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Everything posted by LovetoCamp

  1. North's mission got the hostages freed from Iran and eventually the people of Nicaragua freed from their communist oppressors. Mission accomplished. Freedom Fighter. If President Carter would have got reelected the hostages may still be tied up in that embassy.
  2. For Real Barbarians, it's simple. Conan, What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women." (This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
  3. Hopper, It's good to be boss!!! Manchester has a couple sailboats on the dock that are part of a week long sailing summer camp. That would be neat. Could that be funner than backpacking the entire 162 mile River to River Trail?
  4. You knew what I meant. Kentucky Lake would be 6-7 hours from home. But, but, but, 160,000 acres of water. That's HUUUGGEEEE!!!!
  5. Why aren't you in school?
  6. Camp Manchester near Benton sits right on Lake Kentucky. Places to camp all along the LBL Trail. I've got that 60 mile trail on my future activity radar.
  7. Went to the last one in Kentucky. The information just kept coming. It was like "sipping water through a fire hose."
  8. Looks like Lake Springfield has 4000 acres of water, seperated by 4 or 5 roads. Baaaad. Lake Shelbyville has 11,000 acres of water and is 3-4 hours away. Lake Carlyle on the other hand is 4-5 hours away and has 26,000 acres of water. Go another hour and we're at Scout Camp Roy C. Manchester on Kentucky Lake. We're gonna have fun this summer.
  9. 5 to 6 hour drive. So if I get those teenagers up at 0300, we can be on the water at 8:00 am! Perfect.
  10. Those Catalina 22's might just fit the bill. From shopping the net, it looks like you can pick an older model and trailer up for peanuts. So, the mast stays up. That eliminates Lake Springfield. I'll bet a 22 footer on Lake Shelbyville would be perfect. Thanks again. Eagle in KY, are you signed up for the Powderhorn in Louisville or was that Lexington?
  11. "Beleive me I know I'm an Ontario beef farmer." What a coincidence, you and your son misspell the same words.
  12. And just so you don't loose complete faith in today's youth, I assure you that I too, am a youngin. Only 15 years of age if you can beleive it. I thought you said you were 15?
  13. "Veer Cur Goo, Da Goo!" That's Kligon for "Where Kirk goes, I go!"
  14. We're backpacking the I & M Canal Trail. Part of the America Discovery Trail. 50 Miler over Spring Break. "Do you know where your teenagers are?" If they're with me, they'll be asleep by 8:00 pm. http://www.discoverytrail.org/states/illinois/index.html I submitted a Philmont application the minute they took them electronically and ended up 472 on the list. Next Spring we've scheduled backpacking the River to River Trail instead. We'll be on our own through The Shawnee. Anybody want to go with? http://www.rivertorivertrail.org/
  15. Thanks for the info. We'll have to get out there and try a bunch of different ones this summer and decide what works for us.
  16. With all of our freedoms, why would a person choose to flame up our flag? Why not just use a bullhorn? Write a letter to the Editor?(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
  17. but, but, but Merlyn likes being a lightning rod and I was just helping.
  18. Thanks for the info. We're lined up to go out on Lake Michigan in the spring on a 26 footer, but that'll be with an experienced sailor. Lake Springfield is a 4000 acre man made lake divided into 4 or 5 sections by roads. A 19 footer with a small cabin would be the ticket, if 2 or 3 of us could take the mast down quickly and get it back up with no problem and just motor under the roads. I'm thinking a 19' with cabin may just be the ticket (can I say ticket). We could all sail, but there wouldn't be any room for more than 4 to sleep aboard. Would a 19' sail boat be small enough to lo
  19. There's a difference between wearing a nice shirt and physical desecration. I think of my Grandpa's generation and the sacrifices they made, several from my own brigade didn't come home from the desert and yet Merlyn's friends are able to use the flag as a latrine and call it art. For ten years, all over the world at 0600 the cannon, BOOM, would go off, the bugle would play revielle and everybody around me walking, running, or driving a car, would stop and salute that flag going up. At 1700, To the Colors and Retreat would sound, everyone would face the flag as she came down. I just
  20. http://www.legion.org/?section=our_flag&subsection=flag_related&content=flag_related Follow this link and sign on with the American Legion in its persuit of protecting the flag. Welcome Aboard.
  21. Are there any experienced sailing sailors out there? We're looking for a sail boat, but trying to nail down some details. We'd need to haul it on a trailer wherever we went. It would have to have room for a crew of 4-6 at a time. Small enough to bring the mast down and back up to go under a highway that cuts the lake in two. Thanks for any advice.
  22. They passed out laminated cards at our course: Powderhorn Grace - "O Lord, Please provide us with your Great Light, so we may find our way better down Life's Trail, Provide us with Strength, Fairness, and Courage, So we may be more faithful in your Service this day, Amen.
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