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Everything posted by PACAN

  1. I have all our blue cards filled out and ready to load into internet advancement on Friday.😇
  2. @elitts I'll spot you the 500k LDS but that's still 500k other boys lost in one year. Has nothing to do with how many girls joined but not likely we get them back. @qwazse 13 was on a news feed but can't remember the location. Over achievers are fine. It's when you see the Mom with a day planner making sure he can fit you in his schedule for another MB that makes you wonder who is earning the MBs. IMHO
  3. @CynicalScouter councils get these numbers every month @qwazse The age was just an observation of those I have seen. One girl was 13 with a sash of at least 50 MBs.
  4. @Cburkhardt If your 130,000 girls in the program is correct, we have lost almost 1,000,000 boys since their arrival. End of October there were 1.1M total Cubs and Scouts. Start of 2020 about 2M. Seems like Surbaugh plan didn't work so well. Just a question as we see press releases around the country about the "first girl Eagle Scout". It appears that almost all the young ladies are 18 or close to it. So how many will remain with the program or will it be a "got mine" and gone.
  5. Cynical.....and there is that too! the last brand new eagle mb was sustainability. Some of the same PC arguments were made then.
  6. @CynicalScouter "this is going to be a mess" And this surprises you? Following the pattern of most other roll outs
  7. @ParkMan not to worry. We know the BSA will provide succinct guidance to the MBCs which will include a completed worksheet to handout to the scouts.
  8. Lots of good discussion but here is the bottom line: They are going to implement this MB and evidently rank requirements. This will be Eagle Required reducing the number of non required badges for scouts. 50000 scouts will earn this before May 2021. A good number will be pencil whipped and completed in one hour. Not sure how this one fits the purpose of the merit badge program which is supposed to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or vocation. Finally...no one who is on the panel who came up with these
  9. I'm looking forward to seeing the look in the 11 year old face when you ask "what do you think about intersectionality?" They answer...is that like a 4 way stop at an intersection? C'mon man admit it! Everyone one of us had to look that up to see what the heck the BSA was talking about.
  10. This MB will be the least popular and last one to be earned for Eagle. Lots of rubber stamps for those who just need this prior to 1 May. It has repetitive requirements that could be halved and still get the points across. Should eliminate American Cultures MB. There is the obligatory "careers" requirement but where is the First Aid one like in every other MB? Wish there was a "research the BSA's history on DEIBI" and tell how the BSA has been in the forefront of these items since it's founding. Identify specific milestones. JMHO
  11. Cynic....not suggesting organizations don't have fixed costs or staff should work for free. Companies need to review their fixed costs as well especially when they lose 35% of their customers. Downsize their footprint of office space for example. A solid business case analysis is certainly appropriate which should include all the resources properties, reserve requirements etc. you are not going back to the funding levels of even three years ago and if you try and spend your way out, there will be for sale or auction signs at your camps.
  12. Comments on a few items scattered in a couple of topics: We need to see what comes of the bankruptcy for reorganization changes before much will happen. DEs - The job is not what most believe it is when they get into it. It's not an "Executive". It's really a behind the scenes working the administrivia (my new word) of the council and doing projects at the whim of their SE. They are given unrealistic goals to meet by their SE that not even the SE could meet and then axed. That's why they leave and/or are expendable labor. All DEs will vanish before any SE will get rid of their reg
  13. If the council owns the unit, then they are the COR aren't they?
  14. Do not hold the board until these drug implications are fully flushed out. If the board is held, you turn him down, council turns him down, national will award him.
  15. @carebear3895 Why would this form be any different than any other item from national? 😅
  16. When you go to print out the Charter Partner Agreement in Internet Recharter the new form comes up. I guess it is imminent
  17. Wonder why something like this wasn't in the Churchill project? Also the old form used to require an annual sit down visit with the CO. Never happened of course so the solution is let's just take it off the form. For those councils who have already extorted a council fee does that count for "actively" support scouting?
  18. Back to the OP...my 3 cents. One major crisis early in the BSA was to get all the many splinter groups to agree to come into one organization, One being the Rhode Island Boy Scouts which still exists today as a trustee organization. Another crisis faced (this will be requirement number one of the new DEI MB), was the pushback of the YMCA to allow Catholics, Jews, Indians and "Negroes" and other ethnic and racial boys into the program. In 1972 the BSA membership peaked at 6.5M youth. What to do about this? I know let's start the ISP. I was part of a 50 Eagle Scout group wh
  19. The presentation looks like an administrative overhead shuffle the deck with zero mention of cost savings to the scout. There is mention of how many councils are currently meeting or not meeting some of the metrics but the numbers on gender and youth of color is not.
  20. @OLDRIFLE...I'm assuming you are the scout in question. I assume you have been a Life Scout for more than 6 months. I sat on an Eagle appeal board where the unit wanted the scout to do exactly what your SM wanted and we overturned the unit. Does your troop have written expectations for the active time? Was your POR completed already or is it also in dispute? Formally send your SM an email request for SM Conference and info the world. Ask to have a response in 7 days. If you get nothing, write up all your Eagle paperwork and submit it to council requesting an EBOR under
  21. The no swimming required in "being deferred" for what could be years. Still 4 and 6 months from 1st to Life and at least 6 more months before a scout is even eligible to Eagle. Haven't seen or heard of a 6 month Life having their EBOR since the 11 year old in California. As said...a little effort can get all of these deferrals done on time.
  22. https://ocscouts.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Scouts-BSA-COVID19-Updates-20200826.pdf This is evidently official. So you can make Life Scout without being able to demonstrate you can swim 25 FEET. No one is even has to try to program. It took us a 2 minute call to a pool to get our guys to do their rank and MB requirements and another creek float trip to do the boating ones. The camping one is silly...unless you are only virtually camping in your backyard you can get 2 of these done.
  23. These types of stories are so cool. Post as many as you can find. I'll see if I can find the 1920s story about a troop who did a fundraiser collecting rats for their town.
  24. Charlie Brown's injury was attributed to Covid-19.
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