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UK: Scouts get prepared for more gay recruits

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Britain's best-known youth organisation is keen to dispel the myth that homosexuals cannot join the organisation and as part of this it has produced a document entitled 'It's OK to be gay and a Scout!'


The leader of the Scout Association has also filmed a video message stating that homophobic bullying will not be tolerated.


In a further repudiation of the organisation's austere, militaristic origins members and leaders have also been granted permission to attend gay pride parades in uniform.


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A little more expense to a unit, but I would put any openly gay scout in their own tent.. Not with other staight boys that may be uncomfortable, not with girls, and not with other gay scouts..


Don't know how to work the showers, depending on the number of gays, it might be very long to have them all shower seprately.. I guess in a public mens shower you guys are use to not really knowing who you are showering with.. But, don't know how you feel when you do know the person next to you is gay..


Most showers in public womens facilities are still seperate private stalls, so I have not had to deal with that issue.


Those are the only two issues I see a ticklish with having gay men join..

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Yeah, I suppose you would have to treat having gays as having members of the opposite sex ...at least as far as showering and sleeping. Same as if it was a venture crew. They could all participate in any activity to gether as individuals or a working team, but sleeping and showering facilities would have to have seperation between male female and gay.


Of course, the scout camps I have been to ( both cub sbd boy scout) have seperated shoer stalls, dresing areas, and toilet stalls so it shouldn't be a problem beyond what somebody does to intentionally be seen or see somebody else.


As far as the honor of the scouts, it sgouldn't be any different from the current honor the boy snd girls of mixed units have already.


LIke anything else..it will be in the4 news and be the much ado about nothing for a year or so...but over time, it won't raise any eyebrows any more than co-ed venture crews do now.

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Hello Sherminator,



How would it be hazing under the UK policies?


Suppose boys bestowed "Harvey" as a nickname, as in Harvey Milk, the gay San Francisco politician who was killed. Would that be hazing under the UK policy? I might argue that a person who objected to that might be subject to being disciplined for displaying an anti gay bias.

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Sounds like it may be necessary to schedule a boy and girl to sleep together in the same tent to avoid hanky panky.


I know that the German Scouts, which is coed, sleep in tents shaped in tents that look like teepees and by patrol. SO everyone is all together.


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Hello Scout Lass,



Alas, we'd have to leave behind our Puritan roots, our Lutheran Roots, Catholic Roots, Jewish Roots, Islamic and Hindu roots too.



That would only leave us with a few thin liberal roots planted recently in rather shallow soil.

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