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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/18 in Posts

  1. That sounds better than black robes. I think some people would misunderstand the meaning of the black robes, regardless of the fact that they were used all those years ago on Treasure Island. (The actual island, Treasure Island, is in New Jersey. It is one of two islands that makes up the ex-camp, the other one of which is in Pa. Just thought I'd mention that.)
    2 points
  2. I'm sure you will get the answers to your question. But, you come off to most of us as having little understanding or experience with patrol method. How much do you have? Our discussion with your depends on your knowledge and experience. Barry
    2 points
  3. Why is the homage to NA lore such an important distinctive? I think there are several reasons. Multiculturalism. This may come as a surprise to a few of you, but a vote-swaying cluster of young adults in the USA have an Anglo-centric vision of American culture. They aren't prepared to do the work to form "out of many, one." The NA role-play allows youth to work out this tension. The land. The majority of youth count on someone else to work the land for them. The harvest, famine, animal migration that may have gone on under their feet is lost to them. Reenacting how NA addressed the
    1 point
  4. Actually I find it quite encouraging that they didn't know what it was. The faster the KKK and like minded groups fade into obscurity and disrepute the happier I will be.
    1 point
  5. I want a red lightsaber! And we could all get Darth Vader outfits. Impressive, most impressive
    1 point
  6. Thankfully patrols still have time to do patrol activities without adults. Per the ONLINE G2SS, which according to the print copy IS the most current version, Has this to say: Adult Supervision (Effective October 1, 2018) Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age .... So the new DEN METHOD for SCOUTS is not in effect yet. And for those freaking out about patrols doing their own stuff without adults, a reminder of the Current policy. I found the 2015 G2SS and this is what is says: • Patrol Activities There are instances, such as patrol activities, when the pres
    1 point
  7. Been reading this thread for awhile, will pipe up now... I work for a railroad, and we have rules upon rules, they contradict each other, make it impossible to do your job. Make you angry even. In the end, we end up breaking some of them anyways just to get stuff accomplished. This seems like a similar situation.....
    1 point
  8. Without getting into all the nuts and bolts of the patrol method. We as leaders are not there to supervise. Rather we are there for health and (true)safety reasons. the scouts run the show good or bad. only stepping in when absolutely necessary. and mentoring when needed.which is the hard part. Yes. our patrols work 99,9% (or did) without adult leadership,outside of the troop meetings. It is(or was) encouraged. Troop activity's always have adult leadership present.(drinking coffee far away from the scouts). Up until the last change to the G2SS. Patrol activity's to include day hikes
    1 point
  9. Sigh! OK. You asked. This should not need saying, especially to one assuming to speak for BSA Scouting. We are NOT supposed to currently have adults supervising all Scouting activities. Remember "EDGE." Ever staffed EDGE, or even taken the training? Adults, we have taught for years from the official syllabus, have the "E" goal - to stand aside and let Scouts lead., coaching only when ASKED for advice. Scouts are to be allowed success or failure - on their own. Moreover, current BSA rules expressly authorize patrol meetings and front country hikes with zero adults present
    1 point
  10. I'm so glad you asked this, as it gives an opportunity for me to brag about our troop 3 years after its merger. We've moved back to our original CO which, be it ever so humble, allows the troop multiple rooms and the entire grounds without reservation (or, more importantly, the threat of charging us rent). Less than 20% of the meeting time is in the main room, with adults. Scouts may also excuse themselves from their patrol for a conference with an SM or a counselor, but generally they are meeting with their patrol or involved in a wide game or a service project with the SPL or QM. Adults are
    1 point
  11. Attention Richard B: I am one of those "old farts," first a district leader in 1962, red jacket and all. Council leader in 1964. You claim that, "The patrol method hasn't changed." Apparently, you don't know what the Patrol Method is. Here is what it is. "Patrols are small groups of Scouts [nb "Scouts"] who camp together, cook together, play together, and learn together. Patrols are where Scouts learn citizenship at the most basic level. They also take on responsibilities within the patrol, and learn teamwork and leadership." BSA July 29, 2018. "For a Troop to be
    1 point
  12. True. To be perfectly honest, I just recommend my Scouts start the Camping MB when they join the troop (I’m also registered as the counselor). They earn it piecemeal within two years.
    1 point
  13. https://scoutingwire.org/marketing-and-membership-hub/bsa-today/ Is it this one?
    1 point
  14. I'll take a stab at it... Looking at antecedents OA borrowed from, why would an adult join a service organization without the Masons' "mystical" mumbo jumbo? And yet, Rotary and Kiwanis and Jaycees etc seem to do OK. Ignoring solely adult concerns like the grail and networking and business opportunities, the 2 factors youth and adults are looking for in a group are the chance to do meaningful stuff and the opportunity to associate with others they find admirable. So for OA... The ceremony teams are one opportunity to do both meaningful stuff and be admired. But is that really the
    1 point
  15. When I was a bumbling, unmotivated Tenderfoot, I witnessed a scout receiving his medal at the end of a regularly scheduled troop court of honor. All of the merit badges earned at summer camp were presented (but none for me--I went but didn't earn any that year). Then the ranks...Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class. Fair amount of scouts went up and collected their new patch. Star...Life...only a couple of those. Then the new Eagle was called forward. The lights were dimmed. SM had some meaningful words. Medal pinned on scout. Mom's pin presented. New Eagle said a few words.
    1 point
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