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Everything posted by Eagle1993

  1. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee took 4 years to settle. The benefit is that they only paid out $21M to 330 individuals. If BSA wants this quick, they will pay more. If they want to minimize damages, be prepared for years of litigation. I tend to agree, now that lawyers have victims names, they will proceed to councils and COs that have $$. Even individuals if they think they have any funds. When talking with a lawyer friend recently, I asked him who we would sue. He said everyone. Let the courts figure out who pays.
  2. As the BSA lawsuit grows, I fear the fall out with other organizations' youth outreach programs. Not sure if this was already mentioned, but NMRA is dropping its youth outreach programs. My son has loved and continues to love model railroading. There were locally sponsored youth groups plus fun events at our local model railroading convention (kits to build for youth, junior engineering program). That is now all ending due to litigation risk. If the BSA, with all of their overhead in terms of background checks & training cannot prevent lawsuits and bankruptcy, what youth serving orga
  3. I'm Scoutmaster of my Troop, Committee Chair & Den Leader in a Pack. I find the Troop situation 1000% easier with Covid than the Pack. Very few scouts (or leaders or parents) are motivated by the advancements in Cub Scouts (at least based on what I have seen). So, I think they struggle with the point of remote Pack/Den meetings. The best Pack/Den meetings were active (songs, skits, games, etc.). Camping, hiking, PWD would then round out the year. We had very little enthusiasm for zoom meetings with Cub Scouts. We cancelled 3 campouts, several hikes and other activities … and
  4. The other option BSA is to fight in court for several years. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee did that (4 years) and was able to settle 330 cases for $21M ($64K per). 575 actually filed (so that $36.5K per filing). For BSA that would be close to $365M for 10,000. Sell of the paintings and cut staff … they can get there. FYI ... the attorney against MKE Archdiocese was the same one suing BSA. So he will know that organizations can and are willing to fight back hard. Given that, hopefully he is more reasonable in settlement talks. https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-archdiocese-se
  5. Just returned from Camp Freeland Leslie. They kept our Troop together for the entire week as went through the weekly schedule (no mixing with other Troops/campers). Scouts had 6 - 7 merit badges with 2-3 complete on average (so a lot of partials this year … but who cares). We had 1 visit to shooting sports (a 2nd was cancelled due to storms). 3 trips to the water front. Scouts were able to eat their fair share of ice cream. Plus, CFL is a patrol cooking camp, so not much changed there. The week was hot and rainy, but the scouts had fun. Overall, a great experience given the circums
  6. When I heard 10,000 plaintiffs I begin to wonder if this goes Chapter 7 vs 11. If Chapter 11 results in a settlement that is too low, I wonder if the judge is able to push this into Chapter 7 and liquidate everything. I hope not … but that number was large and scary. Perhaps that was the point to push for a large settlement.
  7. I've seen this comment repeated by many (especially on Facebook). You may be talking about the Antifa protestors, which could be true, but this does not apply to the Black lives protestors. Who is ignoring the other homicides? Many of the protestors are from inner city churches who also march after murders. Others run or work with non profits who are working with youth in the inner city (from Boys & Girls clubs to many others). I question people who think that few in the community are not attempting to help. I have personally donated time and money to organizations in the inner cit
  8. Did they just put up the Lenin status, or are you talking about this one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Lenin_(Seattle)) that was put up in the mid 1990s. I had to look it up, but it appears CHOP stands for Capital Hill Occupied Protest. Not sure if it also means CHOP heads of their enemies and how many heads they have actually literally chopped off … you may have more info about that. I have no idea why Seattle doesn't shut that down … seems like it has gotten completely out of control.
  9. Thanks for finding the additional info. This circulated around Scouts L and the initial poster indicated "young scouters" … I guess 29 is young to some
  10. This letter, written by some young scouters, was sent to BSA national committee. Letter was dated June 11. Many of the points brought up in the letter was included in the BSA statement, but not all. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zi8cnUESF5vKBjv91l5FVunzRYmkuCGO/view
  11. I expect you are correct … and I doubt the BSA has enough money or will to fight another lawsuit. In reality, I don't think it would have any day to day impact on the Sea Scouts, so I doubt BSA would fight hard. You could probably send them a strongly worded letter on a law firm letter head and see the change later this year.
