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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. If my troop ever starts to try to avoid the YPT, I'll leave. I'm not going to get caught up in an organization that is refusing to follow the rules, and could possibly get all the other adult leaders in huge trouble. Not worth it.
  2. Tough question. Surely if it's been signed off once, he's done the material, but shouldn't he be able to demonstrate it now?
  3. Haha. Perhaps Pack, perhaps. What I meant was even at my college, and earlier in High School, that kind of gay bashing culture is quite prevalent here. Maybe it's not where you live. I dunno. Yours in Scouting, Sentinel947
  4. Packsaddle: By and large my generation (I'm 19) generally tolerates homosexuals. Very few of us "fear" them. However, not all of us accept homosexual activity. I can support the homosexual person, but I cannot support homosexual acts. I guess my viewpoints mean I can be hated by the Leftys for not loving homosexuality and hated by the right wingers for not doing my moral duty to oppose homosexuality. I believe Jesus would treat homosexuals like he treated the lepers in his day. My generation is not as tolerant of homosexuals as you might expect. Guys joking around frequently throw around
  5. All scientific laws started as a theory until proven.
  6. Perhaps I am mistaken. I have never claimed to not make mistakes from time to time. Einstein was believer in the Spinoza theory of God. It is a truely interesting theory.
  7. I'd like to point out that religion does quite more than "happy feelings". While religion certainly provides mental comfort that science cannot, (Anybody read Darwins "On the Origin of Species" when their spouse passed away?) it also provides some tangible benefits, including strengthing community ties, providing a safe place for youth, and provides significant material benefits to the poor and sick. Furthermore, not all religious people are literalists. Also BSA24, you assert your opinions as facts. Saying "consciousness of life is precious." That is YOUR opinion, and if people disagree
  8. Mr. Boyce, thank you for saying everything that needed to be said.
  9. My council (Dan Beard Council) seems to be doing quite well. But the Greater Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky area has always been strong in Scouting. The Council to our South, the Blue Grass Council, is struggling mightly, and leaders I've talked to from BGC continue to tell horror stories. Overall it depends on the area. I think Scouting as a general trend is becoming more suburbanized. Parents are only sticking around for the time their kids are in the program, and to be honest, that's what can reasonably be expected for most parents. The 10-20-30 year Scoutmaster is a rare, endangered b
  10. Reagardless, I think it is incredibly unfair to deny people benefits they were promised and their taxes were collected for. Even though I personally dislike the idea of Social Security and do not expect it to be around when I retire. (I'm 19).
  11. packsaddle, so what about all the elderly who already paid into the system. Are you sanctioning government controlled stealing? That is what it'd be if you don't repay those who already have paid into Social Security and don't get repaid for all the money they paid in.
  12. So Packsaddle, are you or are you not proposing to get rid of Social Security? That is essentially what you are describing in my mind. The young be forced to support the elderly.
  13. I think BSA24 that VERY few Scouters in this thread or this forum agree with the BSA's policy, more many of us disagree with the policy, but recognize the BSA's right to form such a policy, and we don't let the policy change our service to the youth in our community. Lisabob's post kinda summarizes my thoughts on the issue.
  14. I think what people forget in this whole BSA vs Homosexual controversy is that the children have nothing to do with it. It's not far to attack or hate on teenage boys over a policy they have no control in shaping. CC: I would assume they are decent people, and would be concerned about teachers having sex with students, or coaches, teachers, priests and Scoutmasters abusing their power over children. Just because they don't believe as you do on the Homosexual rights doesn't make them intrinsically evil. Yours in Scouting, Sentinel947
  15. "We have no need to multiply anymore, so we know longer need couples having 9 or 10 children apiece." In the Western world we do not. In places like India, where the family still means something, parents expect their children to take care of them when they get old. Therefore, in Indian families it's highly beneficial to have lots of kids. It spreads the cost of taking care of mom and pop when they get old. In the west obviously ,with our average of 2.5 kids. I hardly consider having 2-3 kids to be over doing it. In Europe birth rates are at the lowest in the past century. Birth rates
  16. "Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society" Oliver Wendall Holmes. Why are we quoting random famous thinkers again? =)
  17. I read the whole article, well written, well done. I don't have much to add. I never saw this blog before now. Keep up the good work, Sentinel947
  18. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
  19. Twocub, can I borrow that Scoutmasters minute?
  20. "As for Skeptic's Scouts, I suppose you can ask them if: 1. They think the boy is doing all of that by himself? 2. They think he is having any fun? 3. They think he is learning anything or having any sort of experience akin to theirs? 4. There's more to earning Eagle than just getting a patch faster than anyone else? You could have quite an discussion about honesty, integrity, loyalty, working as a good member of a patrol and troop, really learning about something as opposed to pencil whipping, etc." I have nothing extra to add. Just wanted to support Nikes statement.
  21. Yea.. I meant to say "to kill things only when necessary. LOL I'll edit that immediately. Thanks for the heads up pack. Edit: Can anybody not edit their posts on page 11?(This message has been edited by Sentinel947)
  22. I appear to have misused the term "Empirical." and that my friend would be where the hang up lies. As a matter of principle, I got hung up intially on what I perceived to be a claim that all American does is fight over Oil, and I found the notion to be insulting and inaccurate. That was not your argument, and due to my misuse of "Empirical" I misinterpreted your argument. Clearly you are correct in saying the United States has fought a war over oil. That is proved by your example of the Gulf War. My apologies for the mistake, Sentinel947
  23. What is your position again? While I wait for that answer, I will say this father is doing his son no favors in life, and making an arse of himself.
  24. Moose: With respect to values, I don't see killing babies as question of values any more than I see me going out in the street and shooting someone to be a question of values. Killing is killing, and killing is wrong. You seem to think I am forcing my beliefs on people. That thought is erronous. As I stated, I support Roe v Wade. Not because I like abortion, but Democracy is about compromise, and it is a fair one. My religious beliefs determine how I live my life, and nobody else but me. However, I do believe a great crime is being committed in this country, and will not hesitate to speak out
  25. Packsaddle, I must correct you. I am NOT a Republican. I refuse to associate myself with either party. I view Abortion as wrong. I believe the best way to fix the abortion problem is to fix the issues that cause women to get them. IE, Poverty, Young age. Abstinance based education is a start, but it's unrealistic to expect that all people, especially teenagers to do so. In this, I prefer birth control to abortions. I think blocking the creation of babies is better than what I showed above. However I refuse to call it choice. Killing innocent babies should never be considered a "choice" in
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