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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. Merlyn: I do not need a wiki link to a child. I was so recently one myself. FAR more recently than you. So when Skeptic makes a post, and you reply, "THINK of the CHILDREN!!!!!eleven!!!" and since we have a lack of face to face communication, I do not understand what the purpose of your statement was. Hence I asked for clarification. Respectfully yours, Sentinel947(This message has been edited by Sentinel947)
  2. Merlyn: what does your think of the children comment mean?
  3. Are you a Troop volunteer Was61? Your comment "Also, if you play sports for recreation, you can jump in an out as you wish. Scouting isn't rec....you don't see kids bounce in and out....it's club ball." Our Boys in our troop rountinely pick up Scouting and then put it back down for Sports or the like. Kids are "bouncing" in and out all the time, and we welcome that.
  4. Alright, I think I will write a short comment. Thanks, Sentinel947.
  5. So Merlyn are you saying you should fight a bad policy of discrimination against children by attacking children? When you fight fire with fire, everyone gets burned. Your boycott is not an attack on children. You misunderstand me. Your blogger saying: "Because as they are working to build up one part of the community, they are simultaneously working to destroy a sense of community acceptance for others." That is what I am whining about. And that is an attack on the integrity of the children in the program. Since the word "They" applies to those doing the community service in the p
  6. Funny you said that WAS. When I got hired at Lowes, my HR person (an older Black Woman) hired me because she knew Eagle Scouts could be counted on.
  7. Ah. Thanks OGE. I'm still pretty new here and I don't know everybody's backgrounds. And JBlake I do think growing up in the digital age has some sort of factor in kids development, but I'm not sure how accurately it goes with kids not doing Scouting.
  8. I agree with W61 on this one. I don't think Boy's Life is worth it's cost. I think my Sister read it more than I did.
  9. WAS: this is the second thread I've seen you reply to where you have been hating on the Eagle Scout award. Why?
  10. I'll ignore them if I please. They were in Scouts. Glad to hear that. I hope they had a good time and it made them good citizens. They no longer support the BSA, sorry to hear that, glad they have strong convictions, something we want our Scouts and former Scouts to have. Them sitting outside of the organization sniping it with their cute little "boycott" on money that isn't affecting National is as hilarious as it is useless. It's like a bunch of Chihuahua's yapping at a Bear. Noble, and completely useless. I'm sure the 30 or so of you guys on that blog will make great strides aga
  11. Considering they regularly contribute to an Atheist Secularist blog, I highly doubt they were really supporting the BSA to begin with.
  12. I think Scouting is unique, it's an activity one can pick up, and put down, and do at your own leisure, barring a important Position of Responsibility. One cannot say the same for Sports. I emphasize this to many Scouts who are considering quitting, that they can go do Football, or Band and come back in the offseason, It's not a big deal, and it doesn't necessarily mean Scouts is a Tier Two activity. My troop is full of Marching Band kids and swim team members. We lose them during their seasons, but when they return they are always active, and participate. Guess it's a local area t
  13. I dunno Basement, I was diagnosed with ADD, never took medication, was Senior Patrol Leader, Section Leader in the Marching Band, played Soccer in High School and earned my Eagle. I think it depends on the severity. Every case is different.
  14. Is it common that most Scouts find it uncool to be in Scouts? I myself was always trying to keep it on the down-low when I was in Elementary School, and really started having some pride in it when I was a Freshman or Sophomore. I know a few Scouts in the unit who have similar feelings about it. Figured it was an interesting enough thing to see how common it is.
  15. I liked what I was reading towards the beginning and became less and less inclined towards his argument as he went through it. His personal story filled me with a feeling of empathy for him and his Scoutmaster, that is the experience we want our boys to go through in Scouts, having fun and having excellent role models. Towards the end of the piece he slid into more of an attack on the BSA policies, and I feel like he fails to separate local units from the policies set by National. Those troops selling Christmas trees is money that goes to their local units, it doesn't go to the people se
  16. I knew of it, but then again, I work at Lowes. so yea...
  17. Eagledad: Hopefully I'll remember that advice when I become a parent.
  18. I've made a concerted effort to not post in the Issues and Politics section anymore, my responses mostly get ignored anyways. BSA24, your generation is not as great as your act like it was. Those things like gangs and crime you mentioned still happened, they just weren't reported as much. Your generation has done plenty of great things, and mine (I'm 19) will have our weaknesses, will fix some problems, and will create plenty of others. That's is how the world works. Take off the rose colored glasses. Again I'm 19, when I was little my parents spanked me and washed my mouth out with
  19. Your comparisons are all deeply flawed, and watching ya'll try to score points on such absurd connections is well... absurd.
  20. The weather was cold but clear. Fantastic Weekend for camping. Had 22 Youth and 6 Adult leaders. Went orienteering. It was an excellent time. Thank you all for the tips.
  21. Scoutingagain, I'm rather proud of my time in the BSA, and if that counts against me in hiring, so be it. Dean. I am unsure about what BSA's nationals position is on members disagreeing with the policy. I too think it's a great organization, but I don't see a way to force National's hand except for the ravages of time. I think as the National Board goes on, more liberal people will come on, and it will change it's policy. I fear at that point the damage may be done. I think even if the BSA about faces on the issue, I don't forsee a groundswell of support for the BSA coming from all the pe
  22. Horizon: To me, it's a dead horse TOPIC. The issue itself is NOT a dead horse. It's a dead horse topic because no matter our feelings on the subject, We can discuss it all we like, but it won't change National's policy. I think about 90-95% of us in this forum would agree the policy is bad. Opening topic after topic every time something new develops on the subject doesn't get us an inch closer to changing BSA Policy. Dean I think your questions on what will Eagle mean to society is valid. I fear when people find out that I'm an Eagle, it changes their opinion of me. It's a very valid que
  23. Chris Matthews isn't any better than the right wing talking heads like Rush Limbaugh. All bluster, rhetoric, and not a original thought in their heads. Hacks both of them. To try to validate Matthews by saying that right wing talking heads screw up isn't a great validation for him.
  24. Dean, it's a dead horse because it's another thread about the BSA's gay policy, a policy which it appears National has no intentions of changing despite the rapid fleeing of it's Corporate Donors.
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