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About cubmaster321

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    Junior Member
  1. The first time this came to light the scout excutive found out about it and was going to pull their membership cards and not let them hold any positions in scouts, But that did not happen because the guy moved to Colorado. She is supposed to be a role model to the boys and that is why I am having a hard time decideing what to do. I know what i would like to do but do not know if it is right or if I can do it. I would like to remove her as the Cub Master. My Position is the Committee Chair/Unit Commissioner
  2. He is stuck in the middle and does not know what is going on because she dumps off at the dads house when the other guy shows up
  3. The problem is she is not performing her duties as cubmaster, because she is to busy with him when he is in town
  4. The cub master was supposed to be there. This all just happened today, she decided to leave and drive him back to Colorado. The problem is if the pack finds out some might leave and we don't want that again
  5. I am having some issue's with the cub master for my pack, I am the committee chair. The cub master is currently sepersted from her husband and is having an affair with our former cc, they started their affair while he was the CC he has since moved to Colorado, but comes and visits regularly. He just came and visited and know the CM is driving him back out to Colorado while his wife is staying behind for a few more days to take of some family issues. The Scout Executive found out about the affair and was going to relieve them of the duties but the CC just moved away so they put that on hold. Sh
  6. I am having trouble finding ideas for our Day Camp this year. Our theme is Amazing Adventures
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