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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Well Here is an Open Challenge to All you Perfect Scout Units..Pack your Back Packs...Come to Northwest Texas Council 587 and Show Me how We have been doing it Wrong all these years....Show me how to Use our State Parks and Area Camping Sites properly. Mean while We will pitch our Baker Tents...Set up our Cots..while your walking alongside Hot Blacktop all day avoiding traffic or just walking around and around in Circles to Hike.
  2. Given the Small percentage of the numbers of Scouters there are and the percentage of active posters..nothing on theses forums represent typical scout anything.. In all my Scouting Experience I have never Encountered any Troops like what yall describe yalls as your "typical" Unit Never been to a Camp except Philmont that allowed 300 feet between Patrols, or had enough miles between camp sites for back packing every day. I sure can tell the difference in the East Coast Scouters and the Rest of the Scouters of America. Last Troop we had around here from that area tried Back Packin
  3. Sadly Some of Us have a Reason to put down the program. As Several People have already stated..Lodges Vary Greatly...Not All Lodges can Count the Memberships in the Hundreds instead of the 10's. Very Few can count memberships in the 1000's Not Every Lodge has countless activities. You can't always be asking people just to pay to work Scouting is Like a Sport...Which team do you want to play for...The One who wins or the One who loses? The Ones who Plays games win or lose or for One who Forfeits every game and only Practices? There is a Reason we have what is Called Sash and Dash
  4. We plumbed a propane line into the pit and had a spark ignition Sometimes We also had a thin wire line on which a Lit weighted Arrow would shot from a Tree during the Winter Months. We used this in the Winter because of early darkness obviously
  5. My lodge's calendar... January...Winter Ordeal / Vigil Honors and Officers Installed February.....BBQ Fund (mainly Adults who Cook and Deliver the Racks of Ribs) June.....Summer Ordeal/ Officer Elections for Next year June Call Out Ceremony (watermelon social after Call out) We Fit in Sectional Conclave sometimes This Year only 3 Adults have registered to Go to Regional Conclave...Seems Wood Badge split weekends interfere this year. No youths are attending. I offered to pay for a New Member to go if a First timer.....No Takers NOAC and Jambo in those years they occur..Of Co
  6. Also gonna print them Up a "Honorary" Texas Citizenship
  7. My Junior Term Theme ...The Boy Scouts of America
  8. I am Part Irish and Part Scotch so I know about not Calling them English. Not Sure where they are coming from. All I know for Sure about group is 3 male Explorers (14-18) 2 male and 2 female Networkers (18-25) Plus myself (adult I am Corresponding with) They Arrive in DFW and Plan on Canoeing at Camp Worth. They Have Invited us to go with them but I have not heard back yet (Max size) fromCamp Worth Yet..Since there is 8 in their Group it May Limit us to just 1 or 2 people..Hopefully we can take a group and join them there. They Then Come up to Camp Perkins. So Far I have
  9. I get the Opportunity to Help Host a Group of scouters from Scotland next July. So looking forward to it.
  10. Well yall do it your way I'll do it my way. I pay my own way in order to Volunteer. I buy my own food to cook and share at Campouts, I buy my Own Equipment. I pay for my own training when I feel it is necessary to Train. I got all the free online Stuff. a Base due of $2.00 a Month ain't gonna break me....
  11. I did it like we did it when I was a Youth.. Use a Uniform Inspection Sheet.. Just like in Military line 'em up..Inspect..Amazingly even My Tigers cooperated
  12. [h=2]vol·un·teer: a person who does work without getting paid to do it[/h] Committee members are registered members and Volunteers again Good Sir Have a Nice Day
  13. No one has demanded you pay anything...Pay or leave simple. You don't like it move onto an Organization. creative typing about my Name ain't gaining you no sympathy..keep it up Obvious you have no idea what it means to be Kind or Friendly Have a good Day sir
  14. Well If Adults paid there Own Fees and Boys paid $2.00 per Month Dues Lets See where we are at Troop Recharter Fee 40.00 Insurance X54 54.00 Total Recharter Fees 94.00
  15. When First Class Stopped being the Highest Rank in Scouting. Personal Achievement...The End Goal of Scouting....Eagle Scout...An Obtainable Goal with a Clearly defined guideline. Just Like in OA Brotherhood is an Obtainable Goal for Every OA Member... Vigil is bestowed you don't have a Checklist.. I join a Program I strive to be the Best I can be...Not just a Plain Lackey In JROTC I could of just been a Corp Member instead of Excelling and being Promoted Cadet Lt. Colonel as Brigade Executive Officer. In Scouting I knew what I could Achieve and Accomplish without someone ha
  16. JoeBob commented Yesterday, 08:37 PM j stud of tex ass: "If Ya Can't afford $25 a Year to Register...Get out of Scouting." I'm trying to take your advice. I keep asking our committee to fire me. But while you're riding up on that high horse, would you mind looking around for me and tell me what my troop is getting for the $1,500 plus check we'll be writing for our charter? Well Well ..Well..Well... I will let Your Typing Skills speak for it self or Your Eyesight but back on Topic. anyways back to Fees Recharter Fee....$40.00 per Unit...So assuming that Y
  17. I Guess We were Lucky around here in Texas. we can still throw out Candy to Viewers along the Parade Route.. Several Years ago our pack did basically the Same thing.. A Winter Camping trip.. The Smallest Cubs who would get tired before the parade had concluded rode on the Decorated Trailer..All Participants on the Float remained seating at all times. Everyone else walked besides the Float.. Last Year we did a Cabin with Fireplace... Both years we used a Propane Fire in the Campfire and Fireplace...So real
  18. Well then Lets Broaden the Merit Badge System even more since we don't wanna Stiffle the Imagination and Creativity of the Scouters..Do Away with just Cooking Merit Badge instead we Have French Cuisine, Asian Cuisine, Tex-Mex, Cajun, Italian, German, Kosher, Texas BBQ, KCBBQ, Memphis BBQ, Orlean Cuisine, Southern Fried, Pastry Chef.. Eagle Scouts today are Turning into "shells" We Know Longer care if they learn anything and retain their knowledge...Wonder why most Councils stopped having First Aid Meets and Scout-o-Ramas..becuase we know our Scouts don't have the Knowledge or Skill to S
  19. First Thing ...OH My Gosh...If Ya Can't afford $25 a Year to Register...Get out of Scouting. Adults should foot their Own Bill. For $2.083333333333333333 a Month You can be registered. My Gosh when I was a Youth I paid $0.50 a week Dues..Did not Kill me..Did not Prevent me from spending Money on Uniforms, I never missed a Campout, I never Missed a Camporee, I never Missed a Scout-o-Rama, I never Missed First Aid Meets. I went to Summer Camp...$2.00 in Dues a Month Never prevented me from participating in Scouting. A Year of Registered Scouting costs less than a Movie with a Soda and a Tub o
  20. Those Chinese Scouter truly earn their merit Badges
  21. Where is the rule written by BSA that once earned a Scouter can't Purchase a Merit Badge but have to wait because it has to be presented by Unit at a Court of Honor?
  22. Basementdweller commented Yesterday, 02:19 PM No when his lad is a scouter, he will be the guy at roundtable that says, oh your only an eagle, well I am an eagle with 10 palms. The Saying is Once and Eagle always and Eagle. An Eagle is a Eagle, Palms or no Palms.
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