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Everything posted by 5yearscouter

  1. lets see, friday night people come straggling in at different times, everyone is on their own for food, and we might have a simple family campfire, no program. Saturday am is usually a fairly quick breakfast, dens eat together. Then we gather for a flag ceremony, announcements, questions and answers. go over camp rules etc. We usually have a hike planned, or maybe a bit of a hike to a fishing spot. so we might make a mini first aid kit, a simple survival bracelet, or just go over some leave no trace. then we hike for a bit. fish for a bit. back to camp for some free time games, lu
  2. Or see if some of them would be willing to help out another den that might meet the same night if you guys all meet at the same location.
  3. You could use Quicken. every scout gets an account, transfer money back and forth that way. or use excel. but a software I do not know of. there is scout account tracking on troop web host as part of advancement, calendar, website features but that is for scout troops not packs.
  4. Most of the places around here in AZ say NO to hammocks in the trees, especially the scout camps.
  5. The bold certainly seems the case in most troops. My 17 year old son is the later version. He's served in positions or the fun of it, and for the personal motivation to see others learn more and do more. He just stepped up with just over 6 months left before he turns 18 to serve as troop instructor because he has seen scout skill proficiency take a nosedive, and watched the troop instructors who know just enough to be dangerous about some subjects (like a couple of weeks ago demonstrating ax useage he about had a coronary that someone was going to remove a limb from a body rather than a tre
  6. Talk to the District person immediately! Your advancement chair should know who that person is, but if not, go up the chain. The proposal should show what you proposed at the beginning. That is approved by the org you are doing the work for, the unit, the scoutmaster and the district person's signature is next. Get all of those signatues done and go to district eagle counselor for assistance!! Do not change anything until you talk to them and see if they will sign what you have so far and allow you to go forward from here. There is a place for the district to make suggested changes and they
  7. Wow I feel Deprived now, Since Every place we go we have to stay on the Paved parking Areas..and Our State Parks don't afford Off Roading Experience. Granted Texas does have a few potholes You should get off the beaten path with your scouts more. Our state parks are mostly big RV parking lots, so we don't take the scouts to those except way once in a while. I don't like camping in a big gravel camping area with the sound of generators all around. Dispersed camping areas, national parks, even private land around someone's remote cabin can make for some great scout outings. Most of
  8. Or we have that uniform "rule" that says you shouldn't wear just one part of the uniform, so nobody thinks it's ok to just wear the scout neckerchief.
  9. If one car breaks down and you have 8 on the trip, you have enough coverage to shuttle the boys to the destination while the broken vehicle gets towed. If a bus breaks down, a commercial bus the passengers wait on the side of the road for many hours waiting for the company to go and get another bus, if one is available, or they'll arrange for transportation because that's part of what you pay them to do. if you are the only bus, you have to call all the parents to come and get all the scouts and transport them somewhere while you figure out the towing and repair for the bus It takes the issu
  10. What people tend to forget is that there is a place for all the arts and crafty things in the lower ranks. I try to always explain it to the tiger and wolf parents that 1. schools nowadays are doing less and less glue, cut, color, crafty things and that 2. these types of things increase the boy's manual dexterity which will allow them to do more intricate things as adults. Of course so many adults don't have jobs or hobbies that involve cut, glue, make things anymore. But even if you are typing or cooking meals you need to be able to use small motor and large motor skills effectively. Used
  11. That sounds like a really really BAD idea....be sure you check insurance costs, I don't think it's as low as you think it is to get the necessary coverage for a bus full of youth. And if you are renting this out to drive other people around, that means you are a commercial bus operator, which may require quite a few city or state permits, as well as storage facility for the thing.
  12. If anyone else has suggestions I'll take em. Tomorrow night is school open house, but I don't have the bodies to cover all 13 schools. If the parents agree we'll send home flyers for a scout open house/roundup sometime before the end of the month. School start Monday.
