. Sat in on one last night for a Star scout. Good kid, active, could be a little more active in his role as PL but overall doing well. A pleasure to have in the troop.


Asked, "What do you do to live the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life?"


Scout Response: " Well,... I'm not mean to anyone." Was his serious reply.


The Board looked at each other and started laughing. I suppose you had to know the scout. We then coaxed out of him how he helped around the house, at school, how he made others laugh etc. and got him to admit the Oath and Law was a bit more than just not being mean to anyone.


Any others? There have to be some doozies out there.



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At the last EBoR I sat in on, near the end of the discussions, the district Eagle Advisor looked at the candidate and asked him, "You know that our decision to award you the Eagle tonight must be unanimous. What would you do if one of us votes 'no' "?


Startled, the fellow loked back and forth from one member of the board to another, and asked, "Which one?"


We almost fell off our chairs!

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I was working on camp staff in 2003 and was invited to have lunch with the Wolf Patrol in their campsite. When it was time to say Grace, one of the first-year Scouts was asked to do it. He said something along the lines of:


"Dear Lord, we pray that we'll have good weather, that nobody will get struck by lightning, that nobody will break their necks, and nobody will get eaten by a bear. Amen."

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At an Eagle BoR a few years back, in which the District Advancement Chair (DAC) was late:


DAC - If you could add a 13th Point to the Scout Law, what would it be?


Eagle Candidate - Punctual!


The Eagle candidate looked as if he was trying to pull the word out of mid air and put it back into his mouth for a second or two. No one laughed until the the DAC started to, then we could hardly finish the Review.



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We did a BoR for Tenderfoot a couple of years ago, and the Scout standing before the board was just shaking. We kept telling him to calm down, that we were just going to talk to him, and ask some questions. Finally, he seems to calm down. Towards the end of the Board, we ask him if he has anything about the troop that he wants to tell us. His reply, "He lied." I ask him if he would care to explain that statement, to which he told us that one of the other boys was telling him that in order to pass your BoR, you had to walk between a line of adults and they kicked you as you walked by. If you walked by without yelling, you passed. We started laughing. No wonder he was shaking at the start.




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A few years ago, I had an older scout leading the younger scouts in a meal planning session for the next campout. He was fielding ideas from the group and making a written plan on a white board.


When they thought they were done, I suggested they go through the menu again and add some fruits and vegetables. The older scout, very sincerely concerned about wasting money, looked at me and said "no one eats that stuff."


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At our Pack meeting-the Tiger Den was giving presentations on their family trees. The Leader also research a country that their ancestors came from. One boy was giving his presentation on Germany. The leader asked questions to try to get more information out of him and asked-"do you know what the capital of Germany is?"

He said "yeah, the letter G"

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Summer camp a couple of years ago. New Scout wasn't feeling well when he went to bed. I was sitting up late in the campsite when the Scout appeared, walked calmly to the trashcan and vomited. He looked up at me on his way back to the cabin and very seriously said, "sometimes a guy's just gotta barf."

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