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Poor Performing Committee Chair

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On 5/13/2020 at 8:18 PM, 5thGenTexan said:

Would it be inappropriate for me to call out everyone in our leadership in a committee message reminding those that have YPT expiring in the next few months so I am not singling him out?  Even though he outta be singled out?   And I understand this is not the job of the CM, but I tend to find things that need to be done and do them.  Its my nature.

As the training chair for my troop, not only would it not be inappropriate, I do it in my committee meetings all the time when someone's YPT or Hazardous Weather training is about to expire and they have not responded to individual direct messages.

My council and district's training people contact me all the time whenever someone's training is about to expire, so I think it's only fair that I pass that information on to the person, and if they don't respond in a timely manner, I will absolutely bring it up at a committee meeting.  If the person allows the training to expire, I get a message from the council and/or district letting me know that that person is not permitted to participate in Scouting activities until that training is brought up-to-date.

My predecessor did it, and I continue it.

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CC finally updated YPT a couple of days ago.  I am not sure if it was my posting to all leaders to check their training or if it was independent of that.  No matter. the fact still remains he lacks follow through and almost never shows results.  I have grown tired of it.  Unlike most of the other leaders, I know what is supposed to be happening and what isn't getting done.  I don't need the stress of it all anymore.  I asked the DE if there are any District positions or projects I might be able to help out with, but I am done working at any level with our CC.

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My Council required a fresh YPT certificate for ALL adult registrations at the first of the year, regardless of our expiration dates.  Those who did not comply did not get registered. I pointed out that I still had a year to go on mine...didn't matter.

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2 hours ago, scoutldr said:

My Council required a fresh YPT certificate for ALL adult registrations at the first of the year, regardless of our expiration dates.  Those who did not comply did not get registered. I pointed out that I still had a year to go on mine...didn't matter.

Which makes absolutely no sense at all.  I have to provide a new copy of YPT every time I send in a adult app OR even to add a MB to my list that I counsel.  This despite the fact that as an ADC, I can pull a YPT report for every unit in my district, and know within seconds if anyone in that unit has expired.  I know that a council registrar has that ability for every unit in the council.  

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11 hours ago, 5thGenTexan said:

No matter. the fact still remains he lacks follow through and almost never shows results. 

Do you have monthly committee meetings? Insist that you do. Help identify tasks needed to be completed (who, when) ask someone to be the scribe, review tasks at the end of the meeting, start the next meeting with task review. When CC is called out on missing items ask if makes sense for someone else to do it - assign and get a date etc.. 

I have a CC that can't/wont recruit new committee members or MBCs, uses the budget to buy things he thinks the troop needs and always seems to forget the things I say I need help with. The only way I have found to deal with this is to drive the committee meetings for him.

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On 6/1/2020 at 9:34 AM, TMSM said:

Do you have monthly committee meetings? Insist that you do. Help identify tasks needed to be completed (who, when) ask someone to be the scribe, review tasks at the end of the meeting, start the next meeting with task review. When CC is called out on missing items ask if makes sense for someone else to do it - assign and get a date etc.. 

I have a CC that can't/wont recruit new committee members or MBCs, uses the budget to buy things he thinks the troop needs and always seems to forget the things I say I need help with. The only way I have found to deal with this is to drive the committee meetings for him.

I am sick of dealing with him honestly.  I don't normally toot my own horn, in fact I am usually very self critically.  I am good at what I do with Pack operations and program.  There is no one else in the Pack that has taken the training and learned outside of normal training about how the program is supposed to work and try to implement that.  That being said, I am going to be a parent now.  It really hurts me in the heart to quit because I really enjoy my positions, but I simply won't work with him any more.

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On 6/4/2020 at 12:37 AM, 5thGenTexan said:

There is no one else in the Pack that has taken the training and learned outside of normal training about how the program is supposed to work and try to implement that.  That being said, I am going to be a parent now.  It really hurts me in the heart to quit because I really enjoy my positions, but I simply won't work with him any more.


This is also a failing of the Committee that is all-too-common (lack of succession planning and training).  Most people will let someone else carry the burden as long as they will...so do not feel guilty about dropping these responsibilities.  It sounds as if you have been letting them know for long enough.  Thanks for making the program work!

Now, when you do step down, be prepared for folks to say you have done it without warning. 😜 Just smile, correct them gently, and enjoy being a parent for a while.


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2 hours ago, InquisitiveScouter said:


This is also a failing of the Committee that is all-too-common (lack of succession planning and training).  Most people will let someone else carry the burden as long as they will...so do not feel guilty about dropping these responsibilities.  It sounds as if you have been letting them know for long enough.  Thanks for making the program work!

Now, when you do step down, be prepared for folks to say you have done it without warning. 😜 Just smile, correct them gently, and enjoy being a parent for a while.


Our Leadership:

CC - previously Cubmaster and was fairly involved.  After getting WB beads is really seems like the Pack is an afterthough.

Secretary - my wife doing it because no one else would do it.  YPT and Online Committee Specific

Treasurer - my wife, training per above plus guidance from previous treasurer.

Membership / Quatermaster.  1st year parent.  Has YPT but still does not have an app turned in to process.  (January)

Fundraising - 1 st year parent with YPT, no application turned in.

Outdoor Activities - Me.

Advancement - Den Leader who has failed to get awards to Pack meeting on a few occasion and doesnt show up to any committee meetings.

1 Committee member no position who is wife of CC

2 Committee members who have been with Scouting in town for 20 years and they are an asset.


Cubmaster - Me.  YPT.  In person and online specific training for DL and CM.  Also online specific training for Pack and Troop Committee, Online specific for SM/ASM.  University of Scouting last two years.  Attend Roundtable almost every month.  Direct communication with other leaders in the area as well as DE and Troop leadership. BALOO/IOLS

Assistant Cubmaster:  We dont have that.

Den Leaders.  All have YPT, some have completed position specific, one or two have completed hazardous weather.


When I leave, the above is what the Pack is going to be left with.

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2 minutes ago, 5thGenTexan said:

When I leave, the above is what the Pack is going to be left with.

They will have to figure it out...

And according to the doctrine, guess who is supposed to take over CM duties when the CM leaves?

The CC 😋

• If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.



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