  12. What additional actions would you have BSA take to help eliminate discrimination? Are there other best practices that they should follow and are not?
  13. Male leadership is never required, you can have 2 female leaders for an all boy Troop. The only gender requirement we face is the fact that BSA mandates a female leader is present if girl participant is present. LGBTQ leaders are not required. Simply look at the application. If they selected "boy" then 2 adult leaders any gender. If they selected "girl" then at least 1 adult leader must be female. Sexual orientation of youth participants does not play a factor in the gender requirements for adult leader.
  14. I expect in many areas, school will utilize virtual learning full or part time through the fall and possibly spring. It is very possible the cases continue to grow and restrictions could return this fall and winter. I'm looking at summer camp as simply an oasis in the middle of the pandemic. Get the scouts out of the house and provide them an opportunity to do some scouting with their patrol & Troop. Yes, it is not traditional summer camp, but we haven't camped since Klondike (February) and due to local rules would struggle to do so this summer. We've lost out on multiple backpack
  15. I'm not arguing for removing the statue in this case, but toppling statues is a long known symbolic move to show the end of an era. I think there is a difference between statues in a museum (focus on art, history) vs out in public parks and squares (which adds sense of honor and reverence). I'm not sure how many Hitler, Saddam Hussain or Stalin statues are or should be floating around in public parks. You can find Nazi flags in museums but I haven't seen many on display in public parks. For now, it seems like a good idea to take it out of public to protect it (otherwise it could be v
  16. Also, suits against councils are held off until November 16. However, the councils will have to share financial details with BSA to share with creditors if they want the stay. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/san-antonio/news/2020/06/09/suits-remain-halted--mediation-eyed-in-boy-scouts-bankruptcy
  17. Mediator team now set. Kevin J. Carey … Timothy Gallagher and Paul Finn on the mediation panel, with Judge Silverstein ruling out one of the Boy Scouts' choices to serve on the panel as a group of insurers raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest involving his selection. "What we are looking for is true neutrality," Judge Silverstein said. ... The Boy Scouts have 275 sex abuse claims pending against the parent organization as well as more than 1,000 additional claims against nondebtor local scouting councils and individual charter organizations that are in vari
  18. We are headed there as well (Week 3) and have 22 scouts attending. While I prefer their standard program, its great they are finding a way to get scouts out of the house, have aquatics and shooting sports options while reducing some Covid-19 risks. We held a meeting with our scouts and so far no one has changed their plans to attend. I expect this will be the year of partial MBs but almost anything will be an improvement over looking at more zoom call video feeds. https://threefirescouncil.org/programs-2/camp-freeland-leslie/
  19. Bankruptcy courts can see through these maneuvers if they are simply meant to protect assets from bankruptcy. https://www.wisn.com/article/court-milwaukee-archdiocese-cemetery-trust-fund-not-off-limits-in-bankruptcy-case/6325780#
  20. I would agree, just found it interesting that BSA's prior arguments in courts are being used against them in this case. I think this is why mediation has a chance. The plaintiff lawyers realize they will probably lose this argument, so their alternate option will be going state by state and suing every individual council. If they can settle all at once, it could be a higher return on their investment. Now, that assumes councils pony up and the BSA can offer a large payout. If BSA's offer is too small, then the lawyers will pull as many assets as possible from National and then go
  21. Agreed, but an open Philmont would have generated positive cash for BSA. Now that cash flow is gone, I'm concerned they will access debt against it or worse case sell it. Hopefully not.
  22. Given that Philmont is now the only closed BSA HA base, and BSA needs cash immediately, do they sell it off this fall? I hope not … but I'm' starting to get a bit concerned thinking that 2019 may have been the last year of Philmont Treks. Edit: Or perhaps, my optimistic thought, they can just exercise lines of credit against Philmont to get cash.
  23. Not surprised given the rules in New Mexico. Two crews were going from our Troop. Probably mixed feelings as several were worried about travel.
  24. He also did the BP Oil Spill and many, many others. I would think he would be a good choice and has a lot of experience setting up a process on how to determine what each individual gets out of the victims fund. He also helped in the NY Archdiocese Sex Abuse fund … https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/65-n-y-archdiocese-sex-abuse-vics-apply-compensation-article-1.2917953
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