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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. het·er·o·sex·u·al adj. Sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex. Of or relating to different sexes. ped·o·phile noun an adult who is sexually attracted to young children. There is a difference in a Heterosexual and a Pedophile...Being a Homosexual does not make you a Pedophile. Appears you don't understand the Meaning The statistics say that one out of every three to four girls has been sexually assaulted by the age of 18. One boy out of every six will be abused by the age of 18
  2. Requirement 5 Does not have to be done Outdoor or at a Campout Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan a menu for three full days of meals (three breakfasts, three lunches, and three dinners) plus one dessert. Your menu should include enough to feed yourself and at least one adult, keeping in mind any special needs (such as food allergies) of those to be served. List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals. Then do the following: Create a shopping list for your meals showing the amount of food needed to prepare and serve each
  3. If You don't want to eat the food you cooked, I wouldn't want to eat it either.. If your Gonna have to nit pick the rules Where does it say anywhere that it has to be edible?
  4. Ahhhhhhh The Discussion about Youth Protection transgresses into a Homophobic discussion instead of The Program itself. Of all the Child Molesters I have encountered over the Last 10 Years 10 Months in as a Correctional Officer for Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division in a Maximum Security Prison, I have yet to encounter 1 that was involved with Boy Scouts of America...They have been Teachers, Policemen, Firemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Sport Coaches....Very Very Few have been unrelated to the Victim. 99% are Heterosexual and Usually Married.. Awake up and pay atte
  5. So TwoCubs your saying that only your troop associated Merit Badge Counselors are they only ones who teach Merit Badges right?
  6. Most Merit Badges at summer camp were/are freebies just like Merit badge college are. Sadly Scouters circumvent the intent of the earning of merit badges through means provided to them. Merit Badges are rarely earned through Merit Badge Counselors anymore but through the easy routes of summer camp and Merit Badge Colleges or "Troop" associated mbc
  7. You want the same rule for Things like James E West and Other Monetary based Awards? What do you have against where the money comes from? Should we Require the Scout to get a Job and pay for everything themselves? That would change the types of projects Scouts do now days and stop the Majority of "Out Doing" we do now days.. A Scout can arrange a Community Service Projects or they can arrange to pay for a Display they Build out of Pocket to Honor themselves. .The Question was when should the Scout stop requesting additional funding...simple...when project is completed.
  8. Announcing the 2014 National Chief of the Order of the Arrow: Nick Dannemiller. Nick is from Section W-1S and is a Vigil Honor member from Wauna-La-Mon’tay Lodge of the Cascade Pacific Council. Announcing the 2014 National Vice Chief of the Order of the Arrow: Taylor Bobrow. Taylor is from Section SR-7A and is a Vigil Honor member from Blue Heron Lodge of the Tidewater Council.
  9. No Problem. I think it is great to have an opportunity for Scouters to step outside their everyday Normal. To Experience environments outside of their Back Yards. With Scout Bases we tend to Supersize and over look the little Camps.
  10. Looking for Something New to Do. Tired of Camping in the Same place.Want to Try a New Environment besides the Beach or the Mountains..Ever Consider the Swamp, Kayaking, airboats, houseboats, and amazing wildlife await those willing to test themselves against one of the country's most intimidating wildernesses. This is the Atchafalaya Swamp Bases' second year..Program is still expanding I made this video as a good deed for them last summer. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v...8&notif_t=like best watched in HD..just click the HD on the Video Photos are from Various Photogr
  11. The State of Texas uses the BSA YP except it is done in a Face to Face presentation with an Instructor and you are required to stop and discuss the Segments and take a Written Test to pass. I think the program is fine..We are not Trained Professionals with years of Education in Pyschology
