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Everything posted by SctDad

  1. You can try an ammo can. you can get them in plastic, or the more durable steel. When refereing to the steel cans, you can find them in multiple sizes. Check with your local military surplus store. You can paint them red so that they stick out and be easy to find. You can also buy inserts that keep thing divided. Or if you know anyone in your local EMS department, you may try asking them if they have any old medical supply bags that they no longer need. If that is not what you are looking for, try looking for old military aid bags at the surplus store. those work real well to
  2. My question is in reference to parents who do not use the available means of communications htat is provided by the pack leadership. We put out a news letter about every 2 - 3 months, and we have built a pack webpage. I understand that there are parents that do not have web access. But I still have some that require a weekly phone call to remind them about the meeting and other events. I had one call me about her son's tiger meeting wondering if they were going to have it, the first thing that I asked, was if she called the den leader, she said no. I asked why not, she said no o
  3. Would it be right to say that everyone on this board is just about a trained BALOO trainer/director Scoutnut YOu ask why I would even consider taking a Cub Camoing if his parents can't go. Here are a few examples One boy's mother works 2 or three jobs, and his father (Parents divorced) is not allowed to go with us because he does drugs and cannot go without. Another. Mother strung out, other scout parent bring him with her son. Haven't seen his parents in months, but he comes, does the work and is improving with his attitude. So these two boys should be told, if
  4. OK a little more information. I am Baloo trained too, but the training cannot cover EVERY possible issue. Besides that. The boys that I am refereing to taking without a parent are ones that do not have a problem with authority. In meetings I have asked them to do something, and they did it without any backtalk or complaints like some other scouts. I also have a few boys that I would not take to the woods without a parent. Just because they have presented behavorial problems and shown disrespect to the leaders. I would require that a parent goes with them, because if we wen
  5. I was talking with some leaders from other packs the other night and we were talking about an upcoming campout that our two packs are going to do together. The topic of parent attendance came up. First Off I know that Tigers Must have an aduklt with them so that is not in the discussion My qyestion is. During pack overnighters, can a Cub Scout attend without a parent, provided that we have: Permission slips Medical Forms An Adult who is responsible. I know that the Cub Cannot Sleep in a tent with another adult, so that would be remedied with the boys sleeping in t
  6. Maybe you can try checking the past issues of the Baloos Bugle. There may be some theme based ideas there. Amazing Adventures is a very broad theme. There are so many adventure that can be gone on. Hope you have fun with this.
  7. When it comes to the Scout Executive being involved, I think that this falls under the matter of a scout is Loyal. But lets put that aside and look at soem of the other issues. I would have a sit down and talk with the CC and the CM over a cup of coffee. Let them know that there are people that are seeing this and there needs to be something that needs to be changed. Tell them that you are not telling them what to do with their personal life, but they may want to reconsider their positions in Scouting. remind them that they are role models, and they need to take that into consid
  8. The pull tab program is something that the american legion does here. They go through, collect the tabs, there is a local recycling company that collects them and donates the money in the name of the post. Our Legion post has been doing it for years. So this is something that we are doing as a pack this year.
  9. I don't see where this is not meeting the requirements. If they collected the cans, get together on a saturday and take the cans to the recycling center. Done. Sign the book. Now if you took the tabs off and gave them to the RMH. Then that works for the GTA. Log the hours and make sure they get the recognition. Why is this so difficult.
  10. I was thinking the same thing after our blue and gold this week. I would like to have some kind of set up like this. I have been looking at some things online. If I come up with something I will let you know.
  11. So for safety reasons, we should make sure that there is limitations to the personal information. May list leaders as Mr Joe, or Mr. Bob. And maybe just some e-mail and no physical addresses. Thanks for the help so far. I am still working on the front page reformat. The great thing is I have a program that makes things easy to do.
  12. SctDad

