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You are not the only atheist in the USA Merlyn and you claim to be fighting for atheist rights so it would appear you know more about atheists than I or others on this site do which is why I asked you why would an atheist want to join the BSA. I know you don't but what about other atheists? And please don't toss out the "you will have to ask them yourself" line.

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Yes Ed, I'm NOT the only atheist in the USA; if you want to know why an atheist would want to join the BSA, why not ask an atheist who wants to join the BSA? Did you want me to just make up an answer?


PS: If you want a made-up answer, my stock made-up answer is "blue"



(fixed typo)(This message has been edited by Merlyn_LeRoy)

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Thanks Merlyn for doing nothing more than, well, nothing. Apparently you just want to rant and rave about how the BSA discriminates against atheists yet you don't have any desire to join the BSA and don't know why an atheist would want to join the BSA.


Hey Sherm, you were correct.

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Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.


Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,

courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,

brave, clean, and reverent.



I don't see how an honest atheist Scout could say the first one.

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Msr. LeRoy: I don't think I implied that "athiests haven't thought about it". I said that anyone can join. All they have to do is fill out the application and sign it (or their parents, at least) and pay the dues. The assumption is that after reciting the Scout promise, (or reading it the first time) and if they didn't read the "Declaration of Religious Principle" on the application (or whatever it is called nowadays) the first time they filled it out, then eventually the Scout or adult will come to the realization that they can agree with it or not. If not, then the result will be as I described above. If yes, then the Scout or adult will proceed in the Scouting program as they will. If they paid attention to those two things BEFORE they signed up, they might not...

Please note the anecdote about the CSDC parent and her Cub.

If the athiest wants the Scout program for their progeny without the "duty to God", then they might ask about it, and then not join, but I personally know of no adult leader who will insist on a conference to determine if the Scout applicant is "worthy" of admission. That is not going to happen.

This is , more than anything else, a self selecting organization. We invite folks to participate, but boys, girls, and adults are constantly deciding "this isn't for me", both before they pay their dues and months, years after.

I have great respect for the athiest belief (or lack of). The logic exhibited most often in it's justification is exempary. But then, with all the various faiths I am aware of, logic often has little to do with religious belief. Another thread.

Now where is that "Faith, Religion and Chaplaincy" forum? I left it somewhere over here...


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OGE: Way back on Page 2 you posted



What do the reast of the moderators think? I guess I could put this in the Moderators Lounge, but perhaps it would be a good idea to have the community see our opinions. Do we let the boys continue to squabble and get in the way of a discussion? Do we close the discussion because two can't behave? Do we do something to the two who can't behave? I am out of answers and am tired of complaints from forum members asking me/us to control either one of these guys


Let me know guys "





So, any ideas yet? Did the mods throw their collective hands up? Is it solving it's self?


Well Sheriff Does that star mean anything after all?

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SSScout writes:

This is , more than anything else, a self selecting organization.

Not always. Atheists who wanted to stay as members have been thrown out, even when their own unit wanted them to stay members.


And I don't go along with the idea that atheists are excluding themselves; the BSA is excluding them. I've read rationalizations where people insist the BSA doesn't exclude atheists, atheists exclude themselves; that's just blaming the victim.

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