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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. Eamonn, For those of us who have lived our whole lives in "the colonies", what are bangers and mash? thanks, Gonzo
  2. Its Me, We just had AOL ceremony last week and cross over tonight. I contacted the local Order of the Arrow chapter, they sent 3 Arrowmen and did a great job. They dressed in 1700's Cherokee regalia, did some face paint, and told a nice, inspiring story. Very dignified and well done. The chapter advisor informed everyone what would take place, you could hear a pin drop. Our awards were hand made by a neighbor who is an ASM in a nearby troop. He made a wood plaque, mounted one side of a deer antler to it and tied a hand-made arrow to the antler. PM me with your email addr
  3. I like the changes too. If I were the MBC, I would allow the use of the rain fly as it says "under the sky" and the fly gives a little shelter, less than a tent. I would not allow an adirondack type shelter. A lean-to made for Wilderness Survival MB should count.
  4. As I understand it, WB students are now supposed to wear the uniform for their current position. That way, the student doesn't spend money on a new shirt, CSP, # 1 numeral. I think staff (and most adults anyway) should wear 1-2 rows of knots if you have them. The adults who have earned and wear 4-5 rows look impressive, and silly too. 1-2 rows is enough, IMO.
  5. There is also the possible link between cooking with aluminum foil and Multiple Scerolsis. A properly cared for oven is a non-stick surface. I have never used foil in my dutch oven.
  6. Regarding the shirts, one thing we can do is turn the over-sized Elvis collars under. Then put the neckerchief on and go. We used to do that before. I've never like the eppaulets and should loops. Webelos should stay in blue uniforms until they cross over also. Gonzo1
  7. So we disgree on patch background color, big deal. I like the newer broad brimmed hat, I wear it alot, in non-scout clothes too. Campaign hat is OK, but required too much work to keep flat. I read in another thread that Stetson is coming up ith 12 or 14 different hat styles for BSA. 14? sheesh.
  8. Local, Please re-send your PM, I did ot get it. Don't get me wrong, I wear my uniform and I do so proudly. I was once in the U.S. navy and had to wear "cracker jacks", now that's an odd uniform. Brianbuf was advocating changing the shirt to a polo shirt only like they have at Burger King. I'd like to either see a return to the collared 70's style shirt, pants or upgrade to something more contemporary, I wear the uniform, I'm just not a big fan of this version. Switchback pants are a good start. I haven't "jumped ship" on the uniform thing. I think the pants are cut poorly
  9. Trevorum,I did not intend to offend anyone. I meant that some people are more "tolerant" or accepting of gays and I did not mean to imply any nambla type behavior. I suppose for those of us who have a problem getting ome scout to wear the pants, switchbacks make sense. You get 2-for-1. They loog OK, but not great and kids wear them. I would rather see BSA find quality pants on the market, contract with a manufacturer for the number of pockets, color, etc, attach a BSA patch/logo and move on. I also think it's time to change the shirt. The Elvis collars are hideous. The cut and styl
  10. Aside from mini golf and a very lazy float down the Chattahoochee River, there's not much to do in Helen. The laser light show at dusk at Stone Mountain is a crowd pleaser. The hike up the mountain is fun too. Remember, the Ocoee River in Tennessee has white water rafting. The details about inor things onboard like coke and pepsi shouldn't matter. Bring a cooler. The Ft. Sumter trip is well worth it.
  11. Everyone seems to be glossing over what nldscot said, "One council is doing this as a Coed operation". Now begins the introduction of girls into the youth program if this is in fact correct. Someone will say that some survey will show it's OK or that 'everyone likes the idea' and then girls will be allowed to continue. It's feeling chilly here, Hell is freezing over.
  12. Eamonn, Gainesville, GA is about 50 miles or so NE of Atlanta. We're about 45 minutes from "the mountains".
  13. Lisa, Stay away from any cot. The blue pad at Wal-mart is great, lightweight too. Have your son put a space blanket uner his bag and on top of his pad, shiny side up to reflect any body heat back toward his body. Have him lightly drape a rain poncho over his bag to retain any body heat. I hope this helps. G
  14. OneHour, It's OK, we all talk, we all learn. G
  15. Sheesh! Perhaps the "rocking chair" patrol should have Doritos and twinkies (or whatever) and no real food. When I camp and plan for adults, I make it real good, meat, veggies, sometimes dessert, oh well, just my 2 cents worth.
  16. Lisa I agree, but I think scoutldr also said in his original post that his nephew joined the troop a year ago. So, after a year, he should have had some idea of what to bring, but then to bring junk food ain't right. Mom, dad and / or uncle should have given some better guidance too. Maybe SPL or ASM should have inspected the food. G
  17. Kindergarten cubs? C'mon, first grade is too young. Just my opinion.
  18. In another thread, scoutldr said .... "My nephew .... joined a rather large troop last fall. Two weeks later, they went camping and the weather turned cold. He was totally untrained and ill-equipped. On top of that, the scouts were told that for food, it was "every man for himself", so he took lots of Doritos, ramen noodles and pop tarts." IMO, This is exactly why patrol cooking is best. I've never liked the "bring your own food" concept because the boys bring chips and twinkies and not much else. If it has to be done, why doesn't someone screen the food? Why don't parents check the fo
  19. We applied the graphite, spun it in well. He won some races and came in second or third in others. We use a four lane track. Unexpectedly, he came in Second Place for "Best in Show" and he's pleased with that. Thanks for all the tips. G
  20. Thank yo for all of your comments. The CC says the holes are OK. The car weighs 5.0 ounces. I didn't do anything to the axles, I had already installed them before I read these comments. The center of gravity is about where OneHour said to put it. We'll find out tomorrow how his car performs. Thanks, Gonzo
  21. Arrrgghhh, I don't like this 21st Century WB stuff. I attended the "old course" and did just fine. Sure, make the course accessible, get more people trained, but at what expense? Now we're talking about 18 year olds going to WB? To me, this seems crazy. They have indeed not had the "ah ha" moment. I think we had some mention of diverity in my course, but it wasn't a focal point. I'm totally against "diversity" issues for the sake of diversity. By the way, I'm a minority, I'm Hispanic. Staffers IMO should be the best qualified, not the best qualified with the right skin color or
  22. Thanks for the great replies. This is Mason's last event for cubs as he crosses over next month. In the past, he had a "boy made car" and boy did they ever look like it too! Rough, jagged edges, sloppy paint, but he made the cars. This years, his mom and I thought we would but a kit car, pre-cut. We chose the standard wheel base model. Supposedly, this is a fast car. With the car sanded, painted and assembled, it's 5.0 ounces at the post office scale. Instead of getting a car with the grooves for the BSA axles and whels, we opted for pre-drilled holes. It's a very low prof
  23. Webelos II son has Pinewood Derby this weekend. His car is almost done. Here's my question: Is is mandatory that the car axles be placed in slots, or can we use pre-drilled holes? Do you know where it states this in the rules? Gonzo
  24. Kudu, I disagree about BSA having a monopoly. While the BP-USA whatever may be only the first Tarrant, there also groups like Scouting for All, the girl allowing, atheist accepting, gay loving group. I agree, BSA is pretty big compared to them. Besides, you could start your own group.
  25. Is continuing on to Boy Scouts necessary to receive the Arrow of Light? No, but a meeting with the Scoutmaster is a requirement.
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