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le Voyageur

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Everything posted by le Voyageur

  1. No...it's a mis direct. The subject is Reagan, not Obama. Joe Bob can start his own thread, and bash the POTUS with his Tea Party mindset....
  2. JRush...suggest you study the Unitary Executive Theory; and yes, Reagan overstepped, right into both treason, and sedition.The Iran-Contra scandal can be traced to the October Surprise during the 1980 Presidential election between incumbent Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. In the fall of 1980, Carter was marginally leading Reagan in the polls with the election right around the corner. The release of hostages before election day presumably would have insured the election for Carter. The Reagan team conspired to negotiate a deal with Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. Campaign manager William Casey and
  3. JoeBob... Suggest you find another board to carry on your ad hominem attacks with those racist dog whistles...this isn't the place.(This message has been edited by le Voyageur)
  4. Chief Justice Marshall in ex parte Bollman - ''Crimes so atrocious as those which have for their object the subversion by violence of those laws and those institutions which have been ordained in order to secure the peace and happiness of society, are not to escape punishment, because they have not ripened into treason."(This message has been edited by le Voyageur)
  5. I sump my bowl, scrub it out with a wee bit of grit/sand. Flush it out in the river. Toss in a hand sanitizer towelette into the bowl, add hotwater to the top, and let soak until the water is cool. Chuck it out, toss the towellette into the fire, and let the bowl air dry...piece of cake...
  6. Seattle Pioneer....I'll have to disagree with you...I give the credit to Woodrow Wilson..consider that the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 was met with overt hostility from President Wilson's administration. After withdrawing funding for Russia and opposing a British and French plan to include the Bolsheviks as allies against Germany in 1918, the United States extended its maritime blockade of Germany to include Soviet Russia and began covertly supporting Russian opposition factions. In 1918, the United States together with other Western powers and Japan launched an armed intervention during the
  7. Well, I see that you ignored the Iran Contra Affair, and the back door deal his election team made with Iran to continue holding American hostages to defeat Carter at the poll. I've notice you also latched on to the word "treason" ignoring also in total the other word that I used. To refresh your memory that word is "Sedition". Within the Consitution treason is defined as..."... shall consist only in levying War....or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Please note ..."giving them Aid". Suggest here you do a review of the Iran Contra Scandal. For Sedition, sedit
  8. Well JRush - One of the required courses of study that was required for the job I had in the military was International Law covering the rules of war. During Reagan's tenure, he ran a secret war in Central America that cost 75 000 lives. The public only became aware of this war after the murder of four nuns. My job in this war wasn't much...just photo recon for intell purposes. I shot Kodak, not bullets. So yes, I know what treason is. And I know what Reagan did. Now, what are your quals since you're attempting to be an expert here...(This message has been edited by le Voyageur)
  9. For the 2012 Donny Brook, it has become obvious that the current slate of Right Wing whack jobs running for POTUS are hauling the ghost of Reagan out of the dumpster. Dispite wrecking the economy, destroying the US energy policy, raising taxes, dumping billions into failed weapon systems, the odious stench of sedition and treason reeking out of the Oval Office, as well as one of the most scandalous administration in American history, it befuddles me how the Cons continue to worship the myth of Ronnie over historical truths? The real legacy of Reagan is that he legitimized, and made respecta
  10. Well Seattle Pioneer, it's not that I "deplore" BSA. Having been with the program since 1957 I've seen a lot of changes. And, the big change now, is that the program is veering hard right. I'd like to see it veer back to neutral, eliminate it's hypocracy, and be a bit more humanistic and a lot more inclusive...
  11. Well, in a way BD is right...the poll has little meaning. The reason, this is the 21st century; and science, as well as the science of genetics has come along way since men started making gods to blame on bad weather, crop failures, the evil eye, and to protect them from witches, heathens, and homosexuals. Sadly,it seems that the major drivers and policy makers of BSA National, plus a considerable number of others still prefer to live in the Dark Ages...
  12. I recall a scout who did the 50 miler requirement for the Cycling merit badge in an hour and a half....all downhill. It's a suggestion...
