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Games for scouts from around the world - my Woodbadge ticket!

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Hi fellow scouters,

For my final Woodbadge ticket item on diversity, I am writing an eBook (which will become freely available to anyone) called 'Games for Scouts from around the World', but I need help!

I need to gather a collection of games that are played (preferably by cub/boy scouts) from different countries. Even better, if I can dedicate each contribution to a particular pack/troop (and even better still with a great quality photo of those scouts playing the game!).

If you are, or have contacts in, a country other than the USA, I would love to hear from you with your games ideas! It's going to be a great book :)

Thank you in anticipation,

Vicki Armstrong 

Cub scout pack 527 and W4-51-16 (California, USA)

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28 minutes ago, vlca said:

Hi fellow scouters,

For my final Woodbadge ticket item on diversity, I am writing an eBook (which will become freely available to anyone) called 'Games for Scouts from around the World', but I need help!

I need to gather a collection of games that are played (preferably by cub/boy scouts) from different countries. Even better, if I can dedicate each contribution to a particular pack/troop (and even better still with a great quality photo of those scouts playing the game!).

If you are, or have contacts in, a country other than the USA, I would love to hear from you with your games ideas! It's going to be a great book :)

Thank you in anticipation,

Vicki Armstrong 

Cub scout pack 527 and W4-51-16 (California, USA)

More than happy to oblige! I'm a scout leader in the UK. A few of our troop's favourite games.....

George and the Dragon 

For this you need one scout to play the princess and however many you want to be the dragons (two works well),  the rest of the troop pair up as knights and their horses.

At one of a field mark out two squares, one inside the other. In the inner square is the princess who cannot leave until rescued by a knight. The outer square is the only area where the knights can dismount from their horse and is where the dragons start the game. At the other end the knights mount their horses by going piggy back and on the whistle charge across the field towards the princess. The dragons aim to tag the knights who are out if tagged, and also out of they dismount outside the square. The knights aim to avoid the dragon and be the first to rescue the princess.

Electric Chair

An indoor game good for killing a few minutes. Whole troop forms a circle and joins hands. In the middle is a chair. Object of the game is to drag other scouts so that they touch the chair in which case they are out. Also out is anyone that breaks the circle.

Hunt the Shoe

More popular with cubs than scouts but still great fun. Each scout removes one shoe and puts it on the floor before leaving the room. Once they've left the room adults mix them all up, turn out the lights and the scouts come back in. Winner is first scout to leave the room with the right shoes on.

Quiz relays 

Great inter patrol game. For this you will need a mutiple choice quiz. There needs to one fewer potential answers for each question than there are patrols. Patrols gather one end of the room. At the other end are a line of chairs, 1 fewer than the number of patrols. ie same as the number of answers. For each question 1 member of each patrol has to run forward and sit on the chair allocated to the correct answer. If someone is already on it they have to sit on their lap. Different points depending on how far down the pile you are! As an extra twist have a leader stood behind each chair who tries to convince the scouts that they have the correct answer, call my bluff style.

Honey pot

Good one for a hut summers day and works best with a large patrol. You need a chair, a blindfold, a water gun and some keys. One scout sits blindfold on the chair, keys or anything else noisy underneath. Rest of the scouts sit silently in a circle about 10 meters away. by whatever method you chose scouts get chosen to try and get the keys from the under the chair, blindfold scout has to try and shoot them with the water gun. Works best using a water gun that needs regular pumping to maintain the pressure to stop them holding down the trigger.

Human Knot races

Another good inter patrol game. Each patrol has a rope. Every member has to hold it in one hand only. Its then a race to tie a knot in it, getting increasingly complex as you go along.

I'll add more later if you want?

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My boys like Duck Wars.

Everyone gets a 2' section of closet rod or old broom handle. 

Squat down with the rod behind your knees.  Hook your arms behind the rod and lock fingers in front of knees.  From that position each side attacks the other side and tries to knock them over.  If they get knocked over or release their hands, they are OUT.  Last duck standing wins.

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2 hours ago, Cambridgeskip said:

Electric Chair

An indoor game good for killing a few minutes. Whole troop forms a circle and joins hands. In the middle is a chair. Object of the game is to drag other scouts so that they touch the chair in which case they are out. Also out is anyone that breaks the circle.

I've played that game as a kid and it was lots of fun but you can't use that name in the US. In the UK it is harmless, but here that name would be seen as referencing capital punishment and at least at our CO , pretty quickly get the COR and IH involved as violating  our churches moral principles.


Edit: I don't  remember what we called it but it should be easy to rename... flaming tree, bottomless pit whatever....

Edited by oldbuzzard
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On 1/8/2018 at 3:33 PM, oldbuzzard said:

I've played that game as a kid and it was lots of fun but you can't use that name in the US. In the UK it is harmless, but here that name would be seen as referencing capital punishment and at least at our CO , pretty quickly get the COR and IH involved as violating  our churches moral principles.


Edit: I don't  remember what we called it but it should be easy to rename... flaming tree, bottomless pit whatever....

We play that game but call it the trash can game.  Use a 50 gallon trash can and the scouts drag each other to "touch" the can.  Touch being you drag each other to violently interact with the trash can.  Great times.  

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  • 1 month later...

International games ?:    Look for Ga-Ga Ball.  Invented by an Israeli-American camp in New England.   Played at the Jamboree, and our home Troop indoors, with tables turned on their sides to form the play area.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ga-ga

look here for more Scout type games:   http://www.sendacow.org.uk/lessonsfromafrica/resources/african-childrens-games

Remember "Steal the Bacon" ?   Here is  "Steal the Bacon, Low Fat"  :   https://www.dropbox.com/s/7780ukvye5ups6p/GamesStealtheBaconLowFat.docx?dl=0

And some  of my favorites,  "Morley Games", especially Frazleerham.   These are designed for action and to be hard to lose at.  Cooperation is key...    https://issuu.com/ssfs_comm_news/docs/morley_games  

See you on the trail.   

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