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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. As of this morning, there are by my estimate 850 Methodist Churches and organizations that have filed claims. To put that in perspective, since October 21 there have been ~900 claims filed. 850/900 were Methodist churches or collections of churches. There are also 6 different Lutheran churches (at least). Let's see what happens by next Friday.
  2. Putting aside the marketing for a second because that's a separate issue. In the context of an ongoing legal proceeding, BSA's lawyers are not going to recommend Mosby sends a letter out to all COs from the last 50-60 year saying "please, come file a claim against us." The lawyers are going to give their best legal advice. As for your plan, sure. Let's have at it. The Chapter 11 will quickly get out of control as COs around the country panic and toss existing units. My current unit is 12-13 years old. I suspect if our CO got a letter from BSA saying "Come sue us for things we ma
  3. They would be legally foolish and their attorneys would tell them in no uncertain circumstances not to. And what would/should the message be? "You better come file a claim against us (BSA National) ASAP."? No lawyer in their right mind will ever VOLUNTARILY allow their client to, in effect, invite people over to feast on the client's assets. If the court ORDERS BSA to notify potential claimants (such as the TV and other ads), sure. But the lawyers would be out of their minds to recommend from a legal standpoint that BSA invite more litigation and claims. Yes, and the mechanis
  4. Good question. Real good question. Wish we had answers. The folks in those COs could be blindsided when they discover that the scout unit they've had for 40 years (or maybe that died out 40 years ago?) could cost them everything. IF (giant if) IF I had to guess, the COs would claim they were never notified/failed to have sufficient notice to file a claim and therefore they will reopen the window for COs. That pushes this into late 2020 (ha, ha) or 2021.
  5. This is about the COs adding themselves, not the COs being forced in (yet). And schools are in a different legal position and are "insured" by the locality/state. If the plaintiffs don't get the $1.5 billion (I am now seeing reports of $3 billion on the table) then after they tear National and its insurance companies apart, then Council and its Insurance companies apart, they'll come for the COs next.
  6. Which is based on a notice from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) https://baltimorepresbytery.org/wp-content/uploads/QAforBoyScoutsBankruptcy.pdf Methodists. Presbyterians. I would imagine that many Catholic Dioceses/Parishes will file next. That would leave LDS and the Lutherans in terms of major religious organizations. After that, VFW? The CO claimants alone could go into the thousands.
  7. For you, yes. For a (vocal) minority, the inclusion of a post that included a photo of Amy Coney Barrett was looked upon as some kind of endorsement or statement of support.
  8. Since that post on 10/27, another 35 Methodist Churches have filed.
  9. Just as a point: Someone in a thread recently said BSA needed to "stay out of politics". I noted that these days EVERYTHING is political. Wearing a mask? Political statement. Listing the 5 female SCOTUS justices? Political statement. There's simply no way to avoid making a "political" statement.
  10. First, the follow-up post made it clear: it was about optics. Second, I don't see how GSUSA putting her photo up as part of a "women on the Supreme Court" tweet forces her to recuse (or Sotomayor or Kagan for that matter). Justices are allowed to give presentations and even accept awards (but not money) from parties that appear before them. That does not create a requirement to recuse.
  11. I don't think the concern is that GS posted the 5 justices. I think the concern is that the GS took down the post as a result of "woke" pressure because one of the justices was Amy Coney Barrett.
  12. I will tell you something I've seen put to good use in COVID times: parents as Unit Reserve Scouters. During a Zoom session you need to have 2 registered adult leaders. So, the ASM and who else? We got parents who do not want to commit or get scared at the prospect of being an ASM ("I know nothing about the woods. Too busy for IOLS or anything.") and we do not have a giant committee. My troop has recruited 3 Unit Reserve Scouters, got them YPT compliant and they now sit and listen and watch what their scouts do. PLUS it helps the burn outs. We had a parent who was a 4 year den leader in a
  13. My first experience: my son joined at Webelos First Year. The den leader fell ill. The Cubmaster walk up, saw I had sat in on every meeting and simply asked if I was interested and explained the situation. Of course I'll help. I think drafting (volun-told) someone into a lesser position is fine. Den Leader. Committee (which I got volun-told I was joining when we crossed over to Troop; I am NOT ASM material and I know it), etc. But SM/CM? No way, that person has got to WANT to be there. That's what struck me so often is that the SM/CM is just dumped/shoved/threatened.
  14. I think the point is that as horrible as the SM (who was serving as the MBC for the merit badge) has treated the scout that at this point, that if the unit really is folding and the SM really is simply refusing to work with the scout that no additional force will help. No one is going to physically take this person's hand and make them sign the card. If the situation is as screwed up as you say, and the scout really did do all the work, then the next MBC in the next unit you go to will likely be willing to accept and sign off on the prior work (which they are allowed to under Guide to Adv
  15. Once upon a time (March?) I think there was some notion that this would be limited to National and the Councils. Now, it has become clear that the plaintiffs are not going to stop with National and the Councils, the COs would be, as you imply, utter morons NOT to at least put in the claim (they all either list a price of $0 or simply leave it blank) in order to preserve their rights.
  16. DOH! Fixed, I stripped ALL links from EVERYTHING.
  17. Some other new, interesting claimants against BSA. Lots of of National and Council Executives filing claims. "National Council Restoration Plan Claim" C443 10/21/2020 John H. Mosby C434 10/20/2020 Michael B Surbaugh C435 10/20/2020 Jason Stein C424 10/18/2020 Randall Kopsa C422 10/17/2020 Raymond E Gallison Jr C423 10/17/2020 Kohl, Dennis J C418 10/15/2020 John M. Primrose C17 10/13/2020 Joseph S. Coco C400 10/13/2020 Joseph S Coco C192 10/12/2020 Holmes, Ronald W C191 10/08/2020 Cabeza, John C3
  18. Whose is next? The Lutherans? The Catholics? Claim No Claim Date Filed Creditor C438 10/21/2020 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church C442 10/21/2020 First United Methodist Church of Del Rio C439 10/21/2020 Ingleside United Methodist Church C440 10/21/2020 Oxford United Methodist Church of San Antonio Texas C441 10/21/2020 St Luke United Methodist Church Austin C437 10/21/2020 St Mark United Methodist Church C451 10/22/2020 Bartlett United Methodist Church, Inc. C457 10/22/2020 Belle Meade United Methodist Church C466
  19. This would explain why the Florida Methodist Churches came in recently. Remember how I previously said that this does NOT end with BSA liquidated because the Congressional Charter will save the shell? Yeah, now more than ever I believe that. The COs will throw national and especially the Councils under any and all available buses. National and the Councils are going to lose every tangible asset.
  20. Ok, now that's even more curious. Why would you have conflict of interest? Between your unit and your CO/Church?
  21. Except that change was, for many, two iterations and 20 years of Woodbadge ago. In my district, all the WB people were 2010 (maybe 2007) and forward. Only 1 person was I think pre-2000. When people around here talk about "old" Woodbadge, they mean prior to the 2019/2020 re-write. Not what happened in 2000.
  22. Yes, but I believe you had mentioned in a prior filing the proposed plan requires 90% of claimants to agree. That's the problem. You only need 10% + 1 to dig in their heels.
  23. Which works out to be $63,000 per victim, before attorneys (so, cut that down to $40,000). As for the lawyer friend who said sue everyone, that is right. If I am an attorney looking out for my client's interests, I am going to find out anyone who may have liability for the bad acts. That's not "ambulance chasing", that's good lawyering.
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