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Back Pack

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Everything posted by Back Pack

  1. In our unit the SPL awards them.
  2. The code doesn't matter but the training does. They must be trained for their position. I assume everyone knows this but thought it stood mentioning.
  3. Ours said the same thing...and he sells shoes.
  4. Sorry, but if adults are offended by Scout humor they can find another troop. They're boys and boys have weird, odd humor. No safe zones or trigger words. Don't like it, leave. There's plenty of time for them to get offended and find safe zones in college. Oddly enough, in my many years of Cub or Boy Scouting I've never heard a Scout complain about inappropriateness.
  5. You didn't answer my question. Since Tenderfoot is derogatory should we get rid of that too?
  6. Speaking for my guys they have now issues leading outside of Scouts. Many are sports team leaders. Those not athletically inclined lead their debate or science teams or are first chair in their band. One is marching band leader leading 150 kids!! All of these kids are great Scouts. Some Eagles and some not. All took our troop and district training. Many NYLT. A few NAYLE. The best kid I have is the quietest, mousiest Scout we have...best darn leader though.
  7. Why is paper Eagle insulting? Tenderfoot can be equally insulting, no? It implies inferiority compared to others. Or calling new Scouts "greenhorns", Noobs, first-years, etc.? I know there are other examples on Scouting. Not sure why we should keep some of these and throw out paper Eagle just because some are offended.
  8. You missed: - Opportunists looking for a reason to complain about a non-issue because they hate the politics of half of the US.
  9. Then your unit leaders should have managed this better. You had over a year to prepare for this. The scouts should have known this. It's not fair to the other kids who obeyed the rules. It's not honest IHMO.
  10. So have people (been weaponizef) from some countries, and yet...
  11. Answer: To leave Scouting as it is because we already have a coed program.
  12. That's electronic device discrimination. Someone should protest.
  13. I love the hair splitting here. SMCs are not BORs, so the rank is not done until the BOR is done. That's in the GTA. The Eagle exemption is for Eagle only. You're making up your own rules to suit you and that's unfair. The Scout and unit leaders had well over a year to make sure their scouts were not impacted. Either the unit leaders or the scouts dropped the ball, but 1/1/17 was a pretty clear deadline. It's March, nearly April and this should have been handled months ago. Not using the new requirements now is akin to cheating. Sorry.
  14. Sure. Why trust the organization that creates the rules? Trust some guys on the internet instead. It's not your Scout that's risking anything. Honesty, I read in this forum so many times folks saying, "check the source" or "show me the quote". Well the new rules are pretty clear: Earn rank by 1/1/17 or you have to use the new requirements. Not like units weren't warned or given advanced notice. We reminded our guys every month. SPL even had a count down so guys wouldn't forget. It's 2017. New requirements are in force. But by all means just wing it and don't ask for clarification.
  15. I wouldn't risk it. What's the problem with contacting council to get a ruling? I'd rather listen to Council instead of five guys on the internet with their opinion.
  16. Don't worry, the NSA's data centers in the desert surely have copies of anything you've loaded in to the cloud.
  17. They can "evaluate" all they want. They have no jurisdiction to fail a scout for theirnapproved project that's been signed off as complete by the unit Lead and beneficiarybb
  18. If you mean US side of the border, warrants are not necessary, nor have they ever been.
  19. Yes actually. My pack was going to a state park that was not on the council list of approved facilities. We were told we can't go. This was before the online form. We have units in our district which don't plan or staff their events to the minimum of the tour plan. As much as I hate paperwork it only takes 10 mins to fill this out and print it. Only needed if we go out of Council. Not a big deal and we will continue to do them even after they are taken down.
  20. I'm with Flagg on this one. The board has no right to fail anyone. The requirements have been met.
  21. Assuming that report is even real. Need both sides to know for sure.
  22. I never had to file tour plans as a scout.
  23. So you feel no safer knowing that states rife with terrorists and unable to control them, can no longer simply have their terrorists buy a ticket, use their valid passport and fly to wherever you are and blow up your local mall? Because now they have to get a forged passport and pass great scrutiny? I suspect you don't fee safer when police patrol your street when a know murder is on the loose either. Please.
  24. It's is NOT a blanket ban. For Pete's sake people can we read a newspaper? Here's the NY Times take on it and they are hardly Trump fans. Even they say it's not a blanket ban. A blanket ban would be for ALL people from those six countries. It doesn't!!! https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/06/us/politics/travel-ban-muslim-trump.html?_r=0&referer=https://mobile-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/15/us/politics/trump-travel-ban.amp.html?amp_js_v=9
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