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Didn't Do Fundraising Application?


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Hey all,

Just a quick question from a new guy. Here's the scenario: The Eagle Project is done. The Final Report has been signed by the beneficiary rep. and the Scoutmaster. The paperwork is pretty much ready to sit in a lockbox until the remaining merit badges are done. But there's one problem: I believe the Fundraising Application was never completed or turned in. Now, the beneficiary handled all funds and donations directly. The scout did go to two businesses and successfully asked for discounts and donations of materials, as well as presenting the church's congregation with the plan and asking for donations to the CHURCH to help pay for the project.

The scout never handled or received any funds, but he did ask for donations of materials, which requires a fundraising app. Which was not written or turned in.

So, what can be done in this situation?

Thanks a lot.

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You can expect that any Eagle Application Review Person at Council will look at the overall report, see monies and "stuff" being bought and/or donated and ask " how was this done?" Things are tightening up all over. Check with your local District and Council Eagle BoR folks about the specifics they might want.

I would suggest an addendum reporting that Johnny Scout handled no money, that discounts from merchants were negotiated for the project beneficiary's benefit, and that the beneficiary collected and handled all the "stuff". You can (truthfully) mention that Johnnny Scout helped in the discount negotiations, but that the beneficiary supplied the matrerials for the project to proceed. True?

I know that Scoutson worked with his beneficiary (he would not have called them that, but never mind) and never bought or collected any materials. He just made sure the ben'ry obtained the supplies needed. This was reported in the Eagle Project book, hence, no fundraising form needed.

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I would let the review committee know the boy handled no funds. Simply notifying the congregation that the church is seeking funds for the project is not the same as actually going through a fundraising process. Any member of the congregation could have made the same announcement and not handled any funds. The church secretary that puts the announcement in the bulletin is not participating in the process of fundraising. If she collects the money and processes it, she is.


I shy away from Eagle Projects that need resources, unless the beneficiary handles all the expenses. The boy only does the work using the materials provided.



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The big need for the form is so that scout eagle projects do not compete with council fundraising. i.e. friends of scouting, popcorn sales, etc. Councils don't want individuals put in situation where they decide whether to donate to friends of scouting or an eagle project.


As for what happened here, a good attached explanation is fine. My real worry, which is not a show stopper, is that the scout might face questions about his leadership. Whose project was it? Who led the money raiser? I would just make sure the explanation says that the beneficiary handled and collected the funds. That's fine. But if they coordinated and led everything, that's not so good.

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IMHO, the scout should report that he did not do any fundraising. Funds were provided by the beneficiary. How the beneficiary got those funds is immaterial to any work the boy did. In the process of announcing his project he informed any folks wanting to make donations to send funds directly to the beneficiary. As such, he is representing the beneficiary, not the BSA.


The boy's leadership was shown in negotiating discounts for materials.


Like Stosh, I direct boys to projects where minimum or no fundraising is involved. Most communities have a grant or two (from that 90% of taxpayer dollars that went to "non-essential" services ;) ) that can pay for materials, but not labor.

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IMHO, the scout should report that he did not do any fundraising. Funds were provided by the beneficiary. How the beneficiary got those funds is immaterial to any work the boy did. In the process of announcing his project he informed any folks wanting to make donations to send funds directly to the beneficiary. As such, he is representing the beneficiary, not the BSA.


The boy's leadership was shown in negotiating discounts for materials.


Like Stosh, I direct boys to projects where minimum or no fundraising is involved. Most communities have a grant or two (from that 90% of taxpayer dollars that went to "non-essential" services ;) ) that can pay for materials, but not labor.

I agree that he didn't do any fundraising, especially since had nothing to do with the money.
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Thanks everyone. This has been a help. One more aspect before I go forward: The scout did say in his Proposal that a Fund. App. would be needed and applied for. Can we write this off as poor plan following? Or is he in deeper trouble for failing do what he said he would?

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It was a contingency which was planned for but not exercised.


You're really thinking too much about this. Let the Scout worry/deal with it. If the advancement folks have an issue, they will contact the Scout and he can handle it then. And if they have a problem, what's the down side? Are they going to have him arrested? Skinned? Boiled in oil? Worse case the Scout jumps through a couple paperwork hoops. There is no down side here but a good opportunity for the Scout to learn a lesson about reading instructions, attention to detail and follow-through. But, then again, probably not as I doubt it will ever be mentioned.


Unless you are the beneficiary or Scoutmaster, you really don't have a dog in this fight. Please tell me you aren't the Scout's parent. This should be a minor hurdle for an Eagle Scout to handle.

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we had this happen to a boy a couple of years ago. He even had a fundraising event (pancake breakfast). The boy had a coach, but the coach volunteered before realizing it was all going on during their busy family travel time... and yep it got missed. SO... we called in the our district person that handles our eagle stuff. Seeing as he followed all the rules and it was just an oops of not filling out a form she did agree to have him fill out the form even after it was done.


So basically I would say check with the person from the district that handles your eagle paperwork and boards. Because I'm not sure if this is something that would need a fundraising form for or just a write up in the work book of how funds will be raised and handled (as there is a spot for that as well)


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