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Everything posted by boleta

  1. Twocubdad has it right. Look at the scout is reverent thread. Now "they" want a Religious Life merit badge- required for Eagle! REDUNDANT!
  2. Kids outgrow their uniforms fast. Start a recycling center for old uniforms in your unit. Call them "broken in" instead of used. The cost of a pair of Scout pants new at the store or catalogue is over $30. Tell your parents to try the thrift stores or military surplus stores if they want them cheaper- they frequently have uniforms.
  3. Blue Heron Lodge only asks that you pay your current dues and complete the application. A scout is trustworthy. I cannot imagine someone would want to pay the dues and join if they were not already Ordeal. I guess someone out there would, though.
  4. Too bad you have to give that lad the merit badge that was signed off, even though he didn't earn it. According to recent posts by Bob White, it was your responsibility BEFORE the signature to make sure the councilor was competent and would do his job right. Once signed, it's too late to retract the badge. It would punish the scout when it was your fault! Funny, I agree with a lot Bob White says. But we went round and round about this one on a recent thread. I think the scout should have to repeat and earn this badge. Don't "punish" him by giving him something he didn't earn.
  5. Race, Religion, Sexual orientation. They are all intertwined when it comes to descrimination. Until recently, mixed race couples could not intermarry in my state. Now they can. Many here think Jews are damned and going to hell because they don't accept the clear water. Some day, gays will be allowed to marry (maybe then they will stop having sex). National has defined the BSA as requiring a duty to God and country. They consider homosexuality as being incompatible with being morally straight. This is policy. There is nothing there about race. Merlyn, I also object to the characte
  6. Eamonn You would have done as I have asked. Have your son obey the rules or find another troop. It is not my troop. It is my son's troop. I do not agree with everything in these documents, but the troop committee has passed them and, therefore, he will follow them.
  7. boleta