  13. We live in the big city of phoenix, but are the only non-LDS unit within a huge chunk of city. We cover 13 schools for actual recruiting, and get kids from dozens of other schools. There are 3 extra large packs out further west of our area, which is the only other option for non-LDS youth in our area. In 25 years of being here, and since I've been here for over 8 years, we've talked to Co options but they are really next to nil. Our primarily land area we recruit from has no veteran's groups, vfws, american legions, 2 churches that we have already talked to and the Kiwanis. There are bus
  14. I'm IH. We are the Parents of chartered org. As soon as a new scout joins, their parent becomes a voting member. So I can call a parent meeting now, to vote to continue or fold. or I can call a parent meeting after a trial of recruiting to vote. Which would you want to do? Most likely I'll call a parent meeting to discuss and plan recruiting. If nobody shows up that will be great fun.
  15. I'm pretty sure that the $ will be taken out of your scout account and the boy registered with the BSA if you use this option and choose to accept the application. As long as you can opt out of doing so, it's ok. In some places everyone knows everyone and the person seeing the application would know Joe and his kid already unless they were new to town. Or If you can set it up to allow the application to be submitted online, but they aren't approved until you click a box to approve them, which you'd only do after they came to a meeting and paid registration and dues to the unit. If it s
  16. yeah I'm trying to figure out if I care ENOUGH to do this again. My boys are off to the troop, they are 13 and 17 now. I don't need a pack. Existing boys except 1 have never been in a large pack. closest other packs are 50-80 scouts. There is benefit in a bit smaller pack being available for some scouts. IF we kept all 7 and got the new 5 who are interested in joining, we'd have 3 in each den with 4 in webelos. So. 1. We could fold now and not recruit in August. That is super duper negative thinking and is just giving up. I hate to just give up after putting in so much time
  17. yeah I'm trying to figure out if I care ENOUGH to do this again. My boys are off to the troop, they are 13 and 17 now. I don't need a pack. Existing boys except 1 have never been in a large pack. closest other packs are 50-80 scouts. There is benefit in a bit smaller pack being available for some scouts. IF we kept all 7 and got the new 5 who are interested in joining, we'd have 3 in each den with 4 in webelos. So. 1. We could fold now and not recruit in August. That is super duper negative thinking and is just giving up. I hate to just give up after putting in so much time
  18. Our moving out of state cubmaster thought the den leader was going to step up as CM or CC. However, this den leader does tend to be a debbie downer person, so we were afraid of him being very negative about the situation. Let's see the unit commissioner assigned to our pack is new to our area. He was pushing hard for us to find a new CO. Having been in the area for 25 years, the pack has btdt. Kiwanis has not very many members and don't have a meeting facility for us to use, they get together about once a month at a local restaurant to talk. The 2 churches in the area want us to pay m
  19. Well the den leader didn't get ahold of everyone and reports upon further examiation that he didn't get ahold of everyone basically just called a few in his den and he thinks they should just move to another pack.
  20. I wear all of my parent pins for both of my boys on a lanyard around my neck. I wear it with my uniform any time I wear it. It has a name tag i the center of the lanyard, a cool cub scout neckerchief slide, since I don't wear a necker as COR, and I have my silver whistle and spark plug award on it as well. I get a lot of comments. Interestingly enough I've never lost the backing on any of those parent pins over the years of wearing them there.
  21. We only had one boy in our troop attend Jamboree. But oldest usually works at summer camp in N. AZ. This year we was not going to work at all but he was begged to please work the last 3 weeks of camp in July because they were short staffed due to staff leaving to work or participate in Jamboree. They also wanted my 13 year old to go up as CIT even though they aren't supposed to take youth as CIT <13 years old because they were so short staffed and camp staff knows him from years he's gone up as a camp commissioner's kid.
  22. Sorry in advance, this is long, but I felt the backstory was important. My pack is self chartered. It was at 40ish scouts when I gave up my position as committee chair in Feb 2011 to move to boy scouts with my youngest and take over troop committee positions. I was happy to pass everything off to new leadership after being a primary pack leader since 2005. I remained in my COR position pending my name off all the financial records which never happened before the stuff hit the fan. We lost cubmaster who quit in the middle of the christmas party. I wasn't there, but his complaint w
  23. gsdad, It was Camp Mataguay in California
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