    Tucked In

    NIKE If you or anyone else figure it out, let me know. I have the same problems.
  13. I was looking for some information about what we should put on our pack webpage. I have built one already and want to improve it. So I ask, what kind of things would you put on your webpage. What kind of information on the front page. Looking for suggestions and maybe some pointers.
  14. I would have to say if I knew a leader was posing, I would be upset. When I returned to scouting last year, i knew what I did do and what I hadn't. I knew that I had gone through my ordeal. I talked with one of my chapters advisors, and told him that i had that following. OA Ordeal Sash (Grimey from Service) My Book with the dates written in it, (not in my writing, my hand writing has never been that good) And some lodge flaps I also talked about some of the things that I did for my ordeal (This was before they gave you the egg hard boiled) and asked if there was anything
  15. SctDad

    Tucked In

    Something that I have started doing when my cubs show up in their uniform shirts is to give them a piece of chocolate. Nothing major, just a small piece, like stocking stuffer or candy dish type. But they must be wearing their blue shirts. Class B Shirts do not count. As for the boy who refuses to wear his uniform because he don't want to tuck it in. Well then have him stand to the side during openings and closings. If he asks why tell him that the formation is for those in uniform, and when he decides to wear it the right way, he can return. It is totally up to him. As for t
  16. I know that some places are lucky enough to have resources. Here is a suggestion that is dependant on your region. Around here there is a large abundance of bamboo. Our council camp uses it for the camp pioneering projects. They also have a large supply on hand for troops to use. We used them for a tripod gatway when we went last year. We put it up at the entrance to our shelter. Yeah, I know, cheesy but the boys thought it was cool. Anyway, from my understanding, bamboo is pretty strong, so I think it would work good for some projects. As for the tower idea, I think you may
  17. So if there is no Alcohol allowed on any camp property, then I guess that ALL camp rangers have to give up the bottle, even when there is no one there.
  18. Here is my suggestion. Just from a general pov JASM (if you still use them) SPL ASPL ASPL (Even a good leader needs a couple of assistants) Troop Quartermaster Troop Chaplains Aide You said you have 15 boys in need of POR and that is about half the troop You can have 3 patrols of 10. Each patrol has: PL APL Scribe Quartermaster Den Chief (encourage your scouts to help the Cub Scouts) That should be everyone that needs a position. Have them show their interest. and then let the boys vote. Don't forget about OA Troop Rep. Also maybe
  19. There was also a recent article in the Scouting Magazine that had all of the knots listed, (even the ones that are retired) and what some of the basic requirements were/are. I have to agree with you. If a leader meets the requirements, then they should get the awards that they deserve.
  20. So I am understanding this with what has been said so far. Overweight leaders need to step down. smokers need to give up the habit for the week or weekend. I think that you will lose a lot of leaders this way. Here is how we have handled this topic with our pack. If you smoke during the day, you need to make a quality attempt to seperate yoruself from the rest of the boys. Go around the chow tent or go down by the river if no boys are fishing. After all boys are in bed and have been there for a little while, usually 30 minutes, then adults amy sit around the campfire a
  21. I was just looking for somethign that was free and easy to work with. I found it and there are two different ways that we can do this. I talked with some of the parents on how we should do the races, and for the sake of providing the boys with more race time we are going to use the point based system that allows for more heats, instead of the double elimination. This way if a new boy has a car that is not doing so hot, he can still have a chance at multiple races and enjoy watching his car run down the track. I also asked about free because we are very low budget. Don't exactly have t
  22. This year we are going to hold it at the Local Golden Corral. They do the cooking and cleaning. Plus there is enough variety that there has to be something for everyone to eat. We have a short program taht we will do. Some awards to give out. and aspecial guest from the local AFB. Of course we will also have the DE coming for the FOS speach.
  23. I have to say that I see a lot of jumping to judge the equipment. I love the old shelter-half style tents. promoted teamwork. The splitting of the load. It just takes a little more planning when you set up. I plan on getting my son one of the shelterhalf sets soon. One of the other thins that makes it good. Yes it is designed to hold two people, but with the vestibule at each end, you can store the gear there.
  24. I noticed the electric company thing too. I just went with what some of you said, just give up. Any way, those were just some things that I noticed.
  25. I was looking through my son's boys life mag when I cam home today. I noticed in the headliners section that there is a young Cub Scout, Bear, that has what looks like a temporary patch on his left side and no rank patches. OK maybe he has not made rank yet. I just thought it was kind of wierd that they took his picture without making sure his uniform was right. Just an observation.
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