  12. I earned my World Crest. We Hosted 4 English Scouters one Summer, and they worked our Summer Camps
  13. Congrats to your Daughter on her Ranger Award. I am having my own Sporran, Belt and Buckle designed and Made.
  14. Again Come To Texas and Even Drive to those places you have provided links for...You will Be Surprised to Find that the Majority of those are Trailer/Parking Lot Bloop Places...Been to the Wichita Mountains many many many Times..Love it..but it is still Basically Drive and Bloop and Drop Camping. Even the Charons Garden Wilderness Unit is Basically a Drive in Unload Place...Your Don't Park and Hike. You Park and Bloop. We have been there many times. They Scout Love it..They Hike not Back Pack. Ouachita National Trails is 272 miles (4 hours 48 minutes away) Beaver bend is 255 miles (4 h
  15. Consider The New Swampbase or the New Galveston Seabase in 2016
  16. Not every meal has to be planned and Cooked outdoors. Requirement 4 Do the following Discuss EACH of the following cooking methods. For each one, describe the equipment needed and name at least one food that can be cooked using that method: baking, boiling, pan frying, simmering, steaming, microwaving, and grilling.
  17. Well around here around here We have been awarding Winners based on 1st through 3rd Place Finishes since at least 1930's. I have no problem awarding through 4th Place as it balances it out a little more toward fairness. Now days the Only Troops who complain are the Ones who have poor skills and never come to events because "they Can't Win" I say it is more because Their Eagles don't have the Skills to compete..I say it is a bit embarrassing when your Eagles Can't Lash, Lose at Fire Building and Starting, Saw Logs, and all the basic Skill events.
  18. Hummmm Anyone ever think about a Cooking Merit Badge "Buffet".. Why Not Center 1 or Two Campouts around the Cooking Merit Badge.
  19. Price is about online with Commercial Kilters. Got any Pictures? I don't buy sight Unseen.
  20. Funny thing is..Scouters want to go and Stay where they have fun and are Comfortable...Honestly as a Scout I went where I felt I was welcome..I did not care if it was "Boy" ran or "Adult" run.. I cared for Structure..when I moved back to Wichita Falls Texas...I visited several Troops First Troop ( a Large Troop) I visited I was sat down and Shown My Schedule to Eagle...planned out to the Minute already. Never Introduced to the Boys Second Troop (another Large Troop) It was a Rabble..no Structure..Boys running everywhere 3rd Troop ( a Small One)..It was Structured..They were well manne
  21. I agree..I would award each category (age division) 1st through 4th with Some award and then Overall based on the average.to the Clans. I would say something like 1st Place Event = 5 points 2nd Place Event finish = 3 Points 3rd Place Finish = 2 Points 4th Place Finish = 1 Point Overall Scout = Highest Total based on Top 4 Finishes Overall Clan Based on Accumulated Scouts Scores Some Knuckle Dragging Traditions are Still as good today as they were 100 Years ago..I have never agreed with awarding everyone with equal awards unless everyone equally participates. If ya awa
  22. We Don't Back Pack,, We drive several Hours Usually ..We Unload Equipment and Set Up...We Enjoy activities without carrying all our Equipment on our Backs and reserve the saved time and energy for other activities
  23. And We Wonder why Traditional Scouting is going the Way of DOO DOO Bird...WE already give every Scouter attending a Patch...Lets just do away with competition because we don't want to Offend a Scouter.. Looking at the Competition They have Age categories so Older Scouts are not Competing With Younger Ones..Main Events are based on ability not subject to sentiment judgement and unfair judging. Shame to See Scouters Refuse to participate in Camporees because they are afraid to lose..If Your Not Afraid of Losing why Not Participate and Show of Your Scouter's Skills. I had a Small Youth Troop rare
  24. I Borrowed that one... I can Wear 3 Kilts...and yes I wear something underneath
  25. Award it to the Best "Clan" not the Best Troop.. (largest vs smaller) issue will be gone, You Set the Clan size to 4-8...So stick to that...A Troop shows up as a Clan with 30 Members.They select 8 max to Compete or They show up as 6 Clans with 6 each..their choice. Everyone is always promoting patrol any ways, so make it patrol competition not troop competition Award points for "Clan wear" not Scouting Uniforms..Clan wear should be worn all the time, not just here and there. Award points for "Clan flag" carried all day to each event..If they just carry to opening and Closing they don'
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