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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/23 in all areas

  1. look like we got into the OA about the same time (1974). I do miss some of the things from back then. But some of things needed to go Taps outs where collar bones were broken or at least the scouts were taped into the to the ground Ordeal that was filled with fear that you would mess up Members who used it as a hazing zone of younger scout to the point of tears (not the USMC) Using and stealing other cultural symbols and dress Became just a workday at camp to most scouts But we are not dealing with same scout movement or scouts (its all numbers not
    3 points
  2. Link please? I did not see anything about OA ordeal / regalia changes. It would not surprise me though. It's been discussed many times. OA ceremonies make many cringe with over-the-line cultural appropriation with caricatures that border on racism. I know the ceremonies are to honor native american culture, but obviously not everyone agrees with that view. Sadly, IMHO, it's time to remove native American references from OA.
    2 points
  3. Altadena: I'll bet over 90% of our girl members in Scouts BSA are in linked troops, so please do not take my observations as "anti-linked" in any way. It sounds like your two troops are doing a great job of operating the linked concept as it was envisioned. My first question on evaluating the presence of girls in Scouts BSA focuses on the roll-out process, and my key observation is that those who rolled-out the program focused almost exclusively on forming linked units. The stand-alone troops I am aware of were formed without much (if any) assistance from district or council folks. I thin
    2 points
  4. The impacts of adding Scouts BSA troops for girls and Cub Scout dens for girls have been tremendously positive in the lives of involved young women. My observation these past five years is that our Scouting program in all of its aspects (outdoor, advancement, leadership, etc.) impacts girls just as significantly and positively as boys. I have seen the very techniques that have proven so effective with boys work as well with girls without modification. Girls who reach First Class receive a boost in capability unsurpassed by any other program experience for girls. I have seen them do bet
    1 point
  5. Speaking of deal breakers, for most of the team members it was the loss of being a part of something special, with a long proud history and traditions. Regalia was a big part of that. I think it started way back in about 40 years ago when the pre get rewritten and the Ordeal changed from being a test of willing candidates to a make believe self help weekend. One that no one was allowed to fail. Because "hazing". The complete rewrite of the Brotherhood ceremony with the loss of the Brotherhood Obligation which an average 15 year old could easily understand, for some philosophical rambling (how
    1 point
  6. So, so true. Our girl troop's bones started in September of 2018. We had committee meetings and had about 6 girls recruited by February 2019. The key to our early success wasn't the great scoutmaster (me), it was the fact that a very very experienced Scouter "came out of retirement" to be our committee chair. He was grounded in the program and being Scout led. I was an experienced Scout, but out of the program for 25 years or so. He mentored me to be a great SM. Communicated in advance that he would serve 2 years and step down. I took on the CC and an ASM took on SM. This meeting afte
    1 point
  7. I hope one of our readers who has a firm grasp on membership numbers could discuss the big picture on the membership decline. There is such a tangle of issues that will have contributed to the decline (especially the bankruptcy and its many impacts) that I am unable to authoritatively opine on whether adding all girl dens/troops was a net membership add or subtraction. All I can do is share my actual experience as a “big troop” scoutmaster When we started four years ago, we were the only girl troop in our district. We were not always welcomed and I personally absorbed a lot of negative
    1 point
  8. Well, you'll have to found a new troop like we all have had to do since 2019. It has been quite a ride. We started with 2, got together 5, and are now at 18.
    1 point
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