    Hand Washing

    You wash your hands to reduce the bacterial count to a level that your body can handle. Even surgical preps do not eliminate all of the bacteria. But the real question is- how much do we get involved or intervene. You can set the example by doing all you want. You will be amazed if you ask them how many boys have not brushed their teeth even once during a weeklong summer camp. Some will not even bring a brush. Having been reprimanded by the SM for being too involved, I no longer get all of the guys to the water trough at 9 pm for the troop "brush."
  8. Fine. But the boy who brought firecrackers to camp one year- (also on the do not bring list), could have gotten the entire troop sent home. We were at camp the week of the 4th of July. It is totally reasonable for a troop to define what is not acceptable to bring to camp. Like I said before, IF your troop has such a list, follow the rules, OR change the rules, OR find a different troop. Do not encourage your son to violate the rules because "they don't make sense".
  9. We had a similar thing happen in Feb. with a ski trip. We needed 40 to rent the bus. With only 9 scouts and their family members, we changed it to a "family ski trip" instead of a troop event. Similar things happened on our event but it was each families' responsibility. With the white water scouting event described above, no alocohol!
  10. Eamonn says "I fail to see what right a Scoutmaster has to tell me that my son can't take his phone with him." Substitute the word Gameboy for the word cellphone. If your Troop Committee rules that electronic devices are not allowed at camp and includes cellphones in that description, then I cannot understand why you would have the attitude you have. If you don't like the rules of your troop, change them. But, don't encourage your son to disrespect the authority of the Committee and violate them. Just because BSA has no rule against them and you bought it for him, does not give him t
  11. Tidewater Council requires the separate registration form as well.
  12. If he likes this troop, he should stay with it. But it should be up to him. Let him tell the SM that staying is a sign of the assertiveness that the SM wants to see.
  13. Your son can benefit from this whole experience. In his life, he will have to deal with people who are inflexible and difficult to work with. By persisting and going outside the troop, the SM may also benefit if the District or Council authority can show him he has no right to add to the requirements and that when a scout completes the requirement as stated, he will advance.
  14. Well said Bob White and Fuzzy Bear. Now let's get down to brass tacks. The problem is the Eagle Scout Candidate who does his duty to God and is Reverent but does not meet these criteria as defined by narrow-minded and rigid Board of Review members. One of the recent threads on these issues discussed a 4 hour Board of Review where this was the primary subject of discussion. FOUR HOURS? The guides to Eagle BOR suggest it should be about 45 minutes long. Certainly the young man had other things to talk about besides meeting the BOR members idea of what his duty to God was.
  15. Be careful going provisional with an angry scoutmaster back home. Be sure the scoutmaster has approved the Blue Cards and merit badges your son wants to take before he goes with another troop. Otherwise, he may come back and not get credit for them. This would violate several rules but wouldn't necessarily stop this SM anyway.
  16. NJCS, faulty conclusions I'm afraid. Homosexuals are "banned" because National says this is inconsistent with "morally straight". It has little to do with "duty to God". There is nothing in my world inconsistent with fulfilling my duty to God and belonging to a church that may accept and tolerate gays. This will not exclude me from BSA as evidenced by the great variety of Religious Emblems offered by BSA. Since you disagree so strongly, maybe BSA is not the right place for you.
  17. You haven't completed the Zoroastrianism Religious Service Award (offered by BSA) yet, children. Please don't argue religion until you understand it. If you truly want one nation INDIVISIBLE, you would take the divisive phrase "under God" out of the pledge. It should not offend true believers as they do not need such trivial mantras as the pledge of allegiance to affirm their faith. It would also allow for true separation of church and state. Having the state involved in any way in religious matters leads to fundamentalist and intolerant states such as are found in the Middle East. Hey,
  18. NJSC says "If your religion happens to believe that God does not want us discriminating against those of his children who happen to be gay, then in fact the BSA does not allow you to be a member and at the same time be reverent to God in the manner of your own choice and custom." Where does that come from? BSA only prevents the church of this religion to be a Charter Organization since it is incompatible with National policy. It says nothing about the Scout or Scouter who has these beliefs. No one asks me which church I belong to. If they did, I would object as strongly as possibl
  19. My son recently was denied a Gold Eagle Palm by the SM. Through the forum I learned that it says "participate" in a SM conference. I convinced the Troop Committee after 2 months of arguing to agree and my son sat for the BOR. He was still denied the palm when the BOR agreed with the SM. The appeal to council was successful and he got the palm dated Feb. 24, one day after the SM conference "denial". If you stay in the troop and fight, and win... your son may learn more (as mine did), than if you decide to cut and run.
  20. I don't get it. Why would an atheist want to belong to an organization that REQUIRES you to do your duty to God? I disagree with those who believe that atheists are immoral. They simply do not believe in God. They can be extremely honest, ethical and moral people. But BSA requires the extra step- duty to God. So... either you are a liar when you state the Scout Oath and Law, and therefore immoral; or as an honest, ethical, and moral atheist, you would refuse to belong to such an exclusionary organization such as the Boy Scouts of America. I don't get it.
  21. All of the posters to this thread should be required to complete the Religious recognition award for adults for Zororastrianism- BSA approved!! When you all have completed the assignment, please come back to the thread with some humility and insight that you can share with us.
  22. The Eagle Scout candidate is asked how he fulfills the Oath- "do my best to do my duty to God..." and the Law- a scout is reverent. This is a very personal and private matter and the Board is asking for a satisfactory response to this. Recently, I was helping a scout as an advisor with his Eagle application. His family does not actively go to church. I suggested that he had siginificant experience through scouting- Blessings before meals, services with the troop on campouts, invocations with meetings. There are service projects for our CO which is a church. I suggested that he read again
  23. "Well, Im afraid that theres just no way I am going to respect the belief..." You freely admit that you will refuse to follow BSA guidelines with regard to reverence. There is a clear difference between "accept" and "respect." The tenets of BSA do not ask you to accept these beliefs, only respect others that have them. As I have said before, if you cannot and will not do this, maybe you do not belong in the Boy Scouts of America. Maybe, like the atheist that mouths the words, "duty to God" and the homosexual who says "morally straight", those that do not respect the beliefs of ot
  24. The children of religious nuts are allowed in the BSA. Hopefully, these kids will learn tolerance and acceptance from the principles of the program even if the parents cannot.
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