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Everything posted by fred8033

  1. Is that a red flag? Large national case with representation that can't or won't represent on at the state level? It sort of makes sense. Trying to focus on the larger national case even if they don't have resources to litigate state by state. With how these proceedings are going, victims will be in state court at some point; against the LC and/or the CO. It's interesting that some victims would need to get different representation for the state level.
  2. Please remind everyone that this is a discussion forum. Having a different opinion or having been victimized in the past does not excuse being mean or bullying other people now. I posted a comment and was lambasted for it in a very cruel way. It was 100% inappropriate.
  3. You've probably said before. Are any of the nine also members of the law firms working the case? Are any of the nine TCC members lawyers?
  4. Sounds like a legal mad tweeter ad. #1 It is far from inevitable this will become a chapter 7. The only driving force I see is few interested in true mediation. It really seems many want to drive failure of the bankruptcy proceedings. #2 A BSA bankruptcy czar would not automatically be able to go after LC assets as they are separate companies. A court would need to rule that all these "franchised" You are looking at years of legal cases to make that happen and it is far, far from guaranteed. #3 It is very conceivable that a chapter 7 would result in less money for vi
  5. At least with troops, you usually have a committed SM and others to help keep momentum and quality. Den leaders step up usually with little knowledge of cub scouts and little knowledge of just how much work it is. I'd say 50% of den leaders are in that situation. It's common to the point of being normal. It's why mixed programming does help. In a way ... I think fondly of the 1950s stories I hear where a den mother would be waiting for the den to walk over after school to have a weekly den meeting. Easy timing. Pre-electronics. Den meetings I'm sure had lots of outdoor run
  6. Also, not ever den leader is as committed. Not every den stays well structured. Sometimes the pack meetings were the only meaningful content the cubs got over several months. IMHO, it's part of providing a variety of options to help the cub have a good scouting experience. ... but then again ... if it were me ... I'd cut cub scouts down to two years. BUT, that's me ... and a very different topic.
  7. Traditional pack meeting were Sept-May. Summer scouting June, July & Aug. We still had one big pack-level event each month even in the summer. Sometimes one big and one small.
  8. I cringe saying it ... as I like larger BSA troops ... perhaps GSA is the future model. Ditch the charter model. Smaller troops (GSA troop = BSA patrol). BSA directly working with unit leaders. Smaller structures. Community orgs (churches) provide meeting spaces. Local councils provide the bigger camping opportunities with staffed camps. Some really nice benefits. Smaller, more dynamic, fresher units. Less troop infrastructure.
  9. Exactly on target. I'm glad to hear your COR attends to audit the program. But, that's very rare. It's why I don't view the facility use agreement as a band aid though. We need the COs to say they are NOT owning the program so that we start asking ... well who is responsible? One of the problems has been friendly COs signing a document they think is honorific and breaking a chain of responsibility.
  10. It's a hard balance: protecting your kids, but encouraging independence and adventure. ... It's one reason I volunteered as a leader. I could be in the background for my kids and at the same time encouraging their own adventures.
  11. Sympathy. For years, our family spent a lot on camps; exactly as you described. Sometimes four active scouts over three scouting units. Long term ... Those most motivated often can make the biggest difference. ... Volunteer to step up as a fundraising volunteer. ... I've seen scouts earn thousands each year to afford scouting. If this was August, I'd suggest Christmas wreaths and garlands. You can often earn 50% profit and they sell really well. Other times of the year, popcorn. Sadly, "staffed" scouting isn't cheap. I was always thankful when we camped on pr
  12. It moved around. For years, it was same as pack meeting night. Other years when we had more money and created a really big special event, it was a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night. My preference ... again mine, no rule ... is to keep a consistent night of the week. People often choose activities that align with a night of the week. If you move nights, you will lose people due to conflicts. BUT, then again ... it's once a year ... be flexible. build consensus. no single right answer exists. ... You can make it 30 or 60 minutes earlier to feed people. ... One point though is that so
  13. I'm assuming that will trigger a LC bankruptcy case ... which seems the right way to handle it. Those 20 get a claim against BSA's bankruptcy and the future local LCs bankruptcy. It seems the righ way to handle it.
