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Everything posted by boleta

  1. Fuzzy Bear, Spot On! ps One man's noise is another man's music. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
  2. Maybe a boy who has completed the 5th grade by age 10 is more mature and ready to advance compared to the "average" kid. Is he ready for scouts? I was young for my grade having skipped 2nd grade. I always felt disadvantaged being the smallest kid in the group. I did not advance my own son when given the chance. He is one of the older boys for his grade with a January birthday. Plus, developmentally, there are definite milestones that kids hit at certain ages. Behavior is an issue. Also, some kids cannot learn to tie a knot until they are about 11. They just don't have spatial
  3. Welcome back Eamonn, Perhaps they meant a Quality District DE, one that has had a Quality District in the last year?
  4. Another tradition in our troop is a certificate for each boy that went to summer camp. Each award recognizes some attribute or characteristic that distinguished the scout. It is meant to be playful and in a constructive spirit and should not be mean in any way. Do give the "nature boy" award to the scout who was into ecology. Do not give the "trashiest tent" award, although everyone knows one scout who has earned it.
  5. Some of the guys are dual registered with the troop and are still interested in getting their Eagle through the troop. I encourage them to pursue it in the Troop as I don't want any conflicts there. One Venturer has had a major conflict with the Scoutmaster and will go for his Eagle in the Crew. They meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. They plan one event each month. In May, they went with an instructor to a quarry that is set up as a shooting area. They shot skeet, .38 revolver, and 30.06 (?). We are on the coast. In July they are going on a fishing trip.
  6. I agree with Eagle. At the Court of Honor, I like to see the boys called up one at a time, presented with the merit badges earned, and then stay up front until all are there. It is impressive to see how many Scouts have achieved recognition at the end of the ceremony. Another way is to present all Swimming MB recipients, then Canoeing, then...
  7. Thanks for the apology. But, I think we were pretty much done with it on the Thread thread. We wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy the discussions (in some way or another).
  8. I agree with Beaver. I think the discussions ARE interesting and have Scouting relevance even when political. It would be nice to have a chance to respond as well. I wanted to have a chance to respond to MrsSmith's questions to me. I would have said that I have learned a huge amount since my post in May (I started using the Forum in April). I doubt that I would have written or worded the post the same way today. I just thought that FOG should be entitled to his point of view. That was before an extreme point of view came along. Maybe you felt that FOG was extreme. But, I agree w
  9. Please consider this. I would like to ask the managers to give us an idea of why a thread is being closed. We can only alter our behavior if we know what it is that we are doing that is prompting a thread closure. My recommendation is to have the last post in the thread to be from the manager explaining why the thread is being closed. This should benefit everyone so we can learn from experience.
  10. Bob White has not posted since no. 5005.
  11. I never called anyone Un-American. I called the attitude un-American. Compare the posts of FOG to some recent posts by others un-named. FOG's posts are sarcastic and cynical. The posts of the other who shall not be named (owsnbn) were bizarre and outrageous. Note, I have not called anyone anything. I am just telling you my opinion of the posts. If anyone noticed, I asked FOG directly about this on another thread because I wasn't sure of the point that he was trying to make. (It involved sarcasm and, in my opinion, was cynical). He clarified it quite nicely with a direct respon
  12. OldGreyEagle, I would like to make several observations with regard to the question raised by 9muckraker7- what does this thread have to do with Scouting? Scouters are adults. Scouters represent every aspect of American Society- liberal, conservative, religious and not. Scouting is a values based organization. Scouters have different opinions about what these values are. As is clear from this and several other issues and politics discussions, members will vehemently disagree about these subjects. Although interesting to read, no one should have the misconception that th
  13. This thread died an ignominious death (that means shameful)on 12/21/2003 until you resurrected it just now. If we have learned anything from the past 2 weeks, some issues and politics threads should be left alone as there will always be disagreement on some of the more controversial issues of American society.
  14. Surf that web site and you will find My Scout Advancement Trail. No. WW33499B
  15. You can get a catalog by calling (800) 323-0732 between 8 am and 7 pm Eastern time. Check out www.scoutstuff.org also.
  16. Ooops, you're right. The Troop Advancement Chart, 2004 catalog- Leaders section page 9 no. B345068 is for the unit and lists all the boys in the troop. There is a Trail to Eagle Plaque, page 12- Awards and Gifts, no. B17586, where you place the actual badge on the plaque after it is earned. There used to be an individual achievement poster for Cub Scouts, but I don't see it in the catalog. I don't know if there is one for Boy Scouts.
  17. I have heard rumors of a new field uniform for 2 years now. Remember, though... The BSA uniform is acceptable in any form. Some of the oldtimers wear the dark green from the 60's. (Just don't mix and match the styles, my advice only).
  18. They are available for Cubs, Boy Scouts and Venturing. I just ordered the Venturing one through our Scout Store and Councel. They are also available in the catalogue.
  19. Unless it's an Eagle required badge, do not expect many calls.
  20. Read the True Religion thread if you would like to know what happened.
  21. "BSA is just another system and I see the flaws in it." No one said it is perfect by any means. Just gets us back to the recent threads on dissent in the BSA doesn't it? Some see the changes as bad (you seem to like the older ways), some as good. Some would like to change it radically- feel good for all. I would just like some answers. Rules seem clear until someone says- have you considered it this other way? That's part of what the Forum is all about. The other part is discussion and... well, fellowship. Most of us will never actually meet. So who cares what I think abo
  22. I have had the pleasure of disagreeing with him. The difference in our opinions gave me some insight as to the problem I was trying to solve. (The issue was Blue Cards). I still disagree with his answer but understand his position and why he took it. I do appreciate your clear answer to this. It helps me appreciate your oblique answers to some of the posts. Must be your quirky sense of humor.
  23. Canadian friends of ours butter the bread before they put the peanut butter on it. I have never understood it but they say it tastes great that way.
  24. It looks like the suspended label is added to the post regardless of when it was placed.
  25. I agree with you Ed. But knowing that is the way Bob operates lets me use his information and compare it to the other advice I get. The only disadvantage is that I find myself looking for the "by the book" answer before I am willing to give my opinion. Bob is so sure of his answer that I find myself intimidated from giving a response. Maybe this decreases the discussion somewhat, but I still want to hear his opinion.
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