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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. The number doesn't worry me for now. $1.5 billion. $3 billion. $3 trillion. That number doesn't worry me. What number worries me? How much Hartford/Century and the rest of the insurers will be forced to pay out on the policies. If the court rules in BSA's favor and declares the general liability policies valid, then the fight turns to claimants vs. insurance companies. Let them tear each other apart. BSA hobbles away. If, however, Hartford/Century and the rest convince the judge that they are out, then keep this in mind: you can't get blood out of a stone. Past a certain
  2. I suspect they conducted a "District event" or "Council event" where the invitations were extended to only 1 Pack. OR The interpreted "District event" or "Council event" as "District/Council APPROVED event"
  3. Not public schools and municipalities, at least under the NY version. That law did NOT allow for waiver/extension of claims against local and state government.
  4. DeShaney v. Winnebago County Supreme Court held that a state government agency's failure to prevent child abuse by a custodial parent does not violate the child's right to liberty for the purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales A town and its police department could not be sued under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for failing to enforce a restraining order, which had led to the murder of a woman's three children by her estranged husband
  5. BSA is a voluntary organization. When it has a child turned over to it, it takes on certain legal liabilities/responsibilities to that child ("duty to care"). When agrees to make use of volunteers, it takes on certain legal liabilities/responsibilities to to supervise, properly select, properly train, and properly remove that person. State and federal government has no such similar "duty to care". It has no duty/obligation to ensure anyone (other than a government employee or someone acting on behalf of the government like a contractor) doesn't abuse someone else. Simple.
  6. Correct. In the case of NY, the law did NOT allow for waiver/extension of claims against local and state government.
  7. Here's the number to watch: 3500. That's about 10% of total claimants (28000+7300). Based on prior filings, the plan is that any settlement would require 90% approval. That means if 3500 people reject it, and the plan fails.
  8. That is apparently a bridge too far for many people here. The fundraising rules are there to be ignored.
  9. The government has no legal responsibility to protect you. The lack of an investigation is not an actionable claim. DeShaney v. Winnebago County Supreme Court held that a state government agency's failure to prevent child abuse by a custodial parent does not violate the child's right to liberty for the purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Why? Because the federal and state government have no affirmative duty to protect you, start police investigations (see Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales), or do anything. This is what the U.S. Supreme Cour
  10. No. No, no, no, no. No. There's no way anyone is going to agree to that kind of taxpayer support for the victims of a private organization. Nope. And no, not "everyone knew". That was the point. As for why you can't sue school systems or the government. First, for state and local schools, you can sue in federal court. Second, there's the idea of sovereign immunity: the government cannot be sued without its consent. And the arguments are entirely different. BSA is a PRIVATE volunteer youth organization. The government is, well, the government. PUBLIC. I do not want to g
  11. This came up in another thread, but I wanted to pull this out for this reason. I've seen units with 12 scouts and 120. I've seen units with 1 ASM/Den Leader and 12. The one thing I have consistently seen is a complete and total lack of succession planning for Scoutmaster/Cubmaster (I know there's difference, but bear with me). I know it isn't about the awards/knots, but I wanted to point out the following is part of the Unit Leader Award of Merit. Think about about that: It is an "Award of Merit" item to have a succession plan for the Scoutmaster/Cubmaster. The result
  12. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA June 2018 revisions and current September 2020 says same Compare the above to the 2007 version
  13. There's also two secondary aspect here (and they may not be totally "secondary") 1) This ends all claims at once. Even if every case/claim was legitimate, it would take decades of litigation. Even if only 70% or 60% or 50% were, it would be a quicker and "cleaner" solution to simply find the claims that at least meet the minimal requirements for filing a claim, figure out the assets, and divide. Otherwise, BSA gets "abuse lawsuit trial" in headlines for another 10+ years. 2) The insurance companies balked. This gets skipped over (a lot) but the other major reason BSA had to file was
  14. Yes, but herein lies the the interests of the National and the insurance companies. They are going to want (and are asking, see the claim's form) something more than "someone did something bad to me at some time when I was a scout".
  15. Reading between the lines, TCC believes National and the Local Councils are holding out on them. My reading 1) TCC thinks there's more assets than what National and the Councils are admitting to 2) TCC thinks the "restricted assets" are not actually restricted 3) TCC thinks there's a lot more possible claimants and the rosters will indicate (AND THEIR COs) 4) TCC thinks that the rosters will reveal additional units (AND THEIR COs) 5) TCC thinks there are a lot more insurance companies potentially on the hook. I keep coming back to that $1.5 billion number that the
  16. Yes, but the problem is what is a "non-political position" when EVERYTHING is a political position? Masks. What kind of meat you serve (or don't) at an event. Who your CO is. Everything. The mere act of standing for the National Anthem? Political statement.
  17. I am expecting that call with my unit shortly. There are two real questions: 1) When was your unit created/founded? 2) Were their prior units? Some COs have seen units live, die, and live again. 3) Is the CO ready to handle whatever bad press comes about scouting? There's still this perception that the abuse occurred recently. But as the item above noted. The only other remain
  18. Everything can be politicized. Everything has been politicized. That's not a slight on Scouting as much as it is a reflection of modern America
  19. I linked it. I'm not going to "humble" myself to you. I don't care who you think you are.
  20. This coming from someone who recently posted that anyone who has not been in scouting since they were children should "humble" themselves to you? Yeah. ok.
  21. I would argue that there's got to be, generally, some limits to the Local Options. Otherwise, you don't have a Boy Scouts of America program/unit at all. And given that Boy Scouts of America owns (via the Congressional Charter) the rights to that material and the use of the names/terms that means they get to set this. But where's the line? Is it "do whatever you want, but you cannot touch advancement?" That reduces BSA to nothing more than the Guide to Advancement the various Handbooks (from Tiger through the Scouts, BSA Handbooks, plus the corresponding material for
  22. First, you are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. As qwazse amply showed in peer reviewed literature, your assumptions regarding same-gendered education are simply wrong. I'm not worried about my mind being changed when the data points in that direction. I am worried about sexists explicitly (or implicitly) harming girls education and development with outdated, outmoded, and unscientifically based notions of "proper" educational roles. The plural of anecdote is not data. Anecdotal evidence is not adequate to prove something.
  23. This is consistent with what I had been told by someone on my Council's executive committee: only about 40% of claims are coming in with enough specificity as to be eligible for a claim.
  24. Exactly. Insurance only covers up to the stated claim limit. This is why the latest filings from the tort claimants' committee (main set of lawyers for those claiming abuse) is looking for the names of all COs. They want to go after them next. And the insurance companies might want to contribute to a fund if they knew they would/could walk away with 100% certainty that no more claims will come up in the future.
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