  14. January 3rd 2022 ... Welcome to year bankruptcy year four ... I started discussing bankruptcy rumors in 2019 to handle CSA, GSA etc suits. If counted from when bankruptcy was filed, we'll be starting year three in February ... BSA filed Feb 2020.
  15. My apologies. I thought I was clear. I did not mean to trigger a button. ... My point was we (more than just your CO ... but I'd expect your diocese too) are in for long-term re-charter issues. Before bankruptcy, my COs (and others I'd expect) signed the recharter agreement but never really comfortable with it. They signed to help scouts. ... That's the past though. We are now past a transition point. COs will want the recharter agreement words to match what they are doing. Or more correctly 100% question why they are signing a charter when all they are doing is providing a pla
  16. A successful BSA bankruptcy plan will not solve re-chartering concerns. The cat is out of the bag. COs are questioning the mismatch between signed documents and the mostly independent scouting programs happening in their building. "If I were the business administrator", I'd want the signed words to match intent and reality. Anything else is negligent; morally and legally. I hope your troop's situation goes well. Hopefully a friendly smile and constructive thinking will smooth the future.
  17. Once you start requiring finger prints, it's going to be required again and again. It's more than having the finger prints on file and more than checking if you are a criminal. It's also to prove you are who you say you are ... comparing newly recorded finger prints to previously on-file finger prints.
  18. I'm curious. Back in the 1970s and maybe 1980s, it was difficult to identify if someone was the same person. People could change names, etc or use part of the name differently. Now, that's much more difficult to get an ID. Not impossible, but more difficult. Having read thru many IVF files ... only a very small percent involved people re-registering with different names. And again that was back in the 1960s/70s/80s(?) ... I did not see any after background checks started in the 2000s. I'm not a conspiracy person. Seriously. I don't believe people are sophisiticated enou
  19. No perfect answer. There is no perfect way to run the troop. Many of us can see the ideal in our heads. Then, we easily get very frustrated when our visualized ideal doesn't become reality. ... So, here's my comments. Celebrate the small successes. Laugh. Have fun. Build friendships. Take small steps. Talk with your SM repeatedly to develop a plan. If you can, Challenge patrols to do something every month. Have the PLs report to everyone what their patrol did. Encourage it being fun. Our troop encouraged patrols to do a
  20. I'd second the importance of DO NOT USE UNIT LEADERS. I think this applies to current unit leaders from the same unit current unit leaders from a different unit former unit leaders from the same unit It all comes down to agendas; somehow inserting their own views / agenda with some sort of passive authority over the unit? Or, bring too much current/past history that damages being an outside friend to the unit? IMHO, the best UC is a retired SM/ASM (for a few years) that is well respected and is just looking for an excuse to stay connected to scouting and wear th
  21. I agree with @yknot . There are no rules. Do what works for you and your pack. Don't create stress yourself or your fellow pack members. Key thing ... find a way to make it fun for everyone ... with minimal effort (or at least manageable). Asking parents to bring something to share is a great way to get people emotionally involved. For our pack, we did a modified pot-luck. Pack provided (and cooked) the meat and buns. Families shared sides or a desert. Families brought their own drinks. It worked great. .... There were a few of us dads that liked to hide at the grill.
  22. Very common to franchises. "Commissioned" is effectively a qualification. Here is a suggested franchise supervision clause. https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/supervision-of-franchise-business "You must not hire any General Manager or successor General Manager without first receiving our written approval of such General Manager’s qualifications. Each General Manager and successor General Manager must attend and complete our Initial Training (as defined herein). Each General Manager must sign a written agreement, in a form approved by us, to maintain confidential our Confident
  23. Could be argued (not by me) that COs are making substantial contribution because the insurance contribution is by the same insurance policy that covers the CO. Effectively, that's the CO making a significant contribution thru their insurance coverage.
  24. Correct. It was a simple summary saying law firms probably support third party releases as it supports larger awards and faster conclusions; versus on-going litigation in many courts. My opinion is (like in BSA case) the result gets unwieldy; denies plaintiffs their day in court; lacks balance (bankrupt company becomes a new company; other debtor continues on); and in BSA's case, is just way too complex to be fair. The idea of bankruptcy protection seems right. It's a chance to start fresh where there is value to continuing. Liability protection for those not going thru bankruptcy
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