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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. OK this is just an unremarkably dumb statement to make considering they already muddied their logo by letting gays in. JMHO morally straight went out the window LONG ago.
  2. I believe if I remember correctly you live up north some eh? Down here in the south we have people that just don't ever want to act right no matter where they are with their 10 kids and a Family Establishment is no exception. Beer has been removed from 2 of the 3 establishments for this very reason. I know we have gotten off topic and it isn't on purpose. For the records I see nothing with selling alcohol or the consumption of it, one of my local FOS supporters are a Budweiser Distributor.
  3. That's correct at Pack Meetings is the only time my scouts (webelos) have any interaction with 1st-3rd graders and even that interaction is merely just being in the same room. We meet weekly and we have a totally separate meeting room for Webelos. Our school is different, every level is a different school K-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-12 Yes our little town of 12,345 residents has 6 separate schools. I have 1 Cub Scout Pack and I have 1 Troop in my area. FTR I also the DC now.
  4. many years ago ours did as well, Ironically our Chucky Cheese in Memphis sells Beer haha. There is a notorious video that went viral sometime ago where these women were all drunk and fighting.
  5. We now only have one pizza "parlor" here in town and that's Pizza Hut. We do have Little Caesars and Dominoes but those are sit down establishments. Now when I was a Kid we had Pizza Inn and they did serve beer but they closed up many years ago.
  6. Nor should they. Webelos should be totally separate from your Cub Scout Programs! These boys are leaning how to become Boy Scouts.
  7. Never heard of such but I guess desperate times call for Desperate measures. Our Local pizza places don't do beer.
  8. That's right anything in moderation is ok, even the occasional "objectifying" women. I don't drink and I don't smoke anymore! and I don't believe either are to be done around the Boys. These girls where NOT in their work clothes.
  9. Thank You sir for your service I do agree with your hesitation. I have a couple of similar stories going on myself and feel like some look at Eagle as a participation trophy as well especially from the females involved.
  10. The lady being interviewed probably already has self-esteem issues, its probably the only reason she's upset. My thoughts "If you don't like the Sponsors your local Council finds to support its programs then why don't you sign up as a volunteer and help"
  11. Thank You for this information! If I could do it this year I would but I have to wait till next year for more Vacation Time, I have already warned the Wife.
  12. Yeap! 100% agree. Since I didn't go with my "Chartered" Troop I found out via Text one scout was getting home sick and that his dad kept calling to check on him...he had his phone with him! I immediately told the SM to take the young mans phone and talk to dad about it. No phones no problems
  13. No place there to stay instead of a Hotel Room? I have a couple of youth in my Adult circle that are at Philmont now for NAYLE
  14. I agree! My son recently just returned from his "1st Summer Camp experience" He was nervous at first (I wasn't going to be going this time around) but when I arrived to camp that Friday he seemed to have adjusted well. I wasn't really that worried, as a cub he had been to Kia Kima 3 years for resident camp.
  15. Well there was one on Ebay the other day but the price was more than I was willing to pay. I am still in the Market for a Med Green Jac Shirt. thanks
  16. Hello my name is Jason and I am a Camping Addict! Except in the brutal Southern Months of June-September when I do my best just to get outside and mow the yard. After that I find myself in a hammock hear a spring most weekends.
  17. 1. Depends on this Webelos leader and if he/she prepared him for Boy Scouts. My son is a Scouter (1st year Boy Scout) and he was prepared for Summer Camp 2. Trailblazer Program (if the camp has one) Swimming and FireSafety. There is enough time for Merit Badges
  18. I agree, I made my Daughter wait till she was 14 before she had a Facebook account. I haven't seen any that young though but there is NO WAY I would ever accept friend request of youth scouts.
  19. According to the BSA you aren't suppose to have "Closed" Social Media groups. However everyone I spoke with about mine seemed to state they preferred Closed Groups, So I created mine as well as a Closed Group.
  20. He might mean that the lodge isn't being "Thrifty"
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