  13. Nope...Just sharing a technique to pull lat/lons from topos. Always good to know other ways of navigating in the back country(This message has been edited by le Voyageur)
  14. My own feeling is that the lad still has a bit of growing to do, bone growth is a slow process and calcification at the break may require PT for a longer period of time, as the location of where that break is at is problematical. I would bounce it off the Doc to see what the long term prognoisis is...if it's fall within that 3 to 5 month time frame, then work on other things. Should it require a longer period of time, go to a plan B...
  15. Both hiking, and cycling are out, the break at that ankle needs to heal....modify the requirement as it's for the now a disabilty, and do a 10 miler canoe trek on a Class B river (flat water with a slow current) with no portages instead. If he's done a swim check within the past year, meeting the requirements for swimmer, he should be good to go. If not... from Safety Afloat... "A person who has not been classified as a "swimmer" may ride as a passenger in a rowboat or motorboat with an adult swimmer, or in a canoe, raft, or sailboat with an adult who is trained as a lifeguard or a l
  16. For this, you'll need a 7.5 min quad - any will do - a calculator (just basic math functions will do fine), a 12 inch ruler graduated in 16ths, and a pencil with a good eraser. First, every topo is divided into 9 grids of 2'30" on all sides. Converting 2'30" into seconds gives 150 seconds. Now the topo that I'll be using is a Moyock Quad, and my PoI (position of interest) is Panther Landing on the Northwest River. As I look at the map, I note that the PoI is in the first grid (bottom right). And, at the bottom right corner on the margin are intersecting lat/lon's. The latitude h
  17. "....must possess the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary" Wow! So let's see, if I have a Third grade education, love the Texas Jesus with all my heart, and hate homo's, lesbo's and atheist, I'm in???? For meself, I'm thinking BSA needs a pretty good moral house cleaning....as I'm moraly bigger than that....
  18. Don't worry about the spacing...from my own experience you can get 91 MB's on one of the 3 wide sash with no problem
  19. What the media isn't telling you about Libya is this Administration's fear, that a mass democide would send a large wave of humanity into Egypt. Still in it's recovery phase from it's own revolution, this influx could destablize this country putting the Suez canal in jeopardy. With nearly 4 billion barrels of crude being shipped via the canal to both Europe, and this country everyday, any disruption of the oil supply could send shock waves into these economies....it's about oil, and it's about choke points....(This message has been edited by Le Voyageur)
  20. Eagle 90 - there are age limits for raft guides, and our Reservation produces guides that are in demand by other New River outfitters. It will take years for BSA National to produce the quality of guides that we turn out...
  21. Been my experiences that no matter where I travel, and how well I leave no evidence of my passing, within a few years there will be a Wall Mart, a new housing track, or another logging road/highway/interstate, or dam. One of my most favorite camping spots in Sedona near slide rock now has a public toilet...so much for LNT
  22. All that I'll say is that as a minarchist I don't see much in any redeeming value in any of the parties, and this includes the Tea Party.... I keep wondering what has happened to the Middle, and why extremists on both sides are allowed to keep driving the mule cart over the clift?
  23. Ah the heck with it. Since this is no longer the America that I grew up in, let's just go ahead and have Federal ID cards, a DNA data base that encompasses every citizen, and start bar coding every child at birth, along with the implantation of sub derma GPS tracking devices. Make Facebook part of the a Big Brother internet check in site requiring under Federal law that every citizen check in during set AM and PM hours.... As I see it the land of the free is now just a myth, just might as well as to put this big lie to bed, and embrace the fascist state that this country has now become....
  24. Here's a thought...train as a raft guide at our Reservation, then, when BSA opens their new high adventure base in West Virginia, be the first to sign on...
  25. How is that a stretch? That issue was decided by SCOTUS in Saenz v. Roe, 526 U.S. 489 (1999), Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S.(1868), Dunn v. Blumstein, 405 U.S. 330, 334 (1972), Arlington County Bd. v. Richards, 434 U.S. 5 (1977),Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 629-31, 638 (1969), and et. al...
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