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About boleta

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  1. After achieving Eagle, Palms require that a Scout show leadership. It no longer requires a leadership position in the Troop. Leadership at school certainly counts for this and can be considered a way of having an award for academic achievement.
  2. Gee, that is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. You know... real polls have been done showing that average Americans when askeed about the Bill of Rights, disagree with about 60% of it!!! Think about it. And God help you if you ever become disabled, can't afford your health insurance, need to go on Medicare, have a parent with Alzheimer's and then needs long term living assistance, etc. etc. etc. I have a better idea. Let's just give Corporate America all the power and get rid of all of these cumbersome rules that inhibit productivity. (Review your American history
  3. Hey!!! I didn't label anyone or criticise them. I didn't disagree with anyone or contradict them. I have enjoyed the discussion about labels. When the label becomes derogatory in nature and is used for political purposes, then one is insulted by it and tends to want to avoid it. That is just human nature. You can still call me liberal and I can defend it.
  4. I REALLY like the idea of setting up a formal debate for the Troop. What a great idea. It would teach them how to organize their thoughts about this issue and help to discuss it in a civil and controlled fashion. Isn't there a Merit Badge that would cover this? (This message has been edited by boleta)
  5. Read Applebome's book "Scout's Honor" for a great outsider's look into BSA and the historical perspective on this and other problems we have. Split the Scoutreach numbers out of the standard program as there is great opportunity for deceptive numbers in this program.
  6. Please refer to Trevorum's post with regard to this discussion. Believe it or not- many of the perfectly acceptable faiths that do duty to God and obey the Scout Law to be Reverent, do not believe Jesus Christ is the personal Savior!!! It might be nice if one puts the shoe on the other foot. Imagine having to say "Allah" instead of "God" in our Oath. By the way, Allah means God in Arabic. When the invocation ends with the words "in your name we pray" and refers to J.C., I know this will surprise many of you.... it may not be what the entire audience is feeling. It may even
  7. The Boy Scouts of America (unlike many other country's Scout programs) requires Duty to God and Reverence which are part of its basic principles. This is not arguable. It will not change anytime soon. Duty to God and Reverence are defined so loosely that almost ANY personal belief other than atheism is acceptable. Many youths are raised in a religion and participate actively in it. Many teenagers question their beliefs and may consider atheism. If you choose atheism, then you CANNOT raise your hand and aver an Oath which promises duty to God without being a liar and/or hypocrite.
  8. Don't argue with a fanatic of any stripe.
  9. I suggest you recruit a good Vice-Chair for your District. Get them to take over some of your duties and train them for your position. That will help take some of the load off of your shoulders and help your District to prepare for the time that you will be moving up to Council President!
  10. It is extremely important to try and make this into a positive learning experience for this Scout. As OGE say, it wasn't for naught if the lad now understands the requirements and executes the project properly. That means getting the signatures of the Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman of the Unit, the entity that will benefit AND the District Advancement Chairman. A true EAGLE will persevere and complete the task.
  11. I am in complete agreement with Eamonn. It is explicitly stated that the Leadership Project Work Book MUST be followed for the Eagle Project. The point of the project is no longer (as when I was a boy) to accomplish something for the community. The point is leadership. Following the Work Book- as REQUIRED, is part of understanding this. The Scout would have to start over in my District and do it right.
  12. First, the parents can be counselors. It is odd when mommy has done Citizenship in the Community, Family Life, etc. and daddy has done Personal Fitness... you get the idea. Having only 2 Merit Badges with each counselor makes the Scout interact with a variety of different adults which is part of the idea here. I was the counselor for my son on Snow Sports and Pioneering. My wife did Gardening and Scholarship with him. That was all he could do with us because of the 2 MB rule. (out of 41 MBs that he earned). Our Council uses Blue Cards and the boys bring them to their BORs. We ca
  13. In our Council, the boys can only use a MBC for 2 Merit Badges. They have to shop around for variety. A MBC, however, can sign up for as many badges as he is qualified to counsel. Eagle Boards do not like it when the candidate has all of his badges from one or two counselors.
  14. In my troop, the patch was removed and a notch cut into it. I am sorry to say, in 1965, my patch got notched for chopping a piece of wood with my foot on the log to brace it. I never did that again!
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