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Everything posted by MattR

  1. Probably not the right sub forum but why not. My understanding of bamboo is that if it is not contained, you have a problem. I also know it costs a bunch to get the poles where I live, so maybe Etsy would be an option. It also makes for good pioneering poles. Much lighter than wood. Other than that, I'm ignorant about bamboo.
  2. The drone sounds like great fun. I hope they have lots of extra props 😉. The maker space also sounds like a good idea. We have push cart parts the scouts really enjoy. The frame and wheels are standard and they can add simple things like push bars and decorations. It's kind of the big kid version of the pinewood derby. Helmets required so they enjoy it.
  3. Either way, just pause it. Or end it and restart it. Talk to the scouts and ask them what they think is right. I have a hunch they'll understand. And for those that are so driven for check boxes, this could be a blessing for you as you'll get them out of the way.
  4. First, there's an easy solution to the OP, before the pause tell everyone with a pol that they no longer have it and it will start up after the pause. But, yeah, I get your frustration. Next, summer is the only time we can count on not having freezing temps, so we want to camp. At the same time we also have lower attendance. So we make things a bit looser, more relaxed. We make it work.
  5. Whatever all that means, no. I was thinking of the ethics of the situation. Whats the best solution for everyone and not just "my" side. This problem has been thought about for millennia, how to write a wrong, and I see very little of it in this case. To be honest, the legal system would struggle with it, but people keep bringing up the idea of fairness and the only person that has anything to do with that is the judge. For all other parties in this case, fairness isn't a primary concern. So a separate discussion about what's fair might shed some light. Big caveat: Nobody cares a wit abou
  6. Apology accepted. Maybe we just need one other thread that deals with things not related directly to the legal system. I think there are some worthy points that you and others would like to talk about but just don't fit in a thread about the legal aspects. You're welcome to start a thread.
  7. Sorry, I don't buy that. The moderators keep trying to keep this thread as just news about the court case. We have split off other threads, including what's fair, and nobody seems to be interested in keeping those threads going. Everyone just piles more into this thread, which by the way, is some hundreds of pages long if you include the previous ones we capped. When we try and tamp some of the anger down it's because the original intent (information about the court case) gets pushed to the side by everyone's opinions about what is right/wrong about everyone else's opinions. Personally, I
  8. Time is money in this case. A much cheaper high adventure or summer camp can be done but it costs time. I read through some of the thesis and my impression is there have been numerous forces against the BSA that nobody has figured out how to deal with and it's been going on since the 50's. The East coast was already losing membership in the 60's, and that was the supposed golden age. Add in a culture war, the changing economy, poor management, sexual abuse and here we are. On the other hand, this past weekend I went camping for the first time in 18 months and kids still like playing
  9. That's us. The greater wyoming council had the Northern 2/3 of the state and longs peak had the rest, along with parts of colorado and nebraska. I was told the greater Wyoming council is down to less than 100 people. That's scouts and adults. But they do have a camp right outside of Yellowstone.
  10. I wish there was more focus on quality rather than quantity. The number of quality programs is probably a better indicator of the future then the number of current youth.
  11. The topic is a cub and dl/parent visiting a troop. Can we leave it out of this as, I believe, there might be other threads on that topic?
  12. While I agree I also think both sides of the bsa needs to be seen. Nobody is perfectly good or perfectly bad. Some of the best lessons come from grappling with the good and bad in people, or organizations. Nobody is ever simple.
  13. We did it on our own. I'm not sure there are any guides. It's fairly simple. But there's really no way to resupply. Our only mistake was the timing. Go later when the skeeters aren't around. It was absolutely beautiful, and just as steep. My GPS said we were doing 500' vertical, up or down, per mile. Even if that wasn't too accurate it was stunning scenery.
  14. Worst night's sleep I ever had was at a camporee in the middle of 3 train tracks. Trains went by all night long. Needless to say, we never went back.
  15. I would not tell the judge anything, seeing as how she hasn't asked me for my opinion. I would, however, invite her to join me at my imaginary bar on my imaginary island for an imaginary mojito with all my imaginary friends and band because, well, nobody honestly cares one wit for my opinion so I may as well make this game productive. Scouting is a game with a purpose? Besides, that would be more fun than arguing the minutiae of the BSA charter.
  16. Welcome to the forum, @Eagle1970. My impression is there will not be one amount to everyone. I'm not sure of the process and I assume others can better explain.
  17. I've seen similar things. Elections are great way for a scout to get some good feedback. Adults can say anything they want and it might not soak in but watching someone else get elected by one's peers for something a scout wants can be very inspiring. I also learned voting is much more useful than adult decision making. Once I asked some scouts why one scout didn't get elected and the response was very elegant. "Well, Mr R, some scouts act very differently when no adults are around." Pure gold. Glad you're having fun.
  18. That could be one interpretation. All of these rules assume national being able to decide whether they want to recharter a council. Is there anything that explicitly mentions what happens if national no longer exists? If not then it's a corner case that hasn't been considered. If so it could be that's what the judge gets to deal with. In other words, we won't know until it happens. What will be will be.
  19. It is about trust, but trust is earned. It's also not binary. Some scouts and adults are never fully trusted while most are. That's the challenge. Once the scouts earned my trust to go off on their own I'd let them. When other scouts asked why they couldn't do that I'd tell them that I didn't trust them, yet. Until then they had to follow the more restrictive rules. That encouraged some scouts to step up, some to just accept it and a few to leave. In the end, I was still responsible for their safety and that's why the parents trusted me.
  20. And a mighty fine story when it comes to improved airline and auto safety.
  21. That sounds like a challenging ticket This is mostly in jest, but if you figure out a way to slowly move adults in the right direction I think it would be great. At the same time I understand your reluctance.
  22. I've never been to a HA base. Backpacking lots of places in the Rockies and Oregon. Rafting the Green River. Kayaking in Peugeot Sound. Backpacking the Grand Canyon. Biking in the Black Hills (there's lots but we did the Mickelson Trail). There are also programs, kind of like Philmont, at a lot of scout camps - and they cost less than Philmont. Tall ship sailing out of LA with the Los Angeles Maritime Institute. I've wanted to canoe the Apostle Islands but the scouts voted and I lost. These all start by asking lots of questions and making lots of phone calls. There are good times to go a
  23. Sounds like the making of a fun game. First, teach everyone how to send and receive the gps data in a photo. Next, play some sort of tracking game. The "fox" has to send images/gps info to the "hounds" every 5 minutes. The hounds try to run the fox up a tree while the fox just tries to get away.
  24. It's easy to push a rope. Get it wet before going to bed on a cold campout. They push just fine the next morning. And that's about all they do. The same idea holds for boot laces and tent lines.
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