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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. Yep. It's down again. Hold that thought until this round of server failure passes.
  2. So this is a pack event? I'd be more inclined to accept the family pooling all resources together to go. I would try to get into their heads that you find this unusual and that those ISA funds now won't be available for other things they boy may want (e.g., new uniform, gear after crossover, etc ...), but leave it as their call. (Again, if the CC or Treasure should take this communication on for you. You have bigger fish to fry with camp coming up.) It would be nice if these are the kinds of parents who are there for the entire pack when they are there, but sometimes you don't know that
  3. BD, in your position, I'd have the CC or treasurer ask the boy if he's okay with paying for his mom/dad out of his account. Make sure the boy knows how much will be left over in the account for his other activities. One time we had a Seabase trip with limited spots and too many parents wanting to fill them. We required all parents who wanted to participate to take IOLS. That thinned the herd.
  4. My read is that the alternative requirement is for boys who have been active in the troop for the required time, but PORs weren't available to him. So ask yourself, has this boy been of some good (about six months worth) to the troop as a star scout? If yes, then any of the above are worth the time suggesting. If the boy just showed up today after being absent since his last board of review, you should offer to help him work to finish out a life scout with a legit POR for the duration.
  5. JP, happens all the time to me as well. But, I'd tell the T2FC scout "excuse me one moment while I give your SPL/PL a refresher course." Then I tell the older scout to abandon that EDGE method, get with the younger scout and his book and the both of them learn together by my tried-and-true referential learning method. Nobody is off the hook because of a lapse of memory.
  6. ASM = ASSIST the SM, not second-guess everything. But obviously this guy is in helicopter mode and telling him that won't help you. Rather, say "Any boy who feels this isn't working out for him can ask for a SM conference and we can see what we can do to make it work better. The next round of reassignments, if any, will be up to the SPL." Fact is, your boys are so young (mostly) that nobody has any idea how they will pan out in the long term. By 8th grade, the "serious" boy may switch to "fun" and vice-versa.
  7. I'd steer clear of animal figures for cubs because someone's gonna make a fuss. Plus shooting a ton of arrows just for one target to bust is a recipe for chaos. Can I suggest balloons stuffed with a few pieces of wrapped candy (tootsie rolls or taffy work best)? Slide them into the balloon, inflate, string or tape to the target. The boys get the gratification of a "pop" and when they retrieve their arrows get their candy.
  8. Agreed. We had a boy fall short of Eagle for skimping precisely on this sort of thing. It was really hard on the MBC, who was close to him and really wanted him to make it. The rest of us (including the youth) agreed that this reflected a pattern of trying to jump hoops as opposed to reflecting on the experience. It just so happened that the badges with the daily tracking requirements are often where all the corner cutting comes to a head.
  9. I remember when we had to sum up an election to the committee: "It looks like the boys elected the most popular, not the most competent, SPL." Hopefully your boys will make a thoughtful decision. I would suggest you touch base with each candidate and have them prepare election speeches -- a few words discussing why they would like to be SPL and how they'd like to help the troop. Make it clear, that if they aren't committed to being at meetings every week and touching base with you before/after/outside meetings (every SM does it differently) they shouldn't run. I think if the older boy
  10. Awesome. When you get back, please post some thoughts (yours or the boys) on the trip under "Camping and High Adventure"?
  11. I made roughly the same comment about Jehovah's Witnesses once, and a friend replied "How dare you demean one of the greatest heresies of Christendom!
  12. Did it include his budget? Was each expense explained? Did you ask about any unusual patterns? For example, when son #1 went over this with his MBC, she noticed that his spending dropped off after a particular week. He couldn't quite figure it out until he realized that was the week his girlfriend dumped him! Life lesson learned. So it's not about the data entry, it's about if the boy gave you enough for the two of you to be insightful about managing his money.
  13. The tradition seems to be popular in our neck of the woods; however, we adults never do the corner tearing. We may have the boy (once the wound is patched) report to his PL or SPL to discuss the matter. It's up to the youth leader to decide how to deal with it. Long before crises like this, we give our 1st class scouts general guidelines on how to issue "negative reinforcement" ... sort of along these lines: The point of any negative reinforcement is to impose a pattern of forethought on an otherwise entrenched action. So, in general: 1. Think about if the scout has been showing a
  14. Pardon me for not answering your question. Do SMs have far reaching authority? Well a lot of my youth are older and are my FB friends. I call them on every cuss word and abbreviation thereof. Some were indignant until I pointed out that they have every right to call me on cussing as well.
  15. Welcome to the forums! Hope you keep coming back to set us old farts straight! SM's kids have it tough. But, stupid happens quickly (as you just found out), and he's just trying to get you to slow it down a little. On the bright side, he left you one corner. So, read the card again make a mental note of which points you ignored, then don't do those, and you'll probably never have to worry about it again.
  16. I've never been able to get PMs to work on this new system. Stinks.
  17. The kid's reverence stone-ward isn't sad. That someone thinks we should boot him from scouting because the rock is not *their kind of* supreme being ... that's sad. Given the rapid sophistication of the Zombie in pop-culture over the past few decades, let's just extrapolate and count your jab as veneration!
  18. Forget telling us about yourself ... what about that locomotive in your picture? What's it's guage, HP, years of service? Which lines does it run? Was it steam or diesel? Are you riding it to Jambo?
  19. Well, pardon me for mentioning their sex! But, the two scout dads weren't cleaning my cookery.
  20. Problem is His great affection for pipsqueaks! Half the Psalms are the writer wondering when He's gonna stop putting up with our crap. And (for you "Goddess" fans), I'm using "His" and "He" in the gender-neutral form originally intended (a la "mother hen gathering her chicks" style).
  21. I think you meant assault on "God". The sad part about this is if a kid thinks a particular stone is his salvation and is not disparaging his buddy's devotion to Allah, I'd count it as reverent. If he acted in a way that treated that rock as supreme (even if it was a lady rock ), I'd count it as fulfilling his duty to God. I'd expect a little more sophistication from adults, but not much. And, that's how I've seen it played out by scouters in my neck of the woods.
  22. What BD said. But regarding your "oops I'm in the water" scenario: NEVER GO AFTER A SNAG IN UNFAMILIAR WATER!!!!! (That includes suspending one's self on an outstretched log.) The three alternatives: Reach, Throw, and Row. If they don't have a life vest on DO NOT GO even if we're talking about somebody's heirloom lure (which we probably aren't) just tell gramps that you handed it down to posterity. Pound that into the boys' heads. Stupid happens fast. The buddy system works best at the prevention stage. At the intervention stage: not so much.
  23. " Surely you don't keep everything under a bush in the woods. " Really haven't seen many Arthurian legend movies, have you? Disclosed locations were problematic to druids. Worse for wiccans --ever since Grim & Co. sued for fire safety violations on behalf of Hanzel and Gretels